I'm thinking about giving my fish a treat


Fish Crazy
Apr 8, 2004
Reaction score
Cardiff, Wales, UK (not australia)
i'm thinking about getting my fish some bloodworms, I know I sometimes surprise myself with my generosity
Which are the best, freeze dried or live, and how much will i be looking to pay for them :huh:
I would not recommend feeding bloodworm 3 times a day! I feed them once a week and pay £3 for a big pack.

Freeze-dried are next to useless and are about as nutrious as cardboard. Go for frozen.
Hi trout_pout :)

There is nothing better than feeding live food to fish who are meat eaters. What kind of fish do you plan to feed with them? :dunno:
I feed my platties, neons, clown loach and betta with them, you should see it they go crazy for it. It's a nice treat and it keeps them occupied for a while. :)
I would use frozen. I like the Hikari brand best. It doesn't cloud up the water.

The way I feed it to them is to put a small chunk in a glass of tankwater,thaw it out, and use a medicine dropper. That way garrantees my bottom feeder get some. :)

Not that it matters, but I pay $4.99 for 4oz (114g) (Hikari) at Petsmart in Chicago. :dunno:
Another treat to look for from hikari is Mysis Shrimp.
my LFS turned me on to them. My loaches go bonkers for them. the rest of the fish seem to like them too. My oscar will swallow a whole cube frozen if I let him.
My dads friend says that blood worms are awful
he says that they clog up the filter and make the water dirty
The guy in pets at home didn't let me and my friends go in to get some worms because he said he thought we were going to mess around :sly:
get some live blackworms, my fish up here go crazy over them
are freezed-dried really that bad :/ i feed my bettas freezed dried bloodworms once a day..
cutecotton said:
are freezed-dried really that bad :/ i feed my bettas freezed dried bloodworms once a day..
No, freeze dried worms are good nutrition for fish. Just look at the protein content that's listed on the package. :nod:

I like to feed live tubifex or blackworms, because my fish just go crazy over them and they do seem to be good for conditioning fish prior to breeding them. But when I run out of the live ones, I feed them the freeze dried and don't feel bad about it at all! :D
:D can adult bettas eat live brine shrimps? i'm thinking of getting a little bag of eggs and hatching some live brine shrimps for them :)

i also heard earthwroms are good for htem too. Liek earthwrosm off a bait store, frozena dn cut to pieces. Only think is that i'm not sure if it'll contain bacteria/diseases etc for the fish :)

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