Help Please?!.. before this cichlid dies...

BumbleBee Odyssey

New Member
Apr 17, 2004
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i bought a fish that was being severly harrased at the pet store... now i'm starting to read it may (well most probably be ) a "pseudotropheus saulosi" being the males in a dark almost midnight blue with black bands and the females were yellow... the stupid LFS ower said is was a "tangarine" whatever that is??

anyway like i said it was being very badly bullied but 2 other males so i forked out the $15 for it and took it home.... now i am really worried as if its the fish i think it is if left in my begginers hands it will probably end up with bloat... and/or killing other fish in my mixed community tank... should i take it to a more friendly fish store that will take care of it? or can i keep it or what??
It was very kind of you to rescue the fish but now I think you need to find him a new home. I doubt a pet store will take him but you could give it a try. If they won't take it try isolating it and then advertising it locally. HTH

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