Search results

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    Malawi And Kribs?

    thank you
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    Malawi And Kribs?

    hi i have a farily well stocked malawi mbuna tank and my friend has two paris of adult kribs he needs to rehome and i was just seeing if these would be ok in my tank? in regards to the bio load on the filters that would be fine and there are 30kg of ocean rock in there so lots of hiding places...
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    Setup Of 6X2X2 Malawi Tank

    there are too ways you could go with substrate that i know either get a few bags of coral sand this would also buffer your pm to 8 ish which is needed but that amount of coral sand could be costly. or get play sand from the likes of argos and then add ocean rock or the equivanlent to buffer the...
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    New Tank - What About Aquarium Backgrounds?

    3d backgrounds the way to go. imo they look amazing once they have been for a few months.
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    My 385L Malawi Tank

    Wow mate just read your blog and cant wait to see more pics. Good luck with cycle!
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    Eheim 2213 External Filter

    Very interested
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    Tank Update

    Looks really good. Maybe try get some moss for the Coconut cave?
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    Filters & Fe (Reduced)

    If you can save till Friday for payment am interested.
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    How do you do that
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    I got two A triumph sprint 900 and a bandit 1200
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    what is jail broken and what does it do and how much it cost? etc
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    thats great thanks for all your help
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    it is a want / need thing and not sure what to do does anyone know if the 3g one will get a internet signal anywere or is it only in 3g areas what i mean is at home i get internet on my phone its not 3g strength but it works would it be the same for the ipad?
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    see i have an iphone and am starting think is it really worth it as everything you have menetioned i can do on my phone should i just get myself a laptop instead?
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    Thinking of getting an iPad. Any one got one? Pros? Cons? Advice welcome!
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    Clear Out

    You got any pics
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    Few Questions

    how many have you got?
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    Fluval U3 Internal Filter

    my other still stands
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    Fluval Roma 240 & Vicenza 180 Both With Fluval 405's In Scotla

    all i can say is wow they look amazing all together
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    Fluval Roma 240 For Sale

    How much you looking at? And also have you got some pics