Few Questions


Fish Crazy
May 30, 2011
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Few things I have four clown loaches as of current, all they do is hide, what other fish can i introduce to make them feel more at home and come out more?

Secondly im getting lots of brown peices in sections like sugar grains, is this poo? or pieces of my bog wood? ta adam.
How big is ur tank?
How long u had them loaches?
What's in your tank? Plants other fish?

Do the taste test. I it doesnt taste like wood then it isn't
I think I'll pass on testing it lol. Tank is Juwel Vision 450 and yes there are plants, only other fish is cardinals.
Have u seen how big clown loaches grow?

Yes I have, and long time ago only had one, in a much smaller tank and he never out grew tank at all. But what im asking is what fish will make them more at home? They have been in two weeks now, and still very shy,
They can get big indeed, I have four as stated above, but please an advice on questions.
I never used to see my clown loaches - they used to hide under the filter during the day and then come out when light is out.

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