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  1. C

    From The Bay To The Reef

    Tank is looking fantastic, i'm loving the Sun Coral too! :good:
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    15G Salty Adventure

    I will be looking to upgrade in size in a couple of months to a bigger tank and perhaps keep this tank for a species specific tank.. :good:
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    15G Salty Adventure

    Hi guys, it's been a while since I posted on here, so here is an update as to where I am at, and my plans for my tank! So my tank is a 15G Marine tank *obviously*.. With 2 Black clowns, 1 Peppermint Shrimp, 1 Pistol Shrimp, 2 snails, a finger coral and some mushies! I did have a gorgeous Goby...
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    New Marine Only Shop : Surrey!

    Ha, thats where my offices are located! Might pop down on my lunch break!
  5. C

    Improving My Nano Tank.

    She means take the live rock out the water, and with a hot knife or soldering iron burn it. :good:
  6. C

    Cleaner Shrimp With Pistol Shrimp Possible ?

    Yes it is possible mate, I have a Pistol shrimp and Gobie with a Peppermint Shrimp, they get along fine. You occassionally hear the pistol shrimp click to warn them to stay away from him but thats about it. :good:
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    I Was Robbed And Beaten Last Night

    Yeah, there is a reason why Hackney is cheap.. :crazy:
  8. C

    Juwel Rio 125 Tropical To Marine Conversion

    You should actually leave the Bristle worms alone in future, they provide excellent sand sifiting service to your tank, aslong as you wear gloves when touching your tank, which you should do anyway, you'd be fine! :good:
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    I Was Robbed And Beaten Last Night

    Take up Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) and then next time you'll be the guy in the middle! :good:
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    I Was Robbed And Beaten Last Night

    I still think you should go with one of these badboys!
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    I Was Robbed And Beaten Last Night

    You should buy a massive pitbull, they'll soon think twice :good: Really sorry to hear about you being hurt though mate, it's such a shame the f*****s got away with it, especially after smashing your tank! I know it sounds silly, but could you not make a call to good old Crimewatch? :shifty:
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    The best thing i've found to do is get a siv, place the siv in a bowl of warm water to help it dissolve so all the contents are floating in the siv, then lift it out of the water and place it in the tank :good:
  13. C

    Tank Going Down Hill

    Harry mate, i've said it before and i'll say it again, make a Turf Algae scrubber, they are dirt cheap to make and run, and they'll solve all your nitrate and phosphate problems!
  14. C

    Hi Simon, I saw you was thinking of giving Chaeto a try, and I just thought as you already have...

    Hi Simon, I saw you was thinking of giving Chaeto a try, and I just thought as you already have a sump set up, that you should create a Turf Algae Scrubber. Everyone who has used one of these has 0 nitrate and Phosphate, and their tanks are covered in Coraline. They are easy to make and dirt...
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    I wouldn't say Shrimp necessarily need a "Mature" tank, they just need stable water parameters, because as they are an invertebrate they are more sensitive to high levels of nitrate. So aslong as you keep your nitrates level low you will be fine to stick a Shrimp into your tank. And if your...
  16. C

    Is Their An Animal That Eats That Algae?

    Harry have you read through the Nitrate and Phosphate remover in this section? The simple idea of creating a Turf Algae Scrubber, which will eliminate algae growing in your main display tank, and also increase the growth of coraline as your nitrates and phosphates levels will be undetectable\...
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    Demasonisrule's 90G

    Wow the tank looks fantastic, congratz mate!
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    Can't Get The Nitrates Down

    Shall do Seffie :good:
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    Can't Get The Nitrates Down

    I'm going to build my own Algae Turf Scrubber and see if it works aswell as everyone says! Perhaps the TS should take a look into it aswell :good:
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    Clowns - Black Spots, And Itching

    But whatever you do for the love of god, DON'T put the medication into the main display tank as most treatments contain copper, and that'll be your tank pretty much nuked :sad: Catch the fish and put them into a seperate little container as Nemo suggested to do, and then add the treatment to...