Improving My Nano Tank.


Fish Crazy
Jun 23, 2010
Reaction score
Bloomsburg, Pa
Currently in my cycling 10 gallon setup I have aragonite sand, white sand blend. I also have 7.2lbs of LR and I will be buying more this coming Friday or Saturday, I have a hang-on-back filter rated for a 20 gallon tank. I know I need a blower in the tank like a Koralia. I just wanted to know what size I need, how many gallons per hour do I need for sufficient water movement?
Currently in my cycling 10 gallon setup I have aragonite sand, white sand blend. I also have 7.2lbs of LR and I will be buying more this coming Friday or Saturday, I have a hang-on-back filter rated for a 20 gallon tank. I know I need a blower in the tank like a Koralia. I just wanted to know what size I need, how many gallons per hour do I need for sufficient water movement?

Generally want around 20x water turn over, so 200gph. Koralia has nano powerheads, I think the smallest is 240gph. One of those would be OK.
Ok. I was looking into that one on my LFS they have cheaper ones that claim to do 500gph but I fear that to be too strong a ten gallon tank.
While watching my tank today I discovered that the 7.2lbs of LR that I purchased on Saturday has given me some coralline algae, 4 feather dusters, and a young aiptasia (plant?). From minor background knowledge gained through my friends saltwater tank I know aiptasia is not friendly so I will look into killing it or whatever needs to be done. I am just excited about the 4 feather dusters and earlier coralline growth that came on the LR.
Aiptasia is a type of anemone. If you only have one, best to get rid of it ASAP as they tend to spread quite quickly. Many different methods people have to get rid of the little buggers. I personally keep a bottle of "Joe's juice" handy. You simply squirt it into the mouth and it generally dies after doing this once, although you may have to do it a few times depending on the size.

Seffie's favorite method is blowtorching them :shifty: :hey: :sly: :sly:
Haha well it is still quite small. I mis-took it for another feather duster at first. I will definitely be removing it tomorrow after my classes are over.
When you say burn it do you mean pull the LR out and literally torch the aiptasia or pull it off then torch it? What is Joe's Juice? haha sorry I am much more experienced on the fresh water side.
She means take the live rock out the water, and with a hot knife or soldering iron burn it. :good:
Be warned it stinks and sometimes they pop - when it first happened to me I nearly dropped the rock on my toes :lol:

You can use a soldering iron or one of those little kitchen blow torches - I like the soldering iron best as you can stick it right in the rock :devil:

Seffie x
Well I waited too long for a reply so I didn't kill the aiptasia yet but trust me it is going tonight when I get home from work. I like the soldering iron idea

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