
I starting to think you have a dodgy ammonia test - take your water to the lfs and see what you get back - get htem to all the tests :good:

Seffie x
I dont think you need to do a water change :good: just ensure you do one next week.

And YES, it's cuc time :kana:

Seffie x
EDIT: What did you think to the above pictures?


First one :good:

Right, the cuc, well you need to start slowly and then build to your needs :good:

I would probably get a couple of Halloween hermits - i like the way they look but also their work rate :p or blue legs, try not to mix hermits, it often ends with one sort being killed :crazy:

Some sand shifting snails ether vibex or dove, approx 10 (they are small)

2 x mexican turbos, again I like their work ethic :rolleyes:

Later consider: a tuxedo urchin and a conch

Seffie x
A blue knuckle with a very snazzy shell :good:, they will eat left over food, algae in fact you name it they will probably eat it if its dead :p

Seffie x

ps make sure you have some spare shells for it to grow into, you dont want it killing your snails for their shells :blink:
how about this place :good:
Turn it over, if it is an astrea it cant right it self :blink:

Also try fishmans Frags. However your lfs should be able to order in for you if you ask

Seffie x
yes fish man frags are good but the postage is £15 but its half that on the critters one. (if only you buy critters)
I wouldn't say Shrimp necessarily need a "Mature" tank, they just need stable water parameters, because as they are an invertebrate they are more sensitive to high levels of nitrate. So aslong as you keep your nitrates level low you will be fine to stick a Shrimp into your tank. And if your choosing shrimp, and going for a Coral/Anemone tank, DON'T get a Camel Shrimp as they tend to get peckish in the night and eat away at Corals!

Remember to check the suitability of anything you put in your tank, whether it's temperments towards other tank mates or if they are reef safe or not (aka coral munchers!) :good:
Yes indeed they are :good: and no you dont need turbos that big but I think they are hard workers and would be my choice - the normal turbos would do you fine as well

Seffie x
Yeah, clowns are funny things - by the way, that twitching carrys on even when they have become a pair, I dont think its got anything to do with dominance as both mine do it when they go in their Nems :good: even now and they are over two years old.

Have they got names yet?

Seffie x
Great looking fish. My friends do exactly the same, swim on their sides, upside down the lot. Funny to watch, im sure the other fish must look at them and think "Their bloody mental.!"

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