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  1. bm0589

    Aquabid Purchase!(Update)Dividing Tank

    yes both bettas are doing very well eating like crazy and very feisty.....both are eating form my hand already, they are very trusting.....the males fins are starting to fill out. i have just divided my 90 litre tank, wich was previously my community tank but has now been moved to a larger tank...
  2. bm0589

    Kribs Eyes Are Bulging

    could it have anything to do with the move because it literally happened in the 10 minutes it took for us to drive the fish from the house to our new apartment......and when we went to put her in the new tank we noticed it.....could it be from a drop in tempurature???? because the heater was off...
  3. bm0589

    Kribs Eyes Are Bulging

    the other day i transferred my community tank of fish into a larger tank......and for some reason during the trip from one to the other my small female kribs eyes have somehow managed to bulge out of her head!!!!! i dont know what could have caused it or why it happened but it looks...
  4. bm0589

    Betta Food

    thank you both for your replies......ill be heading to the lfs to get some yummy food for them and will probably get a couple different varieties to keep them on their thanks!!!
  5. bm0589

    I Finally Got My Betta!

    good for glad you had the guts to say somthing because alot of people just sit back and not say anything and the only ones that suffer are the fish......i would have done the same.....the fishies thank you ahahahahaha!
  6. bm0589

    Betta Food

    i currently have my bettas on frozen blood worms but im not sure if blood worms alone are im wondering what other food is really good for bettas......what about baby brine shrimp or is blood worms good enough??? or the store bought pellets???? i just figured something more natural...
  7. bm0589

    Video Of My Lotus!

    wow he is absolutly gorgeous......hes even more special now cause youve been through an ordeal together lol.....from my experience atleast....i find if you go through something like that together and fight for his life its makes him that much more important to you! he truly is a work of art, im...
  8. bm0589

    Aquabid Purchase!(Update)Dividing Tank

    well at first he could see her but i thought that with the long trip and all maybe it wasnt a great time to be flaring like crazy at eachother(wich they were) so i put a bunch of plants in between them so they can only get a slight glimpse of eachother..........the nest is about the size of my...
  9. bm0589

    Betta Sand

    im looking for a nice white or light sand or even a light colour crushed rock to use in my betta tank that is safe for them and doesnt effect the PH. does anyone know any brands that i can use!?!!?!?!
  10. bm0589

    Aquabid Purchase!(Update)Dividing Tank

    sooooooo i have only had them for less than 24 hours and he has already started to build a bubble nest?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hes started just after dinner last night and he must have gone through the night because now its HUGE!!!!! i didnt expect this from a betta i only got from transport less...
  11. bm0589

    Aquabid Purchase!(Update)Dividing Tank

    thanks for the advice ill give him a bit to relax before i hes not wild....and the female is his sibling i didnt really think of it but she does look a bit like a dragon....hmmmm im not sure....ill have to wait and see how their colours turn out.....and im not aware of what it...
  12. bm0589

    Aquabid Purchase!(Update)Dividing Tank

    both male and female orange HM arrived at my house this morning!!!!!! they are alive and only complaint is that they were shipped over to me from the transhipper in an express post bag wich didnt have anything saying it was a live fish or anything so i can safely assume that whoever...
  13. bm0589

    Aquabid Purchase!(Update)Dividing Tank

    yah it didnt seem too bad...i didnt have any wildlife inspection just a week of quarantine to get ride of any problems and medicate any diseases etc.....i also really like that they quarantine them because it breaks up the travelling time so i could imagine it wouldnt be quite as...
  14. bm0589

    Freshwater Puffers

    in canada i have seen freshwater puffer fish in many aquarium shops....but no one here in australia stocks them???? are they illegal or something!?!?!?!? i just love them!!!!!! and i wish i could have one but no one here seems to know what the deal is....
  15. bm0589

    Aquabid Purchase!(Update)Dividing Tank

    i only have to deal with 1 transhipper and thats the one who holds them when they enter we have to quarantine our fish so they stay with her for a week and are medicated ended up being $66 to ship the pair so it wasnt terrible....they are now on their way from the...
  16. bm0589

    Eye Is Gone!

    its looks awful but he seems to be just fine????? how weird??????
  17. bm0589

    Nooooot Long Now!

    have you thought at all of the fish you care??????? sounds kind of stupid what your doing....and any betta lover wouldnt buy a fish with the plan to get rid of it before its even there........just so you can make some money cause you dont want to buy the one you really want in...
  18. bm0589

    Eye Is Gone!

    i look in my tank tonight when i got home and my smallest pakistani loach has had his eye COMPLETELY removed!!!! its like a vaccum has literally sucked it out of its socket!!!! im wondering if it was the very large pakistani loach that may have done school of them are always together...
  19. bm0589

    Aquabid Purchase!(Update)Dividing Tank

    some good and bad orange male and female were sent to jodi who is the transhipper in australia and i should have them here in about a week..... soooooo excited!!!! and now forr the bad news.......the shipper from thailand accidently didnt put my other 2 HM in the box so they...
  20. bm0589

    Betta Water

    it will probably only be for a week.....i was wondering if it would help speed up cycling if i did a large water change in my already existing tank and used the water taken from that and used it in the tank that needs to cycle????just a thought.....but yah it will only be a very short time...
  21. bm0589

    Betta Water

    i have purchased 4 hm bettas off of aquabid for a heavy price so i want to do everything right in terms of their tanks......right now i have a 90litre community tank set up.. and we are buying a 240litre tank to move our community fish into wich leaves me with the 90 litre tank wich i am going...
  22. bm0589

    They'Re Here!

    its been a while!!!! no picures yet!!!!! im dying to see them!!! lol
  23. bm0589

    Might Be A Stupid Question?

    i have purchased 2 male HM and their female siblings off of aquabid...i have become obsessed and browse through the new fish for sale everyday.....but im wondering....whats the difference between a super delta and a HM other than the cost??? why are they so much cheaper????? lol
  24. bm0589

    Aquabid Purchase!(Update)Dividing Tank

    sorry i dont understand????? lol
  25. bm0589

    Aquabid Purchase!(Update)Dividing Tank

    i havent paid for shipping yet but from what ive been told from the transhipper all up ill be paying about $100 per pair total.....thats with shipping and the payment of the fish im paying $200 for the 2 males and 2 females......i dont have any pictures of the females....when...
  26. bm0589

    Aquabid Purchase!(Update)Dividing Tank

    ok guys!!!!! i did it again!!!!!! lol i have been scanning aqua bid regularily looking for any new bettas that i can fall madly in love with and we are.....i found this guy today and i think hes beautiful.....hes mysterious lol......unlike my previous purchase of the bright orange...
  27. bm0589

    New Kribs

    i have mine in a community tank and they are beautiful......i think what kribensis 12 was saying is that if you had 1 male and 2 females.....both the male and one of the females will more than likely pair off and start to beat up the krib thats left over..........kribs are great in a community...
  28. bm0589

    They'Re Here!

    breed imagi for me and ill buy one of his babies off of you!!!! lol i love him!!!! im so jealous you have him!!!!!!!!!
  29. bm0589

    They'Re Here!

    i am in love with imagi......hes my favorite by far.....i am actually trying to find one like him on aquabid.....ive decided if i find another betta that i am equally inlove with as i am my bright orange betta, ill order another and have them both arrive at the same time.....ahahahaha!!!! post...
  30. bm0589

    Whhatt?!?!? Are You Serious?!?!?!

    yah i know im not a patient person lol....but like i said it will just give me time to perfect their tank and set up the dividers exactly how i want them and makle itperfect lol......and no im not keeping them together im serparating my tank into 5 or 6 sections and am slowly going to fill it...
  31. bm0589

    Whhatt?!?!? Are You Serious?!?!?!

    ahaha thats so funny......what i said is 100% the same as what you said...same situation and everything...too funny!!!!! thanks for that!!!
  32. bm0589

    Whhatt?!?!? Are You Serious?!?!?!

    so its just m timing ahaha.....dang i should have found that site just a little earlier!!!!! lol. i guess ill just have to be patient.....i suppose that gives me time to setup their tank divide it off without having to rush.......yah australia is very strict on what comes in and out of this...
  33. bm0589

    Whhatt?!?!? Are You Serious?!?!?!

    so i purchased a male and female halfmoon betta.....and im soooooooooooo soo soo excited to get them......and now ive been told by the transhipper that the next shipment from thailand to australia isnt until early decemeber....thats another like 3 weeks at least from the sounds of it and then...
  34. bm0589

    Aquabid Purchase!(Update)Dividing Tank

    wow thats alot....ill let you guys know aswell how much mine cost in the end.....did you have to do the transaction with the seller through your email account?!?!?! because once i bought the fish i received an email from AB saying to contact the seller via email to make the this...
  35. bm0589

    Aquabid Purchase!(Update)Dividing Tank

    thankyou!!!i sure hope she is as spectacular as he appears to be.... ill post pictures up of the 2 the second they are home and settled going to go buy their tank this week and start dividing its ready by the time they get assuming it wont be for a couple weeks...
  36. bm0589

    Aquabid Purchase!(Update)Dividing Tank

    well i bought both just incase i want to try it...i love the girls just as much as the boys so i didnt think twice about getting her......i would love to breed them...ill see how i just really confused about the entire process of aquabid....ive bought the fish but im soo confused...
  37. bm0589

    Aquabid Purchase!(Update)Dividing Tank

    wow i didnt know that......the seller i bought him from has an amazing feedback score and everyone has commented that his fish are beautiful so im hoping from his track record that the picture of my little man is pretty acurate......i didnt know orange was hard to find.....i bought his female...
  38. bm0589

    Aquabid Purchase!(Update)Dividing Tank

    that is pretty much exactly what i am looking at doing with the folderslides etc.....ill keep an eye on your thread to see how you go and when i start dividing mine i will post my progress on here aswell!!!
  39. bm0589

    Aquabid Purchase!(Update)Dividing Tank

    shes going to be in a separate tank until i have succesfully divided the larger tank then i will have both male and female in the same tank but separated. im thinking just some mesh and the spines of those cheao folder things...from what ive seen they seem to work the best and look the...
  40. bm0589

    Aquabid Purchase!(Update)Dividing Tank

    thank you!!! i fell madly in love with him when i saw him!!!! i cant wait to get him home!!!! well i had bettas when i was a kid, just in a simple tank with rocks and heater....but as ive grown up i want to take a bit better care....i have a sponge filter but not a...