They'Re Here!


Fish Herder
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
Warwickshire, UK
Wooo Hooooo =)
5 little fishies all arrived alive @ 10.15 this morning.

OMG their bags were sooooooooo very tiny there was no way to do a slow drip acclimatisation. Each bag was maybe 200ml if that
Oh and no heat pack... It's November, so OK not our coldest time of year but still...
Although the box did say "Do Not Store Under 18C - Live Tropical Fish" - I wonder if that was adhered to seeing as TNT stuck labels over the instructions?

A quick run down
Charisma (the non marble one) probably travelled the worst, he's a bit quiet but hopefully he'll perk up.
Enigma (the PK) looks pretty good and his sister (Lolly) is feisty, ooh little miss couldn't wait to make herself known!
Imagi (the one who looked like he had custard on his head) well, the yellow on top of his head isn't as prominent now, but then that marbles for ya LOL and his sister (Lilly) is quite a cutie.

Once they've chilled out and settled in a bit I'll get some piccies, but I'm not going to start spooking them with the flash just yet.
i am so glad they arrived safely! I have read about your new lil guys for a while now! cant wait to see pictures!
Hi JustKia :)

It's good to know that they made it to you safely. I'll be waiting to see their pictures too. :D
Congrats that they arrived ok.
They do send them in Ting amounts of water don't they.
I think I will wait for kevin to stat TS again before i buy any more from abroad.
Woohoo!! I kept coming to check to see if they had arrived yet! Glad they are all alive (always a good start!) and hope they settle in well! :)
Nice to Know!


Betta's dont realy care how much water they have etc but still thats barely any water! And NO heat pack!?! how much did P&P Cost!?!
Nice to Know!


Betta's dont realy care how much water they have etc but still thats barely any water! And NO heat pack!?! how much did P&P Cost!?!

oh, i want to know that too. In GB £ if you can. Very interested in buying some from across the globe :D
Glad they got there OK. Bet it was touch and go with no heat pack! I think I'd be complaining about that, considering how much it cost you!
The bags are really teeny-I was amazed they survived.
Is Charisma the MG one? I liked him the best-beautiful :)
All of them are mustard gas, just Enigma (and his sister) have a lot of marbling

Enigma - a little less colourful but that's probably the stress of travelling for best part of 3 days! His sister is the feisty one, but very similar in looks.

Charisma - his fins are almost see through/cellophane-y (I may be tempted to spawn him with my cellophane female next year (he didn't come with a sibling))

Imagi - the yellow on his head is less prominent now. His sister is really similar too.
Wow Imagi has unique coloring, I see what you mean about custard splat
The splat is back!
Seems that when Imagi is stressed his splat loses it's yellow-ness, and when he starts to relax a bit it gets more and more yellow - how wierd.
He's got a little bit of fin damage to the top part of his tail, nothing major.

Enigma is as fiesty as his sister - that could be interesting if I decide to spawn them next year.
Charisma is really delicate and slim bodied, I'm guessing he's younger than the other 2 as well.
I think when the girls move out of QT into the sorority (I'm totally rearranging their tank that day, got some caves to go in, swapping the plants out and a couple of rock structures to go in) and then the "old" boys move into the "Frat House", that Charisma needs to go in an end divide, so he's only got another fish on one side. I'll probably put Kofi (pineapple VT) next to him.
Based on personalities I think it'll be: Enigma | Diesel | Imagi | Nero | Kofi | Charisma

All in all I'm really pleased
i am in love with imagi......hes my favorite by far.....i am actually trying to find one like him on aquabid.....ive decided if i find another betta that i am equally inlove with as i am my bright orange betta, ill order another and have them both arrive at the same time.....ahahahaha!!!! post some pictures of them in their new home once they have settled!

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