Aquabid Purchase!(Update)Dividing Tank

some good and bad orange male and female were sent to jodi who is the transhipper in australia and i should have them here in about a week..... soooooo excited!!!! and now forr the bad news.......the shipper from thailand accidently didnt put my other 2 HM in the box so they were not shipped....i now have to wait until the beggining of january until i get them...........very dissapointing.....but the shipper has offered to pay for all my shipping for the 2 fish wich saves me quite a bit of maybe now i will just have to use the money i saved to buy another pair!!!!!! ahahahhaa!!!!

Mistakes are done from time to time, also its in the best health of the fish for shipping to. Other question I have for you, you have to deal with 2 transhippers? If so that leads to the fish costing more in the end and sometimes sucks but can't be helped neither
i only have to deal with 1 transhipper and thats the one who holds them when they enter we have to quarantine our fish so they stay with her for a week and are medicated ended up being $66 to ship the pair so it wasnt terrible....they are now on their way from the transhipper to me and should be here in the next day or so excited....and im now thinking that i might buy another pair from the same seller who is sending me my other pair in january!! well see how much i spoil myself pretty sure itll happen....
i only have to deal with 1 transhipper and thats the one who holds them when they enter we have to quarantine our fish so they stay with her for a week and are medicated ended up being $66 to ship the pair so it wasnt terrible....they are now on their way from the transhipper to me and should be here in the next day or so excited....and im now thinking that i might buy another pair from the same seller who is sending me my other pair in january!! well see how much i spoil myself pretty sure itll happen....

That sounds actually pretty resonable, buying them in bulk helps, do you have to go through a wild life inspection? Where I am its anywhere from 5-12 per fish for this inspection I guess the government needs there share in the fish as well lol. I orded 2 pair got mine total shipping to my door for them was around 70 plus the inspection per fish that was 12 for all of them, really good deal.

I ended up picking them up was cheaper for me kinda not really though, but where I am its cold and I was recommended in picking them up from the transhipper. I must say I got to see the huge shipment the transhipper got in and WOW never seen a system as big in my life as where they go. Only thing was mine wern't quartined .......

Out of my 2 pair one 2 fish where shipped over and then the person didn't want them, I ended up picking those ones up :) the others is from a breed of wilds from the transhipper and must say nothing beats the colours of them.

Its definitly exciting, glad to hear yours medicates them and quartines them for a week. Alot of stress during shipping, but I must say that one in the photo is an eye opener for sure
yah it didnt seem too bad...i didnt have any wildlife inspection just a week of quarantine to get ride of any problems and medicate any diseases etc.....i also really like that they quarantine them because it breaks up the travelling time so i could imagine it wouldnt be quite as stressful.....the one in the picture aswell as his girlfriend are the 2 that are arriving today.....i am soooo excited!!!! the black and gold dragon and his girlfriend missed the shipment (even though they were there and ready) and wont be sent until beggining of soo excited to get my orange HM's today !!!! i cant wait....ill post pictures and show if he really is as beautiful as he looks in the photo from the seller!!!!!
both male and female orange HM arrived at my house this morning!!!!!! they are alive and only complaint is that they were shipped over to me from the transhipper in an express post bag wich didnt have anything saying it was a live fish or anything so i can safely assume that whoever handled their bag from the transhipper to me was probably not very delicate with them considering they would have no idea what was in the bag....or that there is actually 2 living creatures inside.....that made me sad!!! the second they were in my hands i carfully took them out of their box and opened their bags to give them some fresh air......the female is in great condition and the male is very lively but his fins are quite shredded and a bit curled over like a fern leaf, and the male is a bit darker orange at the moment but im almost posative his colour will brighten up after the stress of transport wears away .....anyways i took some pictures with a flashless camera because i dont want to disturb them....they are currently in their temporary residence until thursday when we can put them in their new divided tank in our new apartment!!!!!! .....ill take more pictures when their colour comes out more and they are settled into their permanent home<3



Wait til the male settles in before medicating it. I would recommend 1 day of medication Malafix and lots lots of waterchanges will fix it up in no time, is it wild? Wild heal quicker usually 2-3 days atleast the females do

The female looks like its from a dragon line am I right in saying that? The tail red tips and the body eaither a pink or orange or white colour? thats usually a dragon line, mine is about the same cept for yours has better blue strips it seems on the tail ^^ and have you been able to tell if its a 4, 6 or 8 cadual fin?

I like the pair actually very unique looking
thanks for the advice ill give him a bit to relax before i hes not wild....and the female is his sibling i didnt really think of it but she does look a bit like a dragon....hmmmm im not sure....ill have to wait and see how their colours turn out.....and im not aware of what it means o have a 4,6,or 8 cadual :blush: its hard to see in the pictures but the female ive noticed actually has that very metalic blue along her back and its very prominent in natural sunlight (i have their tank light off and just natural sunlight comming in atm) i figured it would help them relax.....its quite beautiful, ill try and get a picture of it sometime....
thanks for the advice ill give him a bit to relax before i hes not wild....and the female is his sibling i didnt really think of it but she does look a bit like a dragon....hmmmm im not sure....ill have to wait and see how their colours turn out.....and im not aware of what it means o have a 4,6,or 8 cadual
its hard to see in the pictures but the female ive noticed actually has that very metalic blue along her back and its very prominent in natural sunlight (i have their tank light off and just natural sunlight comming in atm) i figured it would help them relax.....its quite beautiful, ill try and get a picture of it sometime....

If the female is 3 months or less its not worth trying to figure out yet you need to wait till they are actually 6 months or more to be more correct on the assumption. This picture is of a young guy definitly not 6 months I forget how old it was when I got it but I had to grow him out so was pretty young, the colours on him now are amazing just after a month of jaring and 2-3 water changes a day and feeding heavy. (Best time to add them to a new tank is when the light is off for a period of 12-24hours with them in so they not only get use to the surroundings but also don't stress right away because of all the major changes, have to remember it went through a long travel)

Okay picture to explain

And I think this guy is a Pastel dragon

Orange = Cadual fin
Red = Tail (Some call it cadual fin)
Green = Cadual Ray
Blue = First split
Purple = Second Split
Yellow is the Cadual Ray fins amount here is 7
Grey = It only concerns breeders but this doesn't apply when looking for the best ray to breed and usually only applies to SD, DT(Assuming trying to get a halfmoon out of the deal or a lady of 8 out of the deal)

I can't teach about the top fin because to be honest I don't know what I am talking about when it comes to the top fin, the ones you are getting is classified as show but they are more for telling the difference is the type they are example would be like dragon etc.

This should clear it up, somehow I forgot to mention ray after the cadual when I typed it(Basically this will sum it up for you and give you an area to look at now for counting) I think I will just stick to saying rays lol much easier for the begginer. I was in a meeting once with alot of breeders btw I had to travel to this meeting what I wanted to gain was some knowledge lol I think at the end of the meeting the only thing I understood was about the fin explained here they where using words I have never even heard about before lmao I never heard so many names for an anal fin zzzz or the top fin lol. I am sure if I explained the CT I would confuse people, even I am confused on the CT kind. Especially when they got into the IBC standards and other standards I was lost lol.

For someone like you, you are more about the show but if you actually look up betta plaket fighting there are clubs for it(Forums), just peep at the forums not saying its right or wrong but they talk about how they breed and share secrets about ladies of 8(rays) and how to get them to be massive fighters(Best spawners for Halfmoons). Some sell the ladies of 8 especially if a winner for well over $1k USD. To them its a sport like UFC here (This is mainly over seas). And if you read the forums instead of thinking most just let them fight to the death they actually don't, some die its part of the course but this is a different area and where most show bettas are bred by these people is why you see those amazing pictures, like that one above, i bet it came from a lady of 8 (If you decide to look it up also look at water quality and how strict the rules are on it when they hit the ring alot more strict than a show betta) They don't follow the same practice we do on keeping them to them water is cheap this is why I always say water is cheap for the best results, there water change goes like this even using the expensive IAL water remember they get the leafs cheap and some use banana leafs to hehe (Remember you need an open mind when reading some of the stuff there, especially if you ever talk to one of them face to face, my transhipper I deal with now use to fight them and I must say some of the knowledge is wow from them they have alot more knowledge then any show breeder has) If you want me to go into depth about it and my visit and talk with him it would be better you mail me don't want to upset alot here about some of the details I know most here if not all are against something like this but they also don't realize usually the females and males go through this and then get bred to keep a strong line of eaither fighters or show
Fighter Water Change
EveryDay! (They Jar them)
1st Day 30-50%
2nd Day 90%
3rd Day 100% (Water Emptied It has no water for a short period of time then filled)

1st Day =30%
2nd =50%
3rd = 75%
4th = 90-95%
They never do 100% water change and not really sure why
sooooooo i have only had them for less than 24 hours and he has already started to build a bubble nest?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hes started just after dinner last night and he must have gone through the night because now its HUGE!!!!! i didnt expect this from a betta i only got from transport less than 24 hours ago!!! does this mean hes happy or just wants to get buisy?!?!?!! lol i hope its that hes happy!!! (dont worry everyone there will be no nooky for these 2 anytime soon)
sooooooo i have only had them for less than 24 hours and he has already started to build a bubble nest?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hes started just after dinner last night and he must have gone through the night because now its HUGE!!!!! i didnt expect this from a betta i only got from transport less than 24 hours ago!!! does this mean hes happy or just wants to get buisy?!?!?!! lol i hope its that hes happy!!! (dont worry everyone there will be no nooky for these 2 anytime soon)

A bubble nest doesn't mean he is happy but its a good sign, especially if its HUGE!!!!!!! LoL Is the male able to see the female? That would be why such a big nest! How big would you say the nest is? Bigger than your hand or even both hands side by side?

I would say a really good sign is aggresive eating, and swimming around alot with flaring etc.... and also that he is not bitting his tail those are all good signs to look for, but mainly what I look for or at is the stool movement and colour. What colour is the stool and has he had a bowl movement?
well at first he could see her but i thought that with the long trip and all maybe it wasnt a great time to be flaring like crazy at eachother(wich they were) so i put a bunch of plants in between them so they can only get a slight glimpse of eachother..........the nest is about the size of my hand, guess thats not HUGE but its pretty big to me!! lol i just figured thats alot of bubbles nest making for one and hes still building.......they are eating extremely well like little vaccums and are flaring alot...and swimming very strong....i havent seen him bite his tail and have been watching them closely....and their poo is just normal brown colour
well at first he could see her but i thought that with the long trip and all maybe it wasnt a great time to be flaring like crazy at eachother(wich they were) so i put a bunch of plants in between them so they can only get a slight glimpse of eachother..........the nest is about the size of my hand, guess thats not HUGE but its pretty big to me!! lol i just figured thats alot of bubbles nest making for one and hes still building.......they are eating extremely well like little vaccums and are flaring alot...and swimming very strong....i havent seen him bite his tail and have been watching them closely....and their poo is just normal brown colour

Sounds like a normal happy betta to me,
What I look for to see if a betta is happy is the following
Bowl Movement(Colour shape)
Bubble nest building like you are getting
Eat like crazy (Like pigs)

Especially coming from a long trip and they are eating like vaccums is a really good sign, because they have been fasted twice, once to the transhipper and once to you. Look at a betta as a human we like to eat 3 meal a day and drink at coffee time for those in England so would be 4 and like to snack between meals same goes with fish, usually its better more meals in the first week but small portions and work togetting the belly to the point where its round visibly but not to the point of bloat!

Other than that sounds like you are over the hill now, soon start treatment for the fins, but still wait the time out basically follow like a 7 day quartine before treatment, I am guessing he and she has been through alot of stress already with all the shipping and probably 2 treatments before each shiping.

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