Aquabid Purchase!(Update)Dividing Tank

well i bought both just incase i want to try it...i love the girls just as much as the boys so i didnt think twice about getting her......i would love to breed them...ill see how i just really confused about the entire process of aquabid....ive bought the fish but im soo confused about the shipping....does anyone know how it works and what im meant to do........i cant find any solid information!!! thanks!!!!

The actual process will depend on which country you are in.
I'm in the UK.
You purchase the fish via Aquabid - same sort of process as Ebay.
Contact the seller to confirm you're address (somehow mine got put into AB as USA instead of UK - that could have caused no end of problems)
On the auction page it will list transhippers.
Contact the transhipper (of choice if there is more than one) for your contry and let them know you have purchased x number of fish from xyz seller.
Make arrangements to pay the transhipper direct with them.

In my case the transhipper was Joachim Menz in Germany.
So, I made my AB purchases and paid for them and the first part of shipping (ie shipping from seller to transhipper) via AB
Then, contacted sellers to confirm address.
Next, contacted Joachim to inform him of number/type of fish, which sellers and my address, and to get shipping details (ie shipping from Germany to me).
Got the biggest shock of my life when I saw the shipping costs (these are going to be the world's most expensive bettas)!
Add on transhipper fee, cost of box and heatpack.
Wait for confirmation of shipping date.
If it's bettas from thailand/singapore area shipping is about once every 4-6 weeks.
Mine left Thailand on Saturday, arrived in Germany Sunday, Left Germany yesterday (Monday) and should be here tomorrow (Wednesday). I have no idea why it takes so much longer to travel from Germany to UK than from Thailand to Germany.

If you're in the USA then you have a larger choice of transhippers - try and pick one nearest you, if there is one in your state you might even be able to avoid the second (expensive) shipping fee by going and collecting your fish from the transhipper.
Transhipper is a separate payment.
It was $5(USD) per fish shipping (as far as transhipper) paid to seller.
Then 7Eur per fish transhipper fee, 7.50Eur box and heatpack (all fish in one box, so only only charge there).
Then between 201.26Eur and 94.20Eur depending on which service you choose (by9am, by 10am, by noon, economy, etc).
I went with by noon which was 179.06Eur (TNT is the shipping co. and that's their prices from their site, JM actually sent me a screen print, so I know he wasn't scamming me either).
wow thats alot....ill let you guys know aswell how much mine cost in the end.....did you have to do the transaction with the seller through your email account?!?!?! because once i bought the fish i received an email from AB saying to contact the seller via email to make the this right?!?!?! this is what i was confused about because any time i have ever bought anything off the internet i never had to do anywork paying for the items were all done through the website and it was all just automatic and i didnt have to contact the seller at all.....
Yes, you need to contact the seller and pay them via paypal (or similar, but I wouldn't recommend Western Union, bank transfer, etc).
When you pay by paypal just click on send money, enter the sellers paypal email addy, the currency and value and click on goods.
That way you are covered by paypal as you would be with any other paypal transaction =)
ok guys!!!!! i did it again!!!!!! lol i have been scanning aqua bid regularily looking for any new bettas that i can fall madly in love with and we are.....i found this guy today and i think hes beautiful.....hes mysterious lol......unlike my previous purchase of the bright orange still havent received either of them they will both be shipped here decemeber 5th!!!!! im soo shall be my x-mas present to myself!!!!! anyways heres a picture of the new addition!!!! im contemplating getting the female lol what do you think?????? i need some encouragment is it worth getting the female??????
Oh my god you have the best luck finding stunning them now don't hesitate. :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: He is gorgeous!! I love the pink and black on the top fin, looks very unusual.
If only I hadn't bought guppies I'd steal him out from under your nose lol.
Have you got any pics of the female?
ok guys!!!!! i did it again!!!!!! lol i have been scanning aqua bid regularily looking for any new bettas that i can fall madly in love with and we are.....i found this guy today and i think hes beautiful.....hes mysterious lol......unlike my previous purchase of the bright orange still havent received either of them they will both be shipped here decemeber 5th!!!!! im soo shall be my x-mas present to myself!!!!! anyways heres a picture of the new addition!!!! im contemplating getting the female lol what do you think?????? i need some encouragment is it worth getting the female??????
:sad: Me wants :(

very nice indeed :wub: :drool: :drool: :drool:
i havent paid for shipping yet but from what ive been told from the transhipper all up ill be paying about $100 per pair total.....thats with shipping and the payment of the fish im paying $200 for the 2 males and 2 females......i dont have any pictures of the females....when i bought the males i just asked for a sibling female to be sent aswell...i dont beleive any are sold from the UK but im not sure....every buyer i have looked at is from thailand......wich is unfortunate because shipping seems to cost ALOT of money......anyway they arrive in australia on the 5th of december and then they apperently go into a week of quarantine...after that they are allllll mine and i will be sure to post pictures straight away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ill keep you all updated!!!!! yayyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
some good and bad orange male and female were sent to jodi who is the transhipper in australia and i should have them here in about a week..... soooooo excited!!!! and now forr the bad news.......the shipper from thailand accidently didnt put my other 2 HM in the box so they were not shipped....i now have to wait until the beggining of january until i get them...........very dissapointing.....but the shipper has offered to pay for all my shipping for the 2 fish wich saves me quite a bit of maybe now i will just have to use the money i saved to buy another pair!!!!!! ahahahhaa!!!!

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