Kribs Eyes Are Bulging


New Member
Sep 19, 2009
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the other day i transferred my community tank of fish into a larger tank......and for some reason during the trip from one to the other my small female kribs eyes have somehow managed to bulge out of her head!!!!! i dont know what could have caused it or why it happened but it looks painful....they are stretched to the limit.....but she seems to be fine????? i dont know what happened???????? im very confused......will they go back into her head???? or will it cause her problems?????? if anyone could help me!!!!!!??? all the other fish are perfect and healthy.....
Search the disease Popeye on google or throughout this forum. Your Krib most likely has Popeye.
It probably has Popeye. Popeye itself is not a disease. But, it is a symptom of an internal bacterial infection. If she is still eating, I would suggest picking up a medicated food. Make sure it treats internal bacterial infections. Eatin the food will take the meds striaght to the source. If you can get any of that, try getting a medicine that treats internal bacterial infectsoins.
could it have anything to do with the move because it literally happened in the 10 minutes it took for us to drive the fish from the house to our new apartment......and when we went to put her in the new tank we noticed it.....could it be from a drop in tempurature???? because the heater was off for about an hour cause we had to pack all of the stuff up before we could move it???????? none of my other fish have anything wrong they are all perfectly fine and like i said they both popped out literally in the course of 5 minutes......and shes completely normal.....its just that her eyes are bug eyed.....ill post some pics tommorow

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