Whhatt?!?!? Are You Serious?!?!?!


New Member
Sep 19, 2009
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so i purchased a male and female halfmoon betta.....and im soooooooooooo soo soo excited to get them......and now ive been told by the transhipper that the next shipment from thailand to australia isnt until early decemeber....thats another like 3 weeks at least from the sounds of it and then once it gets to her shes going to hold them for another week in quarantine.....i figured i would have my fish in like a WEEK and i wass getting SOOO excited......im so dissapointed i wont be getting them for like another month.....is this normal??? ive heard of people getting theirs in like 5 days?!?!?!?!?! why meee!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
Yes, it's normal.
Shipments are about once every 4-6 weeks - by waiting to do mass shipments they manage to give you low shipping costs (around $5 per betta usuall) - as far as the transhipper, that is.
The last shipments out of Thailand were Sunday gone, so early December is quite quick in all honesty.

Although, keeping a week in quarentine sounds a bit odd. A week isn't long enough to quarentine all diseases so seems pointless, but then MAF have some quite strict guidelines for Aus don't they?
so its just m timing ahaha.....dang i should have found that site just a little earlier!!!!! lol. i guess ill just have to be patient.....i suppose that gives me time to setup their tank divide it off without having to rush.......yah australia is very strict on what comes in and out of this country....i can understand why but i just want them here lol!!!! i hate waiting!!!! oh well......i guess it will be that much more exciting when they do finally arrive.....i guess ill just put a ton of effort into their tank and REALLLYYYY make it perfect....hopefully that will keep me buisy....otherwiseill go crazy lol......i see you got your bettas!!! how exciting!!! what did you get...it will be good to see pictures when they are settled in!!!!!!
ahaha thats so funny......what i said is 100% the same as what you said...same situation and everything...too funny!!!!! thanks for that!!!
It's a real drag having to wait once you've picked them isn't it?
Is your tank cycled? If not, this is an ideal opportunity to run a fishless on it :good:
Are you keeping them together? If so seperate them. Males should be on there own, males and females seperate unless your breeding them, and females alone or in groups of 3+ (if they're in a pair the least dominent one will be bullied to death).
yah i know im not a patient person lol....but like i said it will just give me time to perfect their tank and set up the dividers exactly how i want them and makle itperfect lol......and no im not keeping them together im serparating my tank into 5 or 6 sections and am slowly going to fill it wil bettas......

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