New Kribs


New Member
Nov 22, 2009
Reaction score
Near Stirling
Hi just wondering if kribs have any special reqs. My tank is currently at 25 degrees celsius and i have some silver mollies and pink widows and a scissor tail shark. Am picking up 3 kribs tomorrow which are young but have been kept with tetra's so i'm assuming all is ok ?
Not a good idea. First off, the tank needs to be warmer. Second off, the shark and the kribs will fight. Third off, the kribs may nip the mollie's and widows. I would get a tank just for them. Besides that, if you have a male and female, they will pair off and beat the crap out of the other one.
I have the new kribs all females. They are getting on great woth my other fish no hassle at all ! They are now beautiul colours since they have settled and are cherry red. Thanks for your reply though.

I have the new kribs all females. They are getting on great with my other fish no hassle at all ! They are now beautiul colours since they have settled and are cherry red. Thanks for your reply though.
Would you not recomend kribs in a community tank at all? Even 1?
Mines are absolutely fine mines are in with mollies, neons, shark and widows and all is harmonious. Keeping themselves to themselves. Only thing is i heard they arent good with other bottom dwellers. I'm happy i got them, they are gorgeous :).
i have mine in a community tank and they are beautiful......i think what kribensis 12 was saying is that if you had 1 male and 2 females.....both the male and one of the females will more than likely pair off and start to beat up the krib thats left over..........kribs are great in a community tank...but can get aggressive when breeding......but even then its mainly just them scaring off anyone who goes to close to their cave or wherever it is they have chosen to spawn......i have mine with angelfish...a gourami.....2 plecos...a ghost knife fish.....they really are fine in a community tank as long as htye have enough space while spawning....

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