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  1. iffles

    I need help with kribs

    Hi Jreung, what did you decide to do in the end? I know this is a slightly old thread, but just saw your post and thought I'd reply -- I currently have two male kribs (one albino, one normal coloured) in my 33 gallon community tank, and they have been just fine. There was initially a bit of a...
  2. iffles

    Urgent situation!!

    Hi Dan, Whereabouts in London are you? And do you have a picture of the betta? Thanks! :)
  3. iffles

    Losing Corydoras

    nitrates are a tad high, other than that your water stats are perfect. was the tap water dechlorinated, or straight from the tap - the chlorine might have stressed and caused damage to the cories? i agree^^ platies are usually considered as fairly easy to keep fish, but ive not had luck with...
  4. iffles


  5. iffles

    My Khulis

    :lol: lol well it shows youre on the right track! :) and with a bit of time, luck and a few more waterchanges ;) you might get some eggs soon :) And here's something to look out for in the tank - kuhli loach fry!: though it...
  6. iffles

    My Khulis

    wow - thats definitely a good sign! :good: keep us posted :hyper: :)
  7. iffles

    My Khulis

    Sounds good :) I found some more info... looks like some people have thoroughly planned these schemes out:
  8. iffles

    Are My Fish Compatible

    Youre probably thinking of danios like pablo said. In the penultimate picture of yours, in the top right, you can see three danio-like fish. Danios are not strictly tropical, nor strictly coldwater - they can tolerate both, generally preferring a low tropical temp or a slightly higher...
  9. iffles

    My Khulis

    They're gorgeous little guys! :blush: :wub: <3 aww sorry about the 6th one - poor lil' thing :( Ive got 7 stripy ones - my lfs seems to always have a tank full of happily wriggling kuhlis just chillin and draping themselves over the bogwood in there. Im often tempted to grab a few more to...
  10. iffles

    Oh The Shame

    My family have always kept fish, so ive grown up with them. But we used to keep fish without REALLY knowing about them - the lfs employee said that a 20L plastic tank would be sufficient for 2 goldfish! and at the time, we totally believed them because we'd had no experience before and no other...
  11. iffles

    Substrate Grain Size And Kuhlii Loaches

    Thanks for the replies :) ive decided against a proper planted substrate cos you said the nutrients would be depleted soon - maybe i'll use the JBL 7+13 kugeln fertilizer balls in a normal sand instead, and replace them every now and then :) i went to my lfs and bought 2 bags of caribsea...
  12. iffles

    Substrate Grain Size And Kuhlii Loaches

    Hi all, Currently i have the well-loved argos playsand in my tank, but ive come across some problems with it - im worried about patches of anaerobic bacteria forming in the sand. At the front of the tank awful blackish patches develop that i have to clean away during regular maintenance. This...
  13. iffles

    Platy Fry

    Good Luck! :) :good:
  14. iffles

    Platy Fry

    there are two ways that you can go about it. one way is you can separate them and feed them powdered flakes, liquid fry food, crushed algae tablets, large infusoria, bbs when they get larger, etc. (i.e. small versions of foods that you would feed adult platies.) feed them tiny amounts quite...
  15. iffles


  16. iffles

    Discus And Shrimp

    i dont have any experience with discus, but maybe you could buy a couple of feeder shrimp (really cheap ones) and throw them in. if they get eaten (poor shrimps :/ ), you know that you cant keep shrimps with them and your discus got a snack. if they dont get eaten, then you might be able to keep...
  17. iffles

    Found A Tank At The Dump

    hi, and thanks for the quick replies :D With the gravel, i think i will just store it somewhere and not use it because the pebbles are HUGE compared to the sand i was planning to use - each pebble is about 1 inch and its not worth it really (the cories wont be happy with it either). i think...
  18. iffles

    R.i.p Jimmy...

    aww :-( so sorry :( RIP... :-(
  19. iffles

    Found A Tank At The Dump

    i found a tank at the dump, 20-30liters i think with a hood, filter, pebbley gravel and an plant/tree ornament. i think its a tetra aquaart 30. it dosn't have a lightbulb, but has the fittings for one. i'm not sure how to sterilise it, but have taken out the filter, rinsed and dried it and...
  20. iffles

    Help! Fish Dying!:(

    Hi, some extra info would be great to help work out what it is - copy and paste the table below to a post and fill in whatever you can. I would do a large water change anyway tho - clean water is important. Copy and Paste the following: Tank size: pH: ammonia: nitrite: nitrate: kH: gH: tank...
  21. iffles

    Need Plant Help!

    what type of plants? any CO2 or ferts? i find java moss, java fern and crypts are quite hardy plants. :good:
  22. iffles

    Does Anybody Know Any Peaceful, Small, Snake-Like Fish?

    not sure, but maybe a chinese weather loach, dont know much bout them tho, so mebbe someone else can recommend. kuhliis are nice too as mattlee said. Edit: btw weather loaches are subtropical and do better at lower temps.
  23. iffles

    Why Are Brothers So Stupid?

    i think maybe i added the anubias/es too early when there were loads of algae outbursts. they are now totally algaefied especially GSA and some BBA (!). A book on aquariums recommends them as hardy - and i *unfortunately* believed them. i now have 2 dying anubiases on my hands - one is half...
  24. iffles

    Where Did He Come From!

    really? never knew they were edible let alone commonly eaten :rolleyes: anyways... back to topic - as waterdrop said hes probably just come from shared equipment or decor - even a net can transfer them probably if it brushes on some eggs in one tank and they fall off in the other.
  25. iffles

    Why Are Brothers So Stupid?

    bogwood is also nice to have - you can grow some java fern/moss on it - but remember to soak it well! I LOVE vallis :wub: too. i have a row of valis at the back of my tank - makes a nice live green background. maybe an amazon sword as a centerpiece plant if the tank is big enough. i have argos...
  26. iffles

    What Is This?

    as Truck said ^ it looks like an amazon sword of some kind, dont know what the shoot is, but it being a flower shoot is probably right ^
  27. iffles

    Where Did He Come From!

    anything transferred from your old tanks? snail eggs could have hitched a ride :rolleyes: if i were you, i would remove him if he is a pest snail. pest snails can overtake a tank, and are a pain to control sometimes. any pics?
  28. iffles

    Why Are Brothers So Stupid?

    any new news??? ;) lol, confusing sorry lol. in other words, any updates?
  29. iffles

    I Think Imay Have A Cross Bred Guppy!

    good lol :good: Good Luck ;)
  30. iffles


    i think im overrun with something that looks like MTS when i search on google for them, not sure, but came free with some plants along with tadpole snails and ramshorns :rolleyes: anyways, when i see them i just take them out and have this special cup of water for them to live the rest of their...
  31. iffles

    Now, Why Can'T I Top Off A Tank?

    top offs should be fine as long as you keep doing regular water changes (as said above by a number of people^^). try to make sure the top off water is low in dissolved salts and minerals or it can build up. RO water is best, but low hardness water should be fine too :good:
  32. iffles

    I Think Imay Have A Cross Bred Guppy!

    Hybrid=2 different species crossed (eg guppy and molly cross or platy and swordtail cross) Colour Mix=2 different strains or colours crossed (eg blue guppy crossed with red guppy = a bluey/red batch of fry) Yours sounds like a colour mix (Japanese strain crossed with black strain) to produce a...
  33. iffles

    Hair Algae Type Stuff... Help!

    update: the cut down on lighting to 4hrs a day has seemed to slow the growth of the algae dramatically. ive removed quite a bit of it, still there but finally somewhat under control :rolleyes: . anyways, seems it will be with the java moss for a while but its slowly improving :D
  34. iffles

    Blue Green Algae

    heres a site that someone on here showed me for algae issues: hope it helps ;) i found it s quite good and should help you out a bit :good: Good Luck :D
  35. iffles


    Happy B-day! :cake: :- :bday: :good: :mama:
  36. iffles

    Why Are Brothers So Stupid?

    the cories should be able to go down to about 22 degs C. i would use the heater but keep it set at 22 degs and this shouldnt cost alot and will keep it at a good temp for the barbs and ok temp for the cories. :good:
  37. iffles

    Why Are Brothers So Stupid?

    what i do for my cories is i have this bottle and i chopped the bottome off, lower it into the tank , aiming the opening where i want the food and drop the food in so the greedy lil' :fun: harlequins and glow lights cant eat it all - once a glowlight got a pellet stuck in his throat :unsure...
  38. iffles

    Why Are Brothers So Stupid?

    not sure, but with 6 gold barbs, i think its nearly reached the stocking limit, so just a nice group of small cories. But its still waaaayy better than 1 stunted goldfish :lol: ! dont kno why he would consider that in the first place, but its probably he hasnt seen many other brightly coloured fish!
  39. iffles

    Im A Grandma!

    awww.. congrats - hes soo cute! :hyper: and i can see a fish tank behind him in the pic - hes on the right track! lol
  40. iffles

    Sad Day

    Awww... thats a real shame... you're tank was real nice too! Evil credit crunch :angry: ! Hopefully you will be able to get another tank in the near future and, as you said keep the new species you mentioned. As Ianho said, what are they gonna do to the place? Maybe they are worried about...