Why Are Brothers So Stupid?

not sure, but with 6 gold barbs, i think its nearly reached the stocking limit, so just a nice group of small cories. But its still waaaayy better than 1 stunted goldfish :lol: ! dont kno why he would consider that in the first place, but its probably he hasnt seen many other brightly coloured fish!

oh, i thought maybe a few more fish, i worked out that he could have approx 2ft of fish eventually. that was from a pfk guide. so how many dwarf corries do you think? would they breed in a tank with gold barbs? anything's better than the goldfish lol
Gold barbs grow to around 3" each you know.

So even with just 6 he's getting towards fully stocked. I wouldn't recommend anything other than the barbs for now.
so, say he got 6 gold barbs when he got the tank, then a few months later got some corries, would that be ok. wouldn't more water changes make up for an over stocked tank?
So long as the water changes were done then sure, waterchanges would make up for overstocking.

But aside from that Gold Barbs are ferocious feeders, I'm not sure that the corys would even get a look in.
oh, i've read about dwarf corries being kept with big fish such as rainbow sharks, but don't you think if i fed them both together that the corries would get enough food?
I don't have corys or gold barbs but ,I do have bottom dwelling shrim and a shoal harlequins with guppys.What I do is put a lot of food for the fish and the dip my hand in the tank with some food and just let the shrimp eat it after you let the food go.
what i do for my cories is i have this bottle and i chopped the bottome off, lower it into the tank , aiming the opening where i want the food and drop the food in so the greedy lil' :fun: harlequins and glow lights cant eat it all - once a glowlight got a pellet stuck in his throat :unsure: and i was so worried then, but he was ok in the end lol :lol:
the cories should be able to breed, but the gold barbs might eat the eggs before you find them. not sure on that one tho. Good Luck with persuading your brother ;)
I don't know if this would be recommened by members at all, but take him and show him saltwater fish, but alot more care needs to be taken with them!

the other option if he is still light headed show a picture of a discus and the picture to show would be a snake pigeon type, really look for one to show him although this requires a bigger tank, but there is colour in alot show him a red tail shark no grey in that but also requires a bigger tank.

Cardinals arn't grey, maybe he is just colour blind.... if you show him colourful fish maybe he is colour blind... show him planted tank setups :)

Sometimes no matter what you do you can't get through the head of a sibbling... my female dog is pregnant and so happen was from my brothers dog a big mistake, I have a male and female dog, male is fixed but female isn't fixed(In case we wanted to breed her), problem was visited mom one day and my bro showed up with his dog and boom was to late before i could catch what was going on. His wife always phones are the babies here yet I want to see them etc... They want a puppy from the litter, so now its even worse then before. I have to worry about vet bills and the health of the babies and the mother, and all they could careless and only want to see the puppies. (If only my brother had of listend to me and fixed his dog I wouldn't have an issue of this matter, as his dog doesn't even have its shots! and is 2 years old) Its something more than just bothersome.(worst is this dog is around my kids from time to time I don't want to have to explain to cas why my kids need a rabie shot because of a dog bite) Your brother sounds like he has his mind set on something and wants to achieve it. It is his choice although its mean what he is doing, just remember be there when he takes a fall don't be like i told ya so.

oh and can't wait to see his face when I hand him the bills, he has no idea how much its going to cost and said he would pay half and best part was he said it in front of mom woot... means I will get my money haha, shots for all pups and vet bills for mommy dog split! HaHaHa..... maybe it will be worth him to get the dog fixed after this lol, not me my dog is 7 years old.

Sibblings will be stupid sometimes nothing you can do about it, just takes time
update, it is now 3 vs 3. my grandad agrees with me, (he kept and bred goldfish in ponds for years, and he knows it's cruel) but my grandma isn't taking sides.

my mum now says that the heater will cost too much to heat the tank. how much about would a heater for a 2ft tank cost to run?
theres no definite answer for your question, the best situation is its never on which will cost you nothing, which is unlikely, the worst situations would be 2.2KW a day which is about 28p on our electric bill, obviously it would never be that, you just have to guess, I would put an estimate at about 5-10p a day if your room temperature is pretty constant.
Do you have any idea what the rough water temperature is in the tank at the mo, or has it not been filled yet?

I'm pretty sure the barbs would be Ok down to about 20C which will probably only be a degree or two above what the water settles at.

So yes I totally agree with truck, and it's a really important thing to state to your mum that heaters don't use any power unless they're actually heating.
Do you have any idea what the rough water temperature is in the tank at the mo, or has it not been filled yet?

I'm pretty sure the barbs would be Ok down to about 20C which will probably only be a degree or two above what the water settles at.

So yes I totally agree with truck, and it's a really important thing to state to your mum that heaters don't use any power unless they're actually heating.

he hasn't got the tank yet, he's getting it for christmas. so i don't know what the temperature will be. but the room is south facing, so it should be quite warm.
if he's getting the rekord 600 (I think I remember you saying it was that) then it comes with a 50 watt heater, and set at 22oC it will rarely click on and off.

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