Hair Algae Type Stuff... Help!


Fish Crazy
Sep 9, 2009
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there is this hair algae stuff all in my java moss, it's been building up over about 2 weeks and ive been trying everyday to remove it from my java moss, but its finally go to the point i cant stand it anymore. its a mat of hair algae and java moss and the problem is i cant get it out of the java moss easily without removing the java moss aswell (which sort of defeats the purpose). the lights are on for 9 hours which i will cut down to *attempt* to slow and hinder its growth, but i dont know how to remove it.
the final straw for me (which is why i am posting this) is the fact that i was feeding the fish, and then one fish got trapped in the hair algae like a net :angry: for about 10 seconds :shout: i was sooo scared and worried and grabbed the net, trying to free it, and it finally got out, stressed and pretty scared :( . i tried pulling at the hair stuff and got rid of some, but it's really hard.
any opinions, advice, pointers and anything else is greatly appreciated :good:
thanks is advance for any help :)
Drop lighting to 4 hours and improve flow, it will be gone in a few weeks, then slowly increase lighting up to 6 or so hours.

More info like what kind of lighting you have, the tank size, any ferts or CO2 will help.
hi, and thanks for your speedy reply :D

lighting is 2 glo 24" tubes one power glo and the other aqua glo, i think there 20W or T8 or something like that not really sure, just the ones that come with the Fluval tank (package deal ;) )
tank is a Fluval 125 (125l)
no ferts or CO2

will adjust the lighting timer to 4 hours :good:

how to increase flow? i have a U3 filter, 3 options but with same flow rate (i think). dont have any powerheads or anything else unfortunately. should i use the spray bar? or put the moss in front of the outlet?

thanks again :)
I did all these things when i got algea in my g/fs tank, a Roma 125 like yours with the same filter. In that case it was on Java fern.Even though the flow is reasonable from the U3 i got a seperate Eheim pump to up it, changed lighting patterns etc etc. None of it worked but the fish got a good workout swimming in there. Good luck to you. I've seen one or two people who swear by interrupted light periods on here so you may get it right.

The one thing that did work for me was Siamese algae eaters (make sure you get the real deal if you go that route) that are now double their original size but the tank is pretty much algea free. Having seen how fast they swim though, once they reach full size they are going to be a bit big for that tank.

I've also just got some peppered Corydora juveniles in my new tank that are making a good go of clearing algae, on their first day at least, and they will end up smaller although i don't know how long they will have a taste for algae once they get bigger. I've not seen any mention of their capabilities in this field so it surprised me a bit.
If your stocking permits I would add a couple of Nerite snails. These can live quite happily n fresh water and I have never seen ana algae eater as good as them. They eat everything an leave plants alone. Plus in freshwater they dont breed so you wont be over-run.
i have 5 apple anails in there - are these nerites? and also have 2 amanos. there really lazy i think - they have hardly touched the fuzz :rolleyes: ! there probably overfed, even though i dont feed them much, just a cucumber slice onceevery 2 weeks. dont kno what they live off.... :rolleyes:

i'm starting to think that its this stuff:

Description Fine strands of green algae sometimes very long in length. Slimy to the touch. Under a microscope the chloroplasts are aligned in a spiral - hence the name.

Cause Often appears a couple of weeks after a disturbance that causes a spike in ammonia. This can be anything from a disturbance of the substrate to a dead fish gone unnoticed. Likes high light levels and high nutrient levels.

Removal Once it has appeared it can be very hard to clear as it thrives in the same conditions as plants. Pick out as much as possible and do a three day blackout with CO2 turned off and doing large daily water changes. Dose back with macros after the water change. Afterwards I found normal dosing Excel also helped. Rosy barbs will eat it if made hungry. Also try reducing the lighting.
Another method to try is to try lean dosing at around 1/4 to 1/8 Estimative Index levels for a few weeks. I had good success doing this.

copied and pasted that, but i think its that. im quite worried says it like the same conditions as plants... :crazy:
should i do a 3 day blackout?
Thanks for your help :D
If you have no other plants but the java moss and the algae. Shut the lights off and leave them off. Once the hair algae is gone is soon enough to put them back on. I have java moss in several tanks with no lights in them. The stuff just keeps growing from the natural light in the room and the room lights that I use when I am in there. It is my best looking java moss because I do have lights on other tanks and get the same hair algae that you have. Unfortunately, the other tanks also have plants that need lights.
hi, and thanks for your replies :D .
Unfortunately I have other plants in there (cambomba, amazon sword, anubias, cryptocorynes, and 2 unknown species). i could remove the java moss if it can survive at room temperature ???? or just reduce lighting time further? currently it is set at 4 hours, dont know how the plants will react tho. i have some platy fry in there with their parents aswell, so the moss was one of their shelters from their parents but they should do okay without it, just would like to keep it in there. i could also maybe put it under a piece of bogwood or under the filter to get it darker yet still provide some refuge for the fry.
any (more) advice will be greatly appreciated :D
update: the cut down on lighting to 4hrs a day has seemed to slow the growth of the algae dramatically. ive removed quite a bit of it, still there but finally somewhat under control :rolleyes: . anyways, seems it will be with the java moss for a while but its slowly improving :D

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