I need help with kribs


New Member
Dec 30, 2017
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So I impulse purchased 2 kribensis. I was stupid and thought that it was 1 male 1 female, but after researching,i found it was 2 males. I have them in a 29 gallon with some dithers Cory's and angelfish. Will they kill each other or worse the other fish
Hi Jreung, what did you decide to do in the end?

I know this is a slightly old thread, but just saw your post and thought I'd reply -- I currently have two male kribs (one albino, one normal coloured) in my 33 gallon community tank, and they have been just fine. There was initially a bit of a dominance display, and there continues to be a very gentle level of occasional chasing, but nothing serious or damaging. Their fins are all in great shape (no actual biting has happened) and I haven't seen any aggression at all to the other fish in the tank!

It goes without saying that kribs' personalities can vary widely, so perhaps I'm just lucky with my two males! Do let me know how yours are going, I hope it's all peaceful on your end :)
So what happened was that in the beginning, there were constant fights, so I would just let it go because it would usually disturb the angelfish, who would immediately come in and Chase them if they got to close which would stop the fight. So far, the dominant one is the only one I've seen eating in the past 3 or 4 days, but it might be ok

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