Why Are Brothers So Stupid?

the fight has been on hold for a few days while my brother has been on a school trip to poland. he's back tonight though so it will commence tomorrow morning.
cool, keep us updated on any fish related events!
Hi everyone, I'm pest control's much harassed brother! I would like to say that I'm not tapped in the head or stupid or anything else my brother may have accused me of being. I've been reading your replies and I understand that to keep goldfish correctly I would need a much bigger tank with decent filtration etc etc. I'm beginning to think I want tropical fish, but I don't want to spend ages setting it up and maintaining it, and I don't want to spend copious amounts of cash. Don't get me wrong I like fish but I'm busy at the moment with bands and school etc so I don't have hours to kill unlike my dear little brother! So any suggestions for keeping costs and time down would be good, though I know maintenance is necessary.

Thanks for reading and now I'm going to bed, got no sleep in Poland/Krakow/Auschwitz etc with my mates!
Ha! Welcome :D

And frankly the only thing that makes tropicals more expensive is buying the heater (And then running it...but you're talking £15 a year max really).
Overall the maintenance is the same, around a 30% change once a week is all that should be required to keep things tip top. Should take a maximum of...20minutes a week.
I'd say that's low maintenance!

If you want anymore suggestions please don't hesitate to ask. :)
Hi everyone, I'm pest control's much harassed brother! I would like to say that I'm not tapped in the head or stupid or anything else my brother may have accused me of being. I've been reading your replies and I understand that to keep goldfish correctly I would need a much bigger tank with decent filtration etc etc. I'm beginning to think I want tropical fish, but I don't want to spend ages setting it up and maintaining it, and I don't want to spend copious amounts of cash. Don't get me wrong I like fish but I'm busy at the moment with bands and school etc so I don't have hours to kill unlike my dear little brother! So any suggestions for keeping costs and time down would be good, though I know maintenance is necessary.

Thanks for reading and now I'm going to bed, got no sleep in Poland/Krakow/Auschwitz etc with my mates!
Glad to see you stumbled into the right place! :lol:

:hi: to TFF!!!!

Anyways, keeping goldfish is going to require the same, if not more, maintenance than other tropical fish simplify because they require a larger tank (which means larger weekly water changes) and they are really dirty fish. The only thing that would be more money for a tropical tank is a heater, other than that the two kinds of fish require the same maintenance.

So, just get your self a small 10 gallon tank or something similar and have a look around for some nice, small, colorful community fish.

To make things cheap, get your tank second hand, and get the biggest tank you have space for. 15-20 gallons is a good starter size, not too huge ( would fit on top of a solid chest of drawers or strong solid desk or worktop if you haven't space for a stand ) and the bigger your tank, the EASIER is will be to maintain.

Ebay, car boot sales, Freecycle, newspaper classifieds, asking around the neighbors if anyone has an old spare tank lurking in the garage/loft that they no longer want... all good places to get a cheap or free tank.

Heaters and filters can be bought cheaply on ebay, and you can't go far wrong with a basic fluval 2 or 3 ( for the tank size I mentioned) internal cannister filter. Exceptionally easy to run and set up, a child could do it. A 50 watt heater will be fine.

As stated, your heater and filter will not cost much to run the tank at all so have no worries about that.

By being careful with your feeding regime ( in other words don't feed too much or even every single day ) and by doing 50% water changes once a week on a filtered tank, your fish should stay healthy and happy. Changing 50% once a week on a smallish tank will take you less than half an hour. It only takes me 45 mins to do 3 tanks!!!

Not sure if you've seen the pics but if you like goldfish then I would honestly reccomend Gold barbs very highly. Similar body shape, they don't grow massive and you can have a shoal of 6 in a 15-20 gal tank . They are very active fish, I have 6 myself and they've livened the tank up no end. They are also very simple to care for ( most basic tropicals are really )

Other easy fish to try, are Male Guppies, Male Endlers, Danios and Platies (males only, like guppies they are livebearing fish and breed like crazy, which is not something you need if you are busy ) Cories and Khulie loaches are easy bottom feeders to try too.

I would advise to avoid tetras completely since the tank will be freshly set up. They need mature tanks that have been running for at least 6 months.

You will need to read the stickied topics on cycling
. This is important for setting your tank up properly.
haha im the older one as well and it is true little brothers knag but, what can you do? :lol:

nice to finally speak to the guy that weve been arguing about the last few days lol,

but yeah thi is one of the best places to get the things you need, welcome!
Welcome! ^^;

I agree with what Honeythorn said, but, if you don't want to get a heater, white cloud mountain minnows, which don't look much like a goldfish but, in my mind, are absolutely *gorgeous* (here's a pic: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:White_Cloud_Mountain_Minnow_1.jpg Clicky!! ^_^;), don't need heaters; they're sub-tropical and very hardy fish. :)

If you want a social fish that does well in tanks 5-gallons and up, get a Betta! :lol: In 5-gallon tanks for Bettas you need a heater & not necessarily a filter; you just need to do around 40 - 50% w/c's per week! ^^;

I think you'll find that the fish-keeping hobby is very very fun. :D
Hi :good: the best thing about mountain minnows,in my oppinion,is that they are compatible with chinese fire bellied newts.I think you could put a pair of newtts in there with some mountain minnows.
last time i hada newt it went up the filter :no:
any new news??? ;) lol, confusing sorry lol. in other words, any updates?
Hi everyone, I'm pest control's much harassed brother! I would like to say that I'm not tapped in the head or stupid or anything else my brother may have accused me of being. I've been reading your replies and I understand that to keep goldfish correctly I would need a much bigger tank with decent filtration etc etc. I'm beginning to think I want tropical fish, but I don't want to spend ages setting it up and maintaining it, and I don't want to spend copious amounts of cash. Don't get me wrong I like fish but I'm busy at the moment with bands and school etc so I don't have hours to kill unlike my dear little brother! So any suggestions for keeping costs and time down would be good, though I know maintenance is necessary.

Thanks for reading and now I'm going to bed, got no sleep in Poland/Krakow/Auschwitz etc with my mates!

hmm, so he's busy! i've got orchestra as well if he hasn't noticed. and his school work generally consists of talking to his mates on msn. anyway sorry for not replying for a while, i was banned from the computer, (don't know why) so, like he's said, he's thinking about tropical now, and i think the parents think that they are good now, so it's really just getting the tank (christmas present i think) and then choosing decor/plants/fish etc. any ideas for plants/substrate etc that i can suggest to him. although he's probably reading this now, so he can look for himself i guess.


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