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  1. tffnew.gif


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    New logo (competition) for TFF

    Just stumbled across this thread. I don't have a contribution, but I figured I'd update the current logo for the new background (small change, but it only took a second, and it mollified my perfectionism for another day) in case you'd like to use it in the meantime.
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    I just seen a shocking video

    And debate and disagreement has to occur before something is proven correct. That's how things get validated.
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    my new pics

    What if she is being herself? Who decided that looking like everyone else is what "beauty" is? Wouldn't being under that impression be a sheeply rather than shepherdly quality? Art history is full of artists who were desperately trying to get away from the perpetuated "Greek beauty" they...
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    I just seen a shocking video

    In case anyone's interested in the threads about this that have come before:
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    Anyone know what animal this is?

    Ok that is so a mara. :)
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    I just seen a shocking video

    Consciousness is absolutely relevant. Pain doesn't exist in any form that can be empathized with (in fact it's kind of silly to even use the word pain) if there's "no one home", so to speak, to receive it. Without consciousness, there's little to no difference between those biological stimulus...
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    Anyone know what animal this is?

    Found a pic: A mara and a patagonian cavy are the same thing. But I don't know if that's the right kind of mara. The mountain viscachas look like chinchillas... see:
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    Anyone know what animal this is?

    I think it's some kind of Mara.
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    Best results with CO2 recipies

    When I used it it was 2 cups sugar, 1/4 tsp yeast.
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    I just seen a shocking video

    That would imply conscious experience. Don't want to hijack the thread though. Did he say he did it to feed them? Or just to see what would happen? Or for creepy enjoyment?
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    Can bettas explode?

    There's a difference between bursting and ending up in multiple pieces. :blink: I guess I'll ask the dumb question that should be obvious, but you never know... was there anything else in there to attack it?
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    I just seen a shocking video

    If it makes you feel any better, my research suggests that fish don't consciously experience pain (or anything, really). But so far people don't seem that interested in the science behind these things.
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    Anubias Nana Question about setting in

    I made a 52w hood for a 10g for about $30 or so out of a rain gutter. I guess if I did a longer 104w hood the same way it would cost around $50. I was going for economy, not quality (it's probably less than 52w if you account for restrike).
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    A few of my better pictures #4

    I'd go without the frame... I always saw frames like that as photoshop gimmicks that don't really serve a visual purpose (no offense of course). I think removing them would enhance the pics even more. I have access to a great deal of hosting space if you're ever in dire need.
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    A few of my better pictures #3

    Was #5 taken with a telescope? Someday when I'm fabulously wealthy I'm going to grab one of those telescopes you can plug into the computer. And a similar microscope, while I'm at it. Great pics as always. :thumbs:
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    spawn diary

    Whoa... I didn't realize you were spawning MG CT's. I think I'm going to have to reserve a shot at buying a pair from you if that's ok. :)
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    help: plant problems

    Are you using a heater? Sometimes the wrong temperature range will cause problems like that.
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    It's swelling caused by innumerable possible things. There really isn't a way of knowing for sure whether the actual cause is contagious or not.
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    Carnivorous plant "N. ventrata"

    Sounds like a good experiment. I actually lost track of which of my sundews were capensis and which were spatulata. I had them all in the same place... just got the trays mixed up. Looking at them now that they're more mature, it looks like it's the capensis that grew and the spatulata that...
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    Rogues Gallery

    I love those things. Do you know what species that is? It's a Colocasia, but I don't know what type. You aren't at all what I pictured, which is probably because for some reason I thought you were a guy. :) Never looked at your profile.
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    Carnivorous plant "N. ventrata"

    Hey gecko... good that the hamata is recovering. Something a little weird is going on with some of my VFTs. The leaves are dying off quicker than they should be... and it seems to start on the leaf rather than the trap. Since it's happening to most of them, I thought my lighting might have been...
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    carpet plants!!1

    Glosso might be happy there. Sometimes it will do great in tanks that are inadequate for it, and sometimes never get anywhere in tanks that are ideal. It's hard to predict if it will do well for you or not. I think it's worth a shot... you probably have a very good chance of success.
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    case of the missing ventrals

    I love having a scientist here. :) Since I currently have ONE fry with ventrals, I believe I'll be using very high quality stock next time.
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    Are plants enough to replace water changes

    The plants will get starved of the various minerals they need and die off as well.
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    what digi cameras do all you guys use?

    Olympus C-4000Z. Very good with macro shots.
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    Weird/Funny pictures. Post them here!!

    Proof that there's someone for everyone? :)
  28. love.gif


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    case of the missing ventrals

    They say you need to frequently wipe down the bottom with a sponge too. I'm betting plenty of spawns go fine without doing that. The process will probably never go perfectly... might as well just focus on the fish that came out healthy.
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    Pet Store had 2 male Bettas in 1 tank!!!

    I value knowledge from experience ten times more than I value parroting back knowledge one has read. I would say an expert is someone who knows the workings of the natural habitat, knows what it takes to replicate the key elements as well as possible, and has the years spent experimenting and...
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    Bettas over cichlids.

    If freshmike had been breeding bettas and was temporarily jarring these guys out of the grow-out tank you guys would be saying "Wow, you gave those guys some big jars... that was very good of you". To be honest, sometimes I think "I'm more humane" is this forum's equivalent of "My **** is bigger".
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    Bettas over cichlids.

    If I had to make a list of who I thought were the most skilled fishkeepers on this forum freshmike would easily be in the top 5. I'd like to second his "screw you guys". :)
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    Building Betta Aquarium

    I just use plastic canvas. If you want your dividers to be clear you can drill lots of tiny holes into them for water flow. Of course rather than glass you'll probably need something like acrylic for that instead.
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    How to trim plants?

    Cut it and observe what happens. Best way to learn.
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    Betta Breeding Clean Up Crew

    I think the best way to avoid no ventrals (after having a whole spawn without them, although recently one has sprouted some... weird) is just keeping the fish off the bottom all the time. And the best way to do that is probably to feed them free-swimming food as often as you can. I noticed my...
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    apple snails

    I've seen at least golfball-sized in pet stores.
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    can snails...

    Some are one sex, some are both. I don't think it's possible to fail at breeding snails. There will be hundreds of them and that's just that.
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    heater when doing water changes?

    That's so some moron doesn't sue them on the off chance that something does go wrong. :)
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    Betta eating live plants?

    Probably snapping at what looks like food and finding out there's nothing there.
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    No easy answer there. :)