Building Betta Aquarium


Fish Addict
Apr 2, 2004
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I've seen a few aquariums in my LFS and on here, but has anyone actually built these? I'm planning to seperate my ten gallon into 4 seperate cages. I've seen smaller cages at my LFS, but not only were they expensive($60) but I aslo want my bettas to have a bit more room. My plan is:
To cut slits into the "lip" of the aquarium, and buy 3 pieces of glass from my local glass shop, and sorta slide them in there. This sounds real easy to make...and will it work? -_- :D
Im planning to put a filter in it. How would i get the water to pass throught he glass without letting the bettas get through? heres a picture i fetched up on "Paint" to give you guys an idea of what im planning.


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I have a tank split into 6 sections. Someone just sawed knotches in the lip of the aquarium and it works great.

I haven't had any luck with filtering glass divided tanks :/. Maybe someone else can help.
im not sure about useing just glass, id just buy dividers, in the end it will be cheaper and save u trouble. i had my 10g split into 2 with a male on one side and a female on the other. i had a few excape attempts by the female but that was all. should work out great.
gl :thumbs:
I just use plastic canvas. If you want your dividers to be clear you can drill lots of tiny holes into them for water flow. Of course rather than glass you'll probably need something like acrylic for that instead.
why not UGF? you can cut the glass a bit short so it sits directly on the filter and make the deviders removeable so you can clean the filter every once in a while.
Thanks all, But I currently have run low on money and i need to cut done on my fish purchasing. I am however saved for converting my 55 gallon tank into either a female betta or my name and look at some of my posts that talk about it please!
Below i have a picture of my betta tank. It is a 5 gal that is divided into three sections. I used 6 report cover grip strips, siliconed them into place. Cut three pieces of plastic canvas to slide into these three sections. At each end section I have a sponge filter and a heater in the center comparment. Water is able to pass through my three sections as is the water and in keeping the water temp even through the whole tank. This works great and when you need to clean the dividers I just put them into the sink and use a brush with a very tiny bit of soap and wash them clean and rinse like mad. Make sure you rinse and rinse. I also have one otto cat that is put into each section for 4 days then moved onto the next one and boy does one of these little guys ever keep the tank clean. It works great, the bettas can see each other and flare away. I also move them into different sections to see each other from a different view.

Good luck....bugsy :)


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