Bettas over cichlids.

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Only one loser in this situation im afraid, and thats the fish that are being kept in jars that should be used for storing pickled onions :( As ive said today and many times before this is just one of the differences between the UK hobby and the US hobby, 99% of European fish keepers wouldnt dream of keeping a fish in a tank so small (in some countries tanks below 10g are illegal). The US is only a plane flight away but sometimes it could be another planet in the way we differ in our ways.
As ive said today and many times before this is just one of the differences between the UK hobby and the US hobby, 99% of European fish keepers wouldnt dream of keeping a fish in a tank so small (in some countries tanks below 10g are illegal). The US is only a plane flight away but sometimes it could be another planet in the way we differ in our ways.

CFC-- That's really out of line. If this is a friendly public forum, it's not right for you to accuse American laws, or any other countries laws, as despicable. We have good fish keepers who really care about our fish and the hobby in America too! Your post is very offensive against the American people. Yes, we come from a different place, but using a phrase like, "The US is only a plane flight away but sometimes it could be another planet in the way we differ in our ways." in this context is very hateful, and implies that we as a people are immoral and evil. That's not fair. I don't know what it's like in the UK, I've never been there. However, I think we're all trying our best to take good care of the fish, ok???

Freshmike-- I myself lack confidence in my ability to take care of a lot of bettas at once, so I just keep them in large tanks with other peaceful fish. I don't really have any knowledge on the subject of how small a container they can be kept in. However, I believe that you're trying the best you can, and I know how it feels to not want rare and beautiful fish to slip through your fingers . . .

I myself, don't like seeing people jumped on constantly in threads . . . props for Arashi's comment.
Consider yourself done.

I don't know if you are blind, stupid, can't read or what, but many people have made suggestions that these may very well be temporary homes for these fish. Did you see me oppose?


You have seen EVERY single one of my tanks and know damn well that I take exquisite care of my fish, so what is up with the flame job?? Do me a favor and keep your ignorant comments to yourself....the absolute last thing I need right now is to put up with any of your crap, or anyone elses. I can't BELIEVE the way this forum has become, it's like walking on ****ing eggshells sometimes....might as well call it my wife. :rolleyes:

Anyway, for comparisons sake, here are some bettas containers to shoot fire balls at.

Left, my jar. :wub: *smooches jar*

Middle, an unusually large betta cup....(4 fill a jar BTW)

Right, walmart cup. Only half full, because that is only how far they fill them.


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CFC said:
As ive said today and many times before this is just one of the differences between the UK hobby and the US hobby
Last I thought FM was from Canada.... hmm ..... ignorance is bliss.
As ive said today and many times before this is just one of the differences between the UK hobby and the US hobby, 99% of European fish keepers wouldnt dream of keeping a fish in a tank so small (in some countries tanks below 10g are illegal). The US is only a plane flight away but sometimes it could be another planet in the way we differ in our ways.

CFC-- That's really out of line. If this is a friendly public forum, it's not right for you to accuse American laws, or any other countries laws, as despicable. We have good fish keepers who really care about our fish and the hobby in America too! Your post is very offensive against the American people. Yes, we come from a different place, but using a phrase like, "The US is only a plane flight away but sometimes it could be another planet in the way we differ in our ways." in this context is very hateful, and implies that we as a people are immoral and evil. That's not fair. I don't know what it's like in the UK, I've never been there. However, I think we're all trying our best to take good care of the fish, ok???

Yeah, I gotta agree. I also found this comment to be very hurtful and just downright rude to the American people, and to me. :grr: I don't want to start a flame war here, but seriously, just because we live in different countries and have different size limits on our fish tanks, does not mean that us Americans take horrible care of our fish. Just because a betta lives in a 1 gallon tank does not mean that he/she is mistreated. I myself have three 1 gallon tanks and two 2.5 gallon tanks all with bettas, and they are just the happiest little things. They are feed good high quality foods everyday, get an every other day water change, a weekly super cleaning of their tanks, get treats several times a week, and I talk to the little guys like they are people...they all know me, and will come right up to look at me and flare, and wiggle their little bodies. Everyone on this forum (American and UK alike) are taking the most wonderful care of their fish that they possibly can, and if they aren't, well then thats why they are get help, and to make their little friend's lives better...not start a sick crusade that is only going to end up in people being hurt and/or pissed off. And frankly, I am pissed off over the fact that you seem to think that over in the UK you all take so much better care than us Americans do over here. :grr:

I myself, don't like seeing people jumped on constantly in threads . . . props for Arashi's comment.

Thank you. I wouldn't have said it if I didn't believe it...just look at the way this thread went. The proof is here...right here. :grr:
I hope that wasn't directed to me. To be more clear FM, I meant I'm on your side. I'm just not aware of what a "good temporary home is." Sorry!

<edit> I mean, there's gotta be greater evils in this world than FM keeping his bettas in .5+ gallon jars, right? The labrynth organ has seen SUCH greater abuse than this.
tear-scar said:
I hope that wasn't directed to me. To be more clear FM, I meant I'm on your side. I'm just not aware of what a "good temporary home is." Sorry!

<edit> I mean, there's gotta be greater evils in this world than FM keeping his bettas in .5+ gallon jars, right? The labrynth organ has seen SUCH greater abuse than this.
I wasn't at all talking to you, sorry you took it that way. :/ *hugs*

...still, to the rest of you that have had something ignorant to say....please don't forget to bite me. You had it in ya to bash me, so you owe me.
If I had to make a list of who I thought were the most skilled fishkeepers on this forum freshmike would easily be in the top 5.

I'd like to second his "screw you guys". :)
endparenthesis said:
If I had to make a list of who I thought were the most skilled fishkeepers on this forum freshmike would easily be in the top 5.

I'd like to second his "screw you guys". :)
:*) Thanks man.
I'd just like to add something in CFC's defence here.

From what he wrote, I did not get the impression he was making anti-American comments. Rather, I saw that he was trying to explain how people in different parts of the world see things differently.

It's called traditions and customs. We all have them, and that was what CFC was referring to. In the UK, bettas for sale are usually found housed in tanks with other fish. In the US, they are found on their own in in tiny aquaria. As such, this seems to lead to the belief that it is OK for them to remain housed in such conditions.

FreshMike - As you are a long-term and seemingly well-respected member, I admit I was quite shocked to read your responses to all of this. Many people have noted that it seems out of character for you to cause this kind of "controversy" and did not wish to accuse you until an explanation was given.

I just think we were all a bit stunned to see you keeping all those bettas in those tiny jars.

If you intend to house them in something larger when you are able, then that is fantastic and I'm pleased to hear it. But might I just ask (politely) why you did not decided to buy the bettas after you had acquired proper homes for them?

Now to everyone else as well - please try to remain calm and remember that everyone involved in this argument cares very much for their fish. If they didn't, they wouldn't bother posting.

Thank you for reading.
why you did not decided to buy the bettas after you had acquired proper homes for them?

Well that's pretty obvious-- he saw an opportunity to get some great fish and he took it.

From what he wrote, I did not get the impression he was making anti-American comments. Rather, I saw that he was trying to explain how people in different parts of the world see things differently.

You're right, not as anti-American as, UK-superior. Just as hateful really. If he's talking about our customs, that's even worse. It's even more offensive to say "Our culture is superior to your backwards and immoral one" than it is to say that "Your laws are immoral" which is pretty offensive already.

Bettas are kept alone in Thailand, where there fish came from. Would you prefer we start having betta fights for view on this forum? Or are you going to tell the Thai people that it's evil for them to hold fights when it's already ingrained in their culture? I garantee they'll take offense.
LadyMinion, you may be right, but CFC could have chosen his words a bit more carefully. :/ And there is a reason why Chris didn't have tanks setup and ready for his new fishes arrival. I'm not sure if this is the only one, but I know that he has been rescuing female bettas from hungry Cichlids at Wal-Mart like mad. It's no wonder he dosen't have any more tanks. :/ I gotta give him a pat on the back for this, not a slap. Those females would be dead right now if he hadn't saved and cared for them.

Bettas are kept alone in Thailand, where there fish came from. Would you prefer we start having betta fights for view on this forum? Or are you going to tell the Thai people that it's evil for them to hold fights when it's already ingrained in their culture? I garantee they'll take offense.

Just gotta add my 2 cents here too. I don't agree with betta fighting, at all. I think it's a horrible practice that only ends up hurting a beautiful creature. But that does not mean that I am going to go over to Thailand and tell them that. They have their own culture and so do do I. I have no right to tell them they are wrong.
mike what kind of cichlids do you have... they are awesome!!! do your breed them???? you tanks look awesome!!! and forget all those lorers who questioned your fish keeping skills :lol:
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