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    sorry to all betta lovers

    I introduced a lovely blue betta into my tank about 10 days ago and since then, my favourit guppy has lost three quaters of his tail. At first i gave the betta the benefit of the doubt but i caught him in the act of 'nipping' the other day so feel he will have to go back to the lfs. :-(...
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    red honey gourami

    similar thing happened to my kissing gouramis. I ended up taking the 'bully' back to lfs. Sorry
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    Where'd his tail go?

    The same happened to one of my guppies about 6 weeks ago. no signs of re-growth yet. guppy seems ok otherwise. very strange. :-( let us know if it grows back.
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    do i need to worry?

    Yesterday i noticed bubbles floating on the top of the water and thought they would auytomatically pop. They are still there just moving around the surface with the water flow. Does anyone know why and should i be concerned? :S nitrites 0 nitrAtes 12.5 pH 7.5 I do weekly water changes...
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    Albino Cory playing dead

    i think he's just got a 'fishy' character :rofl: hope he's ok bubbs
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    my new cory

    very cute. think i might look out for a couple to keep my albinos company.
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    should there be nitrAte in an established tank?

    :D thanks very much for explaining that. My nitrAte reading is about 12 so all is well. thanks again buubs
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    should there be nitrAte in an established tank?

    I thought i'd got to grips with the nitrogen cycle .... at last, but after a visit to lfs today, i'ts thrown me totally. I thought that if there were 0 nitrItes and small positive nitrAtes ( under 40) then all is well. My lfs has said today that there really should be 0 NitrItes and 0...
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    One fish eating more than the others

    i've got five black widow tetras, had them about 6 months and one of them has almost doubled in size the others are still small. The fat one always gets food first and goes for the biggest flakes. Kids call him 'fatty' seems to be a common thing with tetras?
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    Why is this so addictive?

    i'm also addicted :hyper: and have gained so much with the good advice i have received. thanks all
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    kissing gourami - being a bully

    Thanks for your reply inchworm. Can any type of cory be mixed and will they school together?
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    kissing gourami - being a bully

    thanks for your replies. not only is it stressing out the cory's, but it is stressing me out to watch. my poor cory's. they have got a couple of caves to hide in plus plenty of plants to go behind. I have been to lfs today :sad: and they have said they will take the gourami back. will be sad...
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    How does sand affect the pH

    Please can anyone tell me how sand alters the pH of the water. My pH is 6.5 and i thought it should be nearer 7 / 7.5. Is this correct? The only thing in my tank (apart from 5 black widow tetras) is sand and plants. Is the sand lowering the pH? If so what should i do to raise it if required...
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    kissing gourami - being a bully

    can anyone suggest where i can put him? :thumbs: please.......
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    kissing gourami - being a bully

    I've had my tank set up for about 6 months now and all has been fine until the last couple of weeks. My kissing gourami has taken to chasing the two albino corys big style. so much so that i'm beginning to worry that the cory's will become too stressed. When i first bought the kissing fish , i...
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    Whitespot, dead clown loach & 2 dying

    sorry to hear of your loss. :( I've just had a clown loach with ich. in fact he/she had it when purchased and i never noticed it. Did you remove the carbon sponge whist treating?
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    Please help - my water is turning brown

    just out of interest, how long does it take to soak and get all tannins out? :drool:
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    oops - clown loach with ich

    I've been using Sinclairs white spot medicine. All spots seem to have gone today but will use one more dose I think. Only thing is that it did not tell me to remove the carbon sponge, should I do this? Thanks all for your replies.
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    oops - clown loach with ich

    :*) Last sunday i bought 2 clown loaches. The minute I released them into my tank, I noticed a few small white spots on one of them and panicked as I thought it was ich. I have never had ich in my tank before and tried to catch the fish to take him/her back to the lfs. No chance!!!! hiding...
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    specific removal of snails

    While it's true that clown loaches will eat snails, not everyone has room in their tanks to add fish that could grow to be a foot in length. oops didn't know they grew that big. lfs will have to take them back once they get too big!
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    specific removal of snails

    I have the same problem and have been told by my lfs that clown loaches are good for eating snails. Have just bought two last saturday but so far I haven't seen any improvement.
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    Filter AND heater broken -Please please help

    my tank is a 70 ltr. (juwel rekord 70) only had it 4 months. I've got neons, black widow tetra, corys, guppies and one gourami Basically weather is AWFUL, lots of rain and about 18 deg if that I'm keeping the light on all night to see if that helps to keep them warm
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    Filter AND heater broken -Please please help

    :( I noticed at about 9.00pm tonight that the pump appeared not to be working. On trying to fix the problem my heater broke. Now my fish are going to freeze and have no air? please advise on how long tropical fish can live in these conditions. I did a 20% water change tonight. Thanks in...
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    Daft Question?

    thanks for all your replies. A friend has borrowed my test kits so can't say what water params are, but they were ok last time i checked. Water changes are done weekly. can fin rot pass on to other guppies? I only have two others No black or red edges on whats left of tail (end of body) :rolleyes:
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    Daft Question?

    Yesterday I noticed that one of my guppies has lost the whole of its tail fins. How I just don't know, unless she has been badly nipped. This has never happened before, not even a slight fin nipping session has gone on before. She is now spending a huge amount of time at the surface of the...
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    What to do with diseased tetra?

    Sorry about your fish. :(
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    What to do with diseased tetra?

    recently I had my first very poorly fish and was advised to send him/her to fishy heaven. I couldn't do it so took it back to Lfs and asked them nicely to sort it out. Not only did they do that, but they gave me a free replacement. How kind was that?
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    Rocks turning rusty/black

    thanks for replying. tempestuousfury mentioned minerals, does the carbon filter sift minerals out? Only temp'fury's response reminded me that I had to remove the carbon filter for 4 days due to medication, and this is when the problem started. (both fish sadly died) and the carbon filter has...
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    Rocks turning rusty/black

    All of a sudden, the rocks in my tank have got a coating of what looks like rust , or heavy dust on them. From having a lovely clear clean tank I have been infested with this horrible rusty coloured 'something'. Its even on the plants. The leaves are turning black / dark brown on their edges...
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    Ammonia symptoms?

    I assumed it was fully cycled as nitrItes went back down to 0 and nitrAtes were positive (approx 25) pH remains at 7.5 It stayed stable at these readings for weeks so I assumed it had cycled. Tank been up and running since middle of March. Do you think I have made a mistake? By the way I...
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    Adding salt to water

    I've recently had a copule of fish die and a friend of mine (who used to keep tropical fish) suggested that once a month I should mix a solution of table salt and water and put it in the tank to kill bacteria. I have a 15 gal (UK) tank and he suggested 5 teaspoons of salt sholud be added each...
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    Ammonia symptoms?

    strangely I do have a few bubbles which haven't popped around the edge of the tank. Do you think these fish have died due to ammonia then?. I'm straight down to the lfs for a test kit.
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    Ammonia Question

    Thanks all, I'm straight down to the shop to buy an ammonia test kit
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    Ammonia symptoms?

    Please can anyone advise me on the symptoms of ammonia poisoning. I have lost two fish in the last two days. NitrItes 0 Ntirates approx 25 pH 7.5 Sorry , i don't have an ammonia testing kit. First fish - Gourami dies yesterday having had a bruising appearamce in two patches , one on each...
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    Ammonia Question

    Please can anyone tell me if you can have high ammonia levels if nitrites are 0 and nitrates are positive reading is approx 25 on tetra atest kit for nitrate. My lfs told me that i didn't need an ammonia test kit if i had a kit for nitrites and nirate. He said that if nitrites positive then...
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    'Bruising' on gourami

    Hiya Debsmd Sorry to hear about your gourami. When I got up this morning, my fish had also sadly passed away .(mine was a kissing gourami) I thought last night it was on the road to recovery because the bruising had reduced slightly and it was swimming about a lot more, so I was quite...
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    'Bruising' on gourami

    I also have a gourami which had 2 bruised areas appear on its side on Sunday. Slightly swollen on those areas and scales look different. Is this dropsy? What action have you taken? I really don't know what to do as I only have the one tank. Good luck and let us know what happens.
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    Bought mine from lfs
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    neon tetra disease

    Thanks for that info. Should any of my other neons get the disease I will know what to get.