neon tetra disease


Fish Fanatic
Mar 30, 2004
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One of my neons appears to have neon tetra disease ( I have 5 altogether)

Two days ago I noticed that the stripe down one side was not complete about 40% missing.

How long should I wait to confirm the disease?

How do I terminate its life if this is the answer?

Please help :sad:
My neon died within a week or two of my first realsing something was wrong. I didn't know it was neon tetra disease until after he died. I used Clout to try to cure the other neons, but it was too late :(

If you can start treatment asap, don't euthanize him right away. Wait to see if the medicine works. If you do have to euthanize him, here's a link. HTH and GL :thumbs:
Which or blue? Neon disease is indicated by the red strip disappearing. IS the fish acting ill? Is it still eating and moving aboout normally? Keep us posted. HTH :)
if you even suspect the fish has neon tetra disease (which is not limited to neons) I strongly suggest you put it in quarantine. This disease can and will spread, and it's a killer.

GL and keep us updated
Yeah, Neon tetra disease is UNcurable. And suppose to be catchable. You need to separate the suspected fish immidiately to the other small tank or container. Hospital tank. Like only air-stone and maybe some plant(some people use the plastic one) and maybe sponge filter. And start treating with chemical or salt bath. Although like I mentioned earlier. There are no known cure for this desease. If your diagnose is right, you cannot cure them, unfortunately. But if the fish is sick from the other disease, salt bath may help since it is effective cure for many disease like ick. So try salt bath and slowly increase the salt content by day by day. Also need to change the water frequently.
But if you see the fish lose more color and become white and start to lose the weight and especially tail become dwarfed and have tough time swimming or develope some breathing difficulty, you should put it to sleep. Some recommend to drop the fish to boiling water, some recommend to give blow in the head, or cut the behind the head with sharpe knife or add enough alchool in the water. Sigh.
Not a fun subject to talk but it better off to put to sleep when they develope swimming or breathing difficulty. Especially, neon tetra diesease is un-curable.
I hope you are wrong with your diagnose and it is some curable diesease but separate the fish IMMIDIATELY. So rest of the fish will not catch the diesease.
It seems to me like I was right. :/

Actually, the pic in the book I have actually has the blue stripe missing (looks like a white maggot on top).
When I read tstenbacks reply, I was somewhat hopeful, since it is only the blue stripe which has gone, but having read the rest I'm still sad.

On a slightly more positive note though, my little fish has been more cheerful today, swimming out into the middle of the tank instead of resting in a corner all the time. Still feeding well.

I can't bring myself to kill it yet as I'm still hopeful.

Thanks for all your responses and I will keep you informed.

( just a thought, when I did my last water change, last monday ( 4 days ago) I moved a couple of rocks to vacuum part of the gravel; Could I have knocked the fish accidently and caused the stripe to go?)
Thanks for that link J-acon. Looks just like that. oh dear.
Thanks all for your concern and help.

Today, I took the sick fish to the LFS ( Its a very good one, only deal in fish , family run aquatics business) to ask if they would put it out of its misery as I couldn't face doing it , especially after reading the pinned article on euthanasia. LFS said they would keep it , better out of my tank than in - and gave me a free replacement.

How good is that ? I was well impressed!

At the same tiome I couldn't resist buying 5 small cherry barbs to add to my community (3 male and 2 female).

Cheered me up and my little boy who had taken ownership of the Neons.

Now I will just have to keep a watchful eye on the remaining neons - at least I know what to look for.

Thanks again for all your help and advice - such a good forum, I'm glad I found it.
Neon Tetra disease is cureable if you use the medicine protozin.
Drlife202 said:
Neon Tetra disease is cureable if you use the medicine protozin.
you are the first person to say that. Do you have experience of it? Now I'm feeling guilty!
I think I do yeah, when I got my fish from Pets At home, all my neon tetras died, loads of my other fish died, I took them to my LFS and he said the bug is common in neon tetras, he gave me the medicine called "protozin" and it stopped this bug from spreading to my other fish. But 3 weeks ago I had to start my protozin medicine again for suspected neon tetra disease, my neon tetra had a pink mark on it, I started the protozin, 5 of my neons died and the 1 with the pink mark survied. On the protozin bottle it says treats neon tetra disease.
Drlife202 said:
On the protozin bottle it says treats neon tetra disease.
Thanks for that info. Should any of my other neons get the disease I will know what to get.

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