kissing gourami - being a bully


Fish Fanatic
Mar 30, 2004
Reaction score
I've had my tank set up for about 6 months now and all has been fine until the last couple of weeks.
My kissing gourami has taken to chasing the two albino corys big style. so much so that i'm beginning to worry that the cory's will become too stressed.

When i first bought the kissing fish , i had two but they were forever fighting. one lost all the time so i took the then bully back and was advised only to have one of these fish.
Now I am worried for my cory's 'hoover' and 'dyson' . Any advise would be most appreciated.

I have 180l tank in which i have
5 black widow tetras
5 cherry barbs
4 neon tetra
2 clown loach
2 albino corys
3 guppies
1 kissing gourami ( who i am beginning to dislike and was once my favourite)
thats odd, my female betta love my cory, their pals. all i can say it to remove the kissing gourami and then re introduce him in a week, this works for angel fish so maybe it will work for your -_-
can anyone suggest where i can put him? :thumbs:

Hi bubbs :)

Kissing gouramis are big fish, growing to a length of 8". They are territorial and usually aggressive toward ones of their own kind. When a gourami becomes so aggressive that it turns on other tank mates, there is probably nothing that can be done except to remove it.

In the meanwhile, please be certain that the corys have a cave where they can escape to if necessary, although this is hardly the way they should be expected to spend their entire lives. The stress that might come from having an aggressive fish in the tank is enough to leave it vulnerable to bacterial infections and eventually death.
thanks for your replies. not only is it stressing out the cory's, but it is stressing me out to watch.

my poor cory's.

they have got a couple of caves to hide in plus plenty of plants to go behind. I have been to lfs today :sad: and they have said they will take the gourami back.

will be sad to see him go but think it is best for 'hoover and dyson'
He's also taken to chasing the black widow tetras today so it seems to be getting worse.

:byebye: gourami ( if i can catch you)
Hi bubbs :)

I know it's hard when you have to get rid of a fish you have become attached to, but it will be for the best. :nod:

When you think about getting replacements for him, why not get a few more corys? They are schooling fish and do best in a group of 3 or more. Having a bigger group of them combined with eliminating the fish that was bothering them, will make the little fellows much more outgoing and playful. You will surely enjoy having a school of corys in your tank. :thumbs:
Thanks for your reply inchworm.
Can any type of cory be mixed and will they school together?
bubbs said:
Thanks for your reply inchworm.
Can any type of cory be mixed and will they school together?
Yes, two or three different types of corys can be mixed. In the wild they have been caught shoaling with over 5 different species :nod:

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