Ammonia symptoms?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 30, 2004
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Please can anyone advise me on the symptoms of ammonia poisoning. I have lost two fish in the last two days.

NitrItes 0
Ntirates approx 25
pH 7.5

Sorry , i don't have an ammonia testing kit.

First fish - Gourami dies yesterday having had a bruising appearamce in two patches , one on each side , with slight swelling on thosea areas and scales looked different on those areas.

Second fish - Angel fish died today - no apparant symptoms , but I've only had it 10 days.

Ive got a 70ltr tank, fully cycled with the following fish

5 black widow tetrsa
5 neon tetras
2 dwarf gourami
2 albino catfish
5 small cherry barbs

Thanks in advance
I have heard that bubbles that don't pop on the surface can indicate that there is amonia present in the water. You should really have a test kit, but since you don't you will want to monitor the nitrite level closly. Nitrites are created from the bacteria eating the amonia. The fact that you are at 0 and still have nitrates is probably a good sign. Have you been doing water changes? Also look at your fish. Pinkness around the gills is usually a way of telling if there is amonia in the water.
strangely I do have a few bubbles which haven't popped around the edge of the tank.

Do you think these fish have died due to ammonia then?.

I'm straight down to the lfs for a test kit.
does the bruised are look streaky and bloody. if you lose any more check the gills of the fish by lifting the operculum (gill cover), if they are pale and pink then yes ammonia could be the reason, but the other chap was right you should really get a test kit to confirm it.
If the gills are healthy then i would probably assume that its a bacterial infection caused by water quality, or maybe agression opening up a wound that was infected with a bacterial infection!
f.y.o th gills should be a good healthy red coloured
cheers and good luck
How can you know the tank is fully cycled without an ammonia test kit?
How long has it been running?
I assumed it was fully cycled as nitrItes went back down to 0 and nitrAtes were positive (approx 25)

pH remains at 7.5

It stayed stable at these readings for weeks so I assumed it had cycled.

Tank been up and running since middle of March.

Do you think I have made a mistake? By the way I cycled with 5 black widow tetras as I wasn't aware of fishless cycling at the time.

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