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  1. Alliecat420

    Setting Up Freshwater Tank

    may i seguest a website... check the freshwater section they have pictures and sizes and temperment and whatnot for most common fish.. i use this site for refrece alot.. you might find alot of fish you can agree upon
  2. Alliecat420

    Tetras With White Spot Disease? Please Help!

    i've actually read ich can be brought on by stress.. you have several fish who need shoals and without that they can get stressed out and their immune system will weaken.. thus leading to diseases the best way to get rid of ich is to increase tempurature and oxygen in the water (up to 1 degree a...
  3. Alliecat420

    Will This Work?

    i did this with my upgrade from a 20 to a 55.. i added the filter media after i had one danio in there for a few weeks.. once i moved all the filter media i moved my fish and everything worked nicely.. i did like big fairy said would happen got a "hiccup" but that didnt last long
  4. Alliecat420

    Angelfish Tank What To Add?

    how does a shoal of chain loaches and some bolivian rams sound? How meny rams is a good number.. do they like trios? pairs?
  5. Alliecat420

    Angelfish Tank What To Add?

    thank you guys for your ideas.. i will keep in mind the Bolivian rams.. and do some research on them. i also always liked botia loaches do they go well with cories? as for increasing the schols.. i had planned that.. my danios get along pretty well with my angels.. i know they do have a habit...
  6. Alliecat420

    Angelfish Tank What To Add?

    I have a 55 gallon tank that ive only had set up since June I bought it to move my adult angels into, and now ive sort of run into a rut. My two angels where the primary occupants and i never put much thought into what else to put in with them, now that it's fairly well established i'd like some...
  7. Alliecat420

    Moving Fish

    put all your fish in their own bags.. i learned big fish fit very well in the large ziplock bags.. get a cooler ready and place them all in it (this will keep the water temp from spiking or dropping) make sure when you bag them to give them plenty of water so as to dilute any waste they make...
  8. Alliecat420

    My Female Guppy Has Dropsy!

    well you could put her in a bowl of some sort.. tupperware works.. if you can fit it into the tank.. like sit it at the top, and close the lid.. that will keep her warm but seprate her from the other fishe's water so you dont get more problems.. you probly shouldent treat her unless you can do...
  9. Alliecat420

    My Female Guppy Has Dropsy!

    if you can put her in a seperate container.. you could try to medicate her.. but if her whole body is already pineconed (i take it she isnt moving arround much) it's probably not going to do much for her
  10. Alliecat420

    Angelfish Roomates

    thank you very much.. i dont know much about cichlids.. or loaches.. mainly because i never had much room to accomadate them.. i will look into bolivian rams.. also yoyos and zebra loaches.. thanks again.. i like all the feedback i can get
  11. Alliecat420

    Angelfish Roomates

    i got a 55 gallon for my 2 adult angels.. so far the only fish that are going into this tank are my angels.. 4 cories, one danio and one pleco. i would like some large loaches (i'm thinking clowns) and i would also like GBR's could i put them with my angels? and i am clueless as to what to put...
  12. Alliecat420

    Hello - First Post

    so far looks good! this hang on the back/trickle filter should work.. undergravle filters just dont clean the water like a good old power filter.. cycling.. yes.. well your going to need to feed your filter.. either purchase pure ammonia.. or do what i do and feed it fish food to establish...
  13. Alliecat420

    My Lucky Find

    now if i could only do that with a bigger tank :hyper:
  14. Alliecat420

    I'd Really Like To Change My Substrate

    your plan will work just fine.. but although the gravle has some bacteria in it .. it dosnt nearly have as much as the filter.. so it wont be a very drastic change.. and you could add plants right away.. as soon as you change the substrate
  15. Alliecat420

    My 1st Betta Set-up

    are you telling him to add oscars to his tank!? thats a pretty bad idea.. i think that tank is sutibale for a male.. who will live a long time and stay healthy on the count of the tank size.. you could add an otto. or something very small.. but it's simply too small for a male and a female.. i...
  16. Alliecat420

    What Are Some Good Hardy Fish?

    so your asking what kind of fish will survive a fish in cycle.... i would say dont put fish in your tank with high ammonia readings.. it would be like you moving into the toilet for awhile... not recomended
  17. Alliecat420


    i got a few platy fry!!! i must have bought a pregnant blue platy b/c they look like there blue to me.. i'm so excited.. i'll post pictures when i can see them better.. they must have been born today, there just too little
  18. Alliecat420

    Help! My Fish Are Acting Strange.

    perhaps they just arnt comfortable with the other fish.. i would give them some time to come out.. all my small fish tend to do the same for the first few days.. then they get the hang of it and i see them all over the place.. are your glolights bigger than your new tetras?
  19. Alliecat420

    Is She About To Pop ?

    i think she has awhile.. the black area in her tummy is they key.. i've been told in most live bearers.. the black area (forget the proper term) grows larger as the pregnancy progresses.. look for that and then do what you need to do to prepare for fry.. she's a beautiful fish
  20. Alliecat420

    More Problems..

    he dosnt look good at the looks of him i think he may have a parasite.. i'm not positive though... is he eating at all? if he is you could try antiparicitic food.. i myself have never tryed it.. and i always recomend frequent water changes in fish this sick looking, try changing a little...
  21. Alliecat420

    Gradually Loosing All My Fish :-(

    i would stop the meds.. and start water changes.. lots and lots of water changes.. it could be a bacterial infection.. in which case water changes may fix it.. meds could be doing more harm than good.. they should be a last resort.. is there any chance you introduced something into the tank...
  22. Alliecat420

    The Behemoth Tank

    simply amazing.. i've always dreamed of a tank like that
  23. Alliecat420

    First Time Aquarium

    oh ok.. thats a very good size for angels.. although i would only do one angel.. but you could do two if you wanted.. i would seguest angels and a schol of fish like danios or some kind of large tetra.. you could always look at loaches too (they are always fun fish).. you have enough room to...
  24. Alliecat420

    Please Share Your Stories :d

    i dont know how paranormal this was.. but very very weird... i was on a walk one night last summer and i was approaching a corner and in the shadow i could see that shape of what i thought was a cats head.. i could see the ears and head but not much of the body, it wasnt a very catlike sit that...
  25. Alliecat420

    Your Dream Marine Fish

    snowflake ele... they are so cool lookin
  26. Alliecat420

    Angle Fish Pairs

    angelfish usually choose pair as teenagers.. if you want a pair.. yes go with 6 angels.. but if you dont want to take any back.. i would just choose two and hope for the best.. theres no way to sex them unless they mate.. i ended up with a pair when i got mine.. unfortunately my female had...
  27. Alliecat420

    First Time Aquarium

    how big is your tank again?
  28. Alliecat420

    Sooo I Have A 10 Gal Tank

    i have a 10 gallon platy tank.. i have about 8 platys in there.. but it has a filter for a 30 gallon tank.. you could always go for a trio of platys or of betta girls.. both very colorful
  29. Alliecat420

    Filter Keeps Slipping Down!

    dont most in-water filters have a little hook thing for the back of the tank?
  30. Alliecat420

    Is My Guppy Ready To Burst Some New Pics Added Today :-) I Have Babys

    if you think she's close i would just put her into a fry tank and keep an eye on her
  31. Alliecat420

    Harlequin Rasboras

    i googled it cause i was curious too... heres a pic
  32. Alliecat420

    The Best Aquarium In The World....

    thats deffinately better than mine... how do you think he cleans that thing?
  33. Alliecat420

    My Adf...

    dwarf frogs are ok out of the water.. if he needs water.. he will go back in
  34. Alliecat420

    Algae Bloom In Unplanted Tank

    this has happened to me.. i wouldent do a large water chnage because this could decrese your bennificial bacteria.. as ugly as the green water is.. it is not harmful to the fish.. so resolve the problem slowly.. do %20 percent water chnages over the next couple of days.. you will see the water...
  35. Alliecat420

    The Best Aquarium In The World....

    yeah i dont quite understand how it works.. but thats what makes it so cool
  36. Alliecat420

    How Much Longer Do You Think She Has?

    i hope i have at least a week.. compared to that molly picture i dont think i do though.. i guess i'll pic up some biospera for my fry tank today and hope i have enough time.. i was unprepared this time
  37. Alliecat420

    More Problems..

    that sounds like droopsy alright.. i'm sorry to hear that but not knowing what he looks like it may be worth treating him if its early enough.. i've never had sucess curing droopsy but i always used either marycin or marycin2 i hope this turns out ok for you.. good luck
  38. Alliecat420

    what is the best place to put my tank in?

    your fish tank is a decoration to your house.. put it where it can be enjoyed.. adding plants will give your fish privacy.. put a fishtank were you and others will be arround it alot.. like a livngroom.. that way your fish get used to you and come out when your arround, if you put a fishtank in...
  39. Alliecat420

    German Blue Ram Gender Description And Weird Behaviour :o

    i know nothing about rams.. all i know is that females tend to be larger when it comes to most fish.... perhaps the betta is picking on him?
  40. Alliecat420

    Picking The Right Pleco.....

    since you say you like BN i would go with that.. i know they eat wood and SOME alge.. pretty much any pleco is good with cory cats and if you have a 90 gallon back up.. i would pick any pleco your heart desires