My 1st Betta Set-up


New Member
Apr 23, 2009
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well i set my lil 16l tank up today after looking on here at some of the fighter set ups :p

just a few questions

how long do i need to run this in for before i can introduce my fish .....?

can i have any thing like a botton fish ?

can i have 2 females with him ? ( shop told me 2 females too 1 male) not sure now cuz tank size


Looking good!
Are you cycling it (adding ammonia) or is it just sat there set up?
Don't know about the bottom feeders. There are some small enough, but they tend to need to be in groups which would probably be too much.
I'm almost positive it's a no for the females though. I don't think you can keep them together under any circumstances.
its jus sat there im not sure what the best way in duing this is ??? do i have to do a cycle ? if so what needs to be done
you could have some shrimps it a bit small for corys
and nnooooooooooo dont put 2 females in with him you cant mix males and females unless breedin and evan then they still might kill each other so just 1 female or 1 male. you can keep females together but you need atlest a 10g tank.
read the articles about fishless cycling in the pinned article section. It's probably a no on keeping females with him in that tank. i keep females in mine with a male, although it is a larger tank and theres are lots and lots of hiding places and i have no problems, it all depends on the temprement of the indivedual fish.
Yes, you'll need to cycle. It could be sat there for a year and nothing would happen :lol:
There's a great pinned thread at the top of this forum with all you need to know. Basically you need bacteria in the filter to process the fish waste. They are present in the water in very samll numbers. By 'feeding' them ammonia (=fish poo) and running at a higher temp you encourage them to multiply.
It's similar to what fish shops have always done, but they'd use some hardy fish to provide the ammonia. This way no fishes have to put up with the rubbish water conditions while it all settles down.
To test how the bacteria are coming along, you'll need test kits. General concensus is the API liquid master kit, about £20 on eBay.
To speed things up, see if you can get some sponge/ceramics from a running filter. There's a list on here of people willing to donate, or try LFS :)
oscars r ace do you have male and female bettas in the same tank how big is your tank
well i set my lil 16l tank up today after looking on here at some of the fighter set ups :p

just a few questions

how long do i need to run this in for before i can introduce my fish .....? Cycle the tank properly - read [URL=""][/URL] for more info

can i have any thing like a botton fish ? I personally wouldnt in a 16L

can i have 2 females with him ? ( shop told me 2 females too 1 male) not sure now cuz tank size - No, males and females should NEVER be kept together unless breeding, and that takes alot of equipment, research and organisation.

Tank looks good, my only concern is the rock on the left, is it sharp? Your betta might rip their fins on it if it is. Try and get some more plants too! :)
are you telling him to add oscars to his tank!? thats a pretty bad idea.. i think that tank is sutibale for a male.. who will live a long time and stay healthy on the count of the tank size.. you could add an otto. or something very small.. but it's simply too small for a male and a female.. i think youll find one male is plenty for that tank
yh sorry i was asking oscars r ace how big his tank is not telling them to put a oscar in a tank that small
1 male betta,maybe a few shrimp? and i cant stress enough how important it is to fishless cycle

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