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  1. N

    Hello Again

    Hi everyone, it has been a long time since i have been on here, my relationship broke down and i had a hard time of things for a while with being diagnosed with bi-polar and my tanks were not on my list of priorities with being a single parent of 4.   I had to reduce my tanks and only kept one...
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    Im Looking For An Axolotl

    I have 2 young axies that i'm looking for homes for but i wouldn't have the first clue how to go about posting them.
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    Bala Shark Growth Rate

    Yes the longer tank would be more suitable,i had mine in a 4 foot tank for around 8 weeks until i got my 90gallon tank.
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    So I Inherited A Tank

    common plec and sydontis eupterus(common name feather fin cat fish). The sydontis is as big as it will get,the plec can grow to around 18inches if his growth hasn't been stunted
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    Bala Shark Growth Rate

    In 6 months my bala sharks have gone fron 2 inches to 8 inches so they do grow quite quickly yes.
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    My Axolotls

    Thanks for the comments folks
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    I had the same problem with white gravel,i ditched mine as i couldnt get it clean
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    Ok I Got Snap Happy.

    Replied via pm,but yes my betta is still in my fluval edge and is perfectly healthy :good:
  9. N

    Betta In Fluval Edge Tank

    The BN is only in there for now as he is tiny and would end up being eaten in any of my other tanks,once he grows to a suitable size where he won't be eaten then he will be moved,that will be long before he is too big to come out of the tank,i ordered him from an online supplier and asked for a...
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    Betta In Fluval Edge Tank

    I have kept a betta along with some cories and a bristlenose plec in a fluval adge for around 7 months now with absolutely no problems whatsoever. As soon as he was put in the tank he was able to find the gap for breathing air and i do have mine filled to the top like it should be.
  11. N

    I Think I May Be A Little Obsessed

    I quite often dream about my fish,before i got my axolotls i had been spending alot of time researching them and had a few dreams that my fish had grown legs just like axolotl legs :shout: was a bit freaky :lol:
  12. N

    Cigar Shark

    I had 5 of these,i was also told that they only grow to around 6 or 7 inches..............three of them were over 10 inches within 4 months of having them and they were around 2 inches when i bought them,mine are now living happily in a public aquarium as they were eating everything in my...
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    My Axolotls

    When i did my research before getting mine i found that alot of the information made it seem like they were very complicated to keep,since getting them i have found they are not difficult to keep atall and are great wee pets.
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    Fair Prices? You Tell Me!

    Those prices seem to be very fair in comparison to other lfs prices in Aberdeen. Good luck with the new venture,you will have to let us know where your shop is going to be.
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    My Axolotls

    They are fed on a variety of earthworms,bloodworms,odd piece of chicken liver and earthworm pellets.
  16. N

    My Axolotls

    The babies Got these 2 a few months ago and they were around 2 inches,they are now around 5/6 inches The dots are bubbles on the glass as i had just done a water change And MUDKIP,i got him from a member on here he is just under 1 foot long MUDKIPs temporary home,he is...
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    The Axolotl

    I shall get photos of them done next week :D
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    Rogues Gallery

    Fancy seeing you here Mowat :D
  19. N

    The Axolotl

    They are brilliant fun,they all hand feed and the wee ones are growing fast :D
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    Help Me Name My Upcoming Pet Shop

    Any news on progress of this,we really do need something decent up here.
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    My Chipmunks

    Yes i plan to breed them next year,they only breed twice a year,once in spring and once in summer,some people find them easy to breed and some people have problems with it,the way my male is practising with the girls i can't see me having much problems LOL
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    My Chipmunks

    While i was cleaning out the cage i took thier houise out so that i could get a chace to get some photos
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    Had A Revamp

    Now i am liking this idea lol. Now that the tank has settled again after the change i'm liking the dark substrate more and more,the fish really do stand out.
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    Fluval Edge

    I have an edge which houses a betta,some bronze cories and a tiny baby albino bristle nose plec. I love the whole look and style of the tank.
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    New Additions

    I have 2 satin mice and 2 grass mice,great little pets.
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    Discus Fish

  27. N

    Had A Revamp

    How it used to look as much as i liked how it looked the light colour of the sand seemed to make the fishies look a bit washed out so it now looks like this.............. and the fishies colours now look alot brighter with the dark gravel
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    The Axolotl

    I got 2 baby ones from my LFS a few months ago for £10 each and he had loads at the time,i got my big guy free from a member on here and just paid the postage costs.
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    Never, Ever, Remove Your Airstone...

    I had the same sort of thing happen to me with my malawi tank,when i put the lights on all of my cichlids were up at the top gasping for air and some looked ready to die,i tested my water,stats were all good,did a big water change just incase,still no change,then i noticed the airpump wasn't...
  30. N

    How Big

    cigar sharks should not be available in LFs's When i first got back into the hobby i was sold 5 cigar sharks for my tank and told they only get to around 5 inches :crazy: Within 3 months the biggest one was 11inches,luckily for me i managed to rehome them,they were managing to eat fish as...
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    Scottish Fish Store Directory

    i see acorn have gone into shock there
  32. N

    Flying Fox Info

    Nope they never fight and are always together,they don't even bother anything else in the tank
  33. N

    Does Anyone Know What This Is

    Looks alot like a diamond shark to me,could be wrong though
  34. N

    South American Suppliers

    £2.10 for cardinals here,can get neons for 80p though
  35. N

    Feather Fin Cat W/cichlids?

    I moved my fully grown featherfin from my community tank to my malawi set up and he fits in perfectly.
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    What The Most Beautiful Tetra

    i have quite a few different tetras by the prettiest IMO is the congo tetra
  37. N

    Flying Fox Info

    I have had 2 flying foxes for around 8 months now and they are brilliant fish in my experience. They don't really do much in the way of eating algae but they swim at high speed around the tank almost all day,good fun to watch and lovely looking fish too.
  38. N

    Not Impressed

    well still no reply and the surviving blue ram now has white spot,i now have to medicate my 400l tank :( Have never had any problems in this tank before,i know some people say you should qurantine but i don't have a quarantine tank
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    Not Impressed

    The order was from,do disapointed as i had ordered from them before with no problems,still no reply from them so certainly won't be using them again.
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    Not Impressed

    2 rams and 2 appistogrammas were in one bag and 2 ottos were in another bag oh still no reply..............