

Jul 21, 2009
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i have white gravel as my substrate its quite fine but the problem is that the gravel is getting a orangey colouring to it though and was wondering how to clean the gravel back to its pearly white colour? cheers
Short of taking it out and washing it completely i dont think you can, i had the same problem. Try quite a few bottom feeders/shrimp?
Short of taking it out and washing it completely i dont think you can, i had the same problem. Try quite a few bottom feeders/shrimp?

#41#### lol i was hoping there was something i could do with out taking the gravel out. also what bottom feeders would work best plus they need to be robust as there gonna be in with JD and such like :S also whats the best way of cleaning it when its out the tank? cheers
If it is out of the tank, you could try to wash it in a bucket of water with 1 part bleach to 10 parts of water. Then just make sure you rinse the gravel very well before you put it back into the tank.

had white gravel in my last tank, started of nice, untill it turned, even when i took it out of the tank to clean it, it was to far gone to be saved :(
ah no this isnt looking good then :( how does everyone else keep there gravel clean (white gravel)
Ive just done a water change and its sorted my white gravel out, just one of those things with white gravel.

Ive had dwarf corys for ages(pygmy) id say probably any corydoras catfish (i may be wrong) fish sold as "sucker fish" are hardy these are chinese algae eaters but thye do get more aggressive as they get older and lose interest in algae.
ah no :( mines just looks like rice coloured now but i love my black tank with white gravel
orange coloring on white gravel sounds like brown algae. is your tank only a few months old? this problem often times goes away on its own, once the chemistry stabilizes. corries wont help with that anyway.
orange coloring on white gravel sounds like brown algae. is your tank only a few months old? this problem often times goes away on its own, once the chemistry stabilizes. corries wont help with that anyway.

ah cheers for the info ye its 4 weeks old plus cycle. also ive done a big vacum of the gravel and its cleared up alot there are still the odd few that are still discoloured so next weeks water change will hopefully get all of them clean again :)

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