I Think I May Be A Little Obsessed


Fish Aficionado
Jan 14, 2009
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Two nights ago I had a dream about my tanks, and strangely enough there were some members on here that were in my dream. :unsure:

Not going to say who, but the member(s) came over to my house and I showed them my tanks. Then I woke up... :lol:


That sounds like a nightmare to me FHM. I think of dreams as pleasant things by comparison. Random members showing up at the door? No thank you. I have met individual members at club functions and really enjoyed talking to them in person, but that is not the same as finding one on the front steps.
That sounds like a nightmare to me FHM. I think of dreams as pleasant things by comparison. Random members showing up at the door? No thank you. I have met individual members at club functions and really enjoyed talking to them in person, but that is not the same as finding one on the front steps.
lol :lol:

Yeah, the dream was a bit strange!

Oh man! I cannot wait to get that tank up and running! It will be EPIC! :lol:

Dude I dream about my fish all the time!

Not only that but I'm getting terrible insomnia now I'm right at the end of my pregnancy, and I have to be really careful if I get up to pee in the night cuz if I start thinking about fish then I'm up for hours...literally! I've spent whole nights lying awake staring at my ceiling thinking about fish... :blush: :blush: :blush:
ive once had a nightmare about my fish......the tank was leaking and i couldnt save them
Oh man guys! This is great reading about your experiences.

Good luck with the pregnancy!

I quite often dream about my fish,before i got my axolotls i had been spending alot of time researching them and had a few dreams that my fish had grown legs just like axolotl legs :shout: was a bit freaky :lol:

Yeah, I have had plenty of dreams of my fish, but not ones with members? :blink:

A year ago I was babysitting a friend's 350gal marine tank during a time when there had been some issues with fish health and nitrates. Some of the fish and corals were phenomenally expensive and I guess I was a bit stressed about the whole thing. Once I dreamed that the tank suddenly broke and flooded the apartment. Then the water poured out of the window and somehow flooded the entire street below. I got a rowing boat and used it to chase the escaped fish across town.

Sometimes I dream I'm in my tank with the fish. These are always happy dreams. :)

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