Fluval Edge


Fish Gatherer
Mar 13, 2009
Reaction score
Leeds, United Kingdom
I'm thinking on getting a fluval edge for a betta.

Has anybody got one? any probs or opions welcome please.

On another note, this made me laugh, this extract is taken from the rocketaquatics.co.uk website, baring in mind the tank holds 23L look what they recommend to keep in it.

"Choosing Your Fish
EDGE friendly species include White Cloud Mountain Minnows, Betta Splendens, Barbs, Danios, small Goldfish, Crystal Red Shrimps, Snails. Remember, Goldfish in particular grow so may need to be moved to a larger tank later in life.
Allow a minimum of 3 litres of water for every 1cm of fish, excluding the tail. Tropical fish require an aquarium heater. Consult your retailer for stocking advice and species' specific requirements."


I wouldnt even keep barbs in a 23L lol

perfect for a betta just make sure you leave enough gap at the top so the betta can still get its breathes from the surface
Its a good little tank!

I have one in use at the minute housing a sick Dwarf Puffer - though I will be using it for shrimp at a much later date.
Expect to see comments slagging it off... with people worried about small space for oxygen exchange and the top to small for acclimitising and maintaining but I've had no issues with that at all!!!!

The only fault I have is with its lighting - whilst I know the bulbs won't fall off into the water, they seem way too loose for my liking.

You will love it!
with the bettas you have to make sure you leave enough room for them to breathe from the surface though as they are laberinth fish
Thanks, I think they look stylish and a black one will go lovely in the living room lol

I used to have a betta in my community but he died at 4 years old and I dont want to put another betta in incase he doesnt take to the tankmates so looking to get the edge for a betta and prob a few shrimp

I have an edge which houses a betta,some bronze cories and a tiny baby albino bristle nose plec.

I love the whole look and style of the tank.


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