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  1. S

    Anyone Nova / Dc Area Interested In A Pair Of Dp's

    The wife and I are trying to consolidate the tanks a bit, and we have a noticed that we dont spend as much time watching them as we thought we would. So we would like to rehome them together to someone they can be happy with. We have had them for almost a year, and we have even had them lay...
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    Siamese Algae Eater With Broken Back?

    Thats what I have been afraid of. I am not familiar enough with treating injuries to up and give up. If he seems to be trying to get food, I am inclined to keep trying myself. Thanks for trying,
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    Siamese Algae Eater With Broken Back?

    first of all, sorry that the last few explanations have not been clear. He is NOT bent, the problem is that he CANNOT BEND. And I believe the going thin has been since the lack of movement. As to his age, I purchased him and a second about 16 months ago. The second SAE is prefectly fine and...
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    Siamese Algae Eater With Broken Back?

    His body posture is as it should be with nothing irregular, until he tries to move. Thats when the problem occurs. The lack of strength / movement ability in the tail is preventing him from swimming. He can slide along the floor of the tank with difficulty, but until he tries to move there...
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    Siamese Algae Eater With Broken Back?

    Not really, he is hanging too close to the front wall for me to get a good shot at him. As to the getting stuck, I dont think so. The only things in the tank are two clay pots with veg, a piece of Mopani, and a jar ornament, cut in half to lay flat. There is a koralia 4 in there as well, but...
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    Siamese Algae Eater With Broken Back?

    Hi there all, trying to figure out what happened to my SAE. nitrate nitrite ammonia all good, but did have a spike in ph. It had dropped to about 6.2 before I caught it. ( have added seachem neutral regulator to balance until system rights itself.) I think my plants have been slowly dying...
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    Stand, Strong Enough?

    Something else to keep in mind is that screws going into end grain will have about zip holding power. If you need to attach a support, such as your middle braces, drill a hole 3/4" across and jam in a dowel with some glue. Drill the hole for the support so that the screw will go through the...
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    Fish In Filter Compartment

    I went and got some pet safe screen door mesh. It seems to be a plastic base, and its a bit sturdier than the basic mesh. I went a bit different route in that I often feed flake food, and hate having to turn the filter off or just wattch the flake get sucked into the bio balls. I used some...
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    Calling All Uv Users

    To be honest, I love mine, and my fish seem to be more colorful since their addition. I am running them on two of my tanks now, and really have been pleased.
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    Diy Co2 System Falls At Last Hurdle

    you will often see them refered to as "hose barbs" here in the States. Check the plumbing asle at your Home Depot equivalent / plumbing house.
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    Calling All Diy Experts

    I gave up on this guy after his third post on the same topic. Obviously a well chosen handle. :good:
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    Making My 800 Gal.... Bigger

    daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang.... Does she have a sister?
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    Bio Wheel Won't Spin

    Okay, so the media isnt the problem. Next step is to clean the impeller. Turn the filter off, take the two top covers off, and pull up on the black plastic intake tube. If you are facing the filter, it's on the right side, and kind of an upside down "U" shape. Most likely, all the pieces...
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    Bio Wheel Won't Spin

    try pulling the filter cartridge and see if that will restore the spin. I have had the same issue when I thought that the filter was still clean, but wasn't letting enough water past. You should also see if there is water coming out through the bypass overflow.I also had the problem once after...
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    Dp Eggs?

    turned into a moot point, at least this time around, as the shrimp got them all it seems. But they sure seem to be going through the motions, which bodes well for the future.
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    2 Clown Knifefish

    Maybe someone offered him a shiny new quarter if he hit 100 posts!
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    Dp Eggs?

    So, do DP's lay a lot of little white sticky eggs? If so, I've got eggs.
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    Silver Hatchets With Senegal?

    sigh...... bummer. forgot about the whole "fish in terror" thing. Thanks,
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    Silver Hatchets With Senegal?

    I am getting a 75 set up soon and I am thinking stocking. I would like to put a great big herd (16-20) of hatchets in there, but the one definite is going to be the sennie. (cant afford an ornate at the moment...) I would also like to add a BGK to the mix,and I know that while they are all...
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    Which Filter?

    fast, durable or cheap... you can pick two. Really, it will boil down to how much you want to spend. The Ehiems are dead silent, and the pro series are easy to maintain, as well as doing a great job on tank quality. I have never had a HOB overflow anything myself, so I cant verify that one...
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    Bloated Hatchet After Gd Attack

    Well, I have a hatchet that was attacked by a giant danio, and he took a bunch of hits at the base (top) of the Caudal fin. Right where it will re-open every time that he tries to use his tail fin.... So, her is currently in a quarantine tank, and for the last five days I have been treating...
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    How Can I Build Cabinet For 77x17x18 & 72x30x18

    Looking really good!! One thing you might try is putting some weather stripping, the self adhesive kind, about 1/2 inch in from where the lid comes down. This might help to seal off the light a little better and keep it from spilling out into the room.
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    Heaviest Sand?

    Thanks Shelaghfishface, it was a bit of a trial if you remember. And as it turns out, the supermend epoxy was crap. It seems as though it has gone soft in the tank, but at this point I am afraid to ty anything else with it. Maybe once I have room for the next tank, I will move everyone out...
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    Forgive Me If This Is A Stupid Question...

    Well, I will just have to proceed on my own intuition. The Khuli is now in the tank, and I will post as to success or failure...
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    Heaviest Sand?

    I cant find out where it was that I saw the mention. I think it might have been pool filter sand, but I am not sure. They were talking about a heavy sand that was more resistant to getting vacuumed out, as well as blowing around. Anyone have any suggestions?
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    Forgive Me If This Is A Stupid Question...

    I have been seeing a group of what I think are flatworms in my puffer tank. I am just getting started with live feedings, but these guys are pretty tough, and I am not sure they should be allowed to live. The problem is that I have a river gravel substrate, and neither the shrimp, the dp's or...
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    Filter Suggestions

    For the HOB's, I can recommend marineland. Of course, I haven't used others, but the ones that I have have been very reliable, and clear a tank of stirred up sediment fairly quickly. I have a penguin 200 and an emperor 280, and I recommend the emperor line. They have a seperate spray bar that...
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    My Tank Water Is Very Cloudy?

    you should probably put this in the emergency section as well. It will get better coverage there. It does sound like an algae bloom. What are your water test results for ammonia and nitrites/nitrates?
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    Is It Dangerous?

    Maybe I am approaching this from the wrong angle? Is there some better way to get a little water noise than how I am doing it? May sound silly, but take a piece of plastic and with the front cover off (so you can see and not obstruct the bio wheel) and start messing with the water flow. You...
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    Is It Dangerous?

    Would it make sense to pick up an old metal "cash box" type of thing, then drill some holes in the side for airflow? That would minimize the risk of any kind of flame out, as well as be a potential heat sink. You would probably have to silicone some feet on, as well as a blob or two where the...
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    New Led Lighting System

    just dont forget the mescaline drip into the filter out to help the fishes keep up with the lighting! Trippy.
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    How Can I Build Cabinet For 77x17x18 & 72x30x18

    try rubbing the door edges down with a stick of beeswax, or failing that, if your wife has an old beeswax candle that she has forgotten about. Just remember to hid the rest of the candle, as it will make it pretty ugly. Start from the base to try to minimize the destruction, on you and the...
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    Anyone Have Killer Yoyo's?

    sorry its probs just me but i can't tell whats actually died? Also can you post numbers of each species you have? three oto's one pygmy cory one orange laser two hatchet fish one platy we have also had a run of missing bloodfins, though I think they slid out the back and turned themselves into...
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    Anyone Have Killer Yoyo's?

    Well, now minus one oto..... Still looking for any hints, although I myself am convinced it's fallout from the heat issues.
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    Power Gravel Cleaner

    would a higher quality filter bag solve the problem? I have been curious about them as well, but I have yet to buy anything. I think I have seen filter bags with different micron filtering capacities...
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    Aquaclear Hob Filter -- Water By-pass?

    It could be that the media is full. At least with the marineland filters, when the filter media needs changing, the water will be going through a bypass after it is sucked up. How old are the current cartidges?
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    How Can I Build Cabinet For 77x17x18 & 72x30x18

    bummer dude... make him some exlax brownies when the wife isnt looking.
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    Khulie Loachs Vs The Snails

    I would have to agree that the yoyo does a great job on snail control, although, they seem to like them a certain size before eating them. Dont want to waste so much energy on the really small ones I guess. They may get larger though, about 4" or so
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    Siamese Algae Eater Changing Colour And Chasing

    My YoYo's would do that, only they would bleach out to where they were all gray! I was sure that it was a symptom of something, but as I watched, the banding returned. They seemed to do it whenever there was a conflict over a prized cave, and it was non violent, and lasted only a few minutes...