2 Clown Knifefish


Fish Crazy
Nov 16, 2008
Reaction score
i have 2 clownknife fish please can you tell me what i can keep with it-i have 2 silver sharks,2 red gourami-petshop owner said you can keep those with it but they were getting bullied so they in another tank,1 catfish and 1 pleco
tank-4 feet,120G and thats it
As mentioned a 120Gall tank isnt large enough for 1 adult Clown Knife, let alone 2. If they are juvis then its ok for a grow out although im not sure 2 will even tolerate each other.
yeah it is mate 1 ckn needs 200litres which is about 40G so i have 2 which makes an extra 70G left of the tank
yeah it is mate 1 ckn needs 200litres which is about 40G so i have 2 which makes an extra 70G left of the tank
Might I recommend you research your fish more thoroughly before posting again. As an example, the smaller growing royal knife will still need something like a 6x2x2 to keep it for most of its life, and the clowns get bigger and nastier.

The fishbase maximum recorded size for a clown knife is 122cm. Your 4 foot tank is 122cm. While this will be a wild size but can you see a problem with keeping such a fish in such a tank ;)
He did concede in his thread in tropical discussion and say he was getting (Or I guess getting mom and dad to buy) a 300 gallon tank. However, that was before his post down here telling somebody they needed 60 gallons to mix a clown knife and chocolate knife, so I'm guessing he's just a troll at this point.

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