Is It Dangerous?


New Member
Oct 13, 2008
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Sherman Oaks, CA
I have put a Tetra Whisper 40 Air Pump on a 12" airstrip stone in my 20g in the bedroom. I have fitted it with a non backflow device so I can move the darn thing around and find a quiet spot. Unfortunately the only place I have found that I can put it where I don't hear the humming is in a drawer right beneath the tank. There isn't much in the drawer, but I'm wondering if it's safe to do so? Fire hazzard or over heating problems?

Thanks in advance!
Most pumps draw air from the bottom. They need to be on a hard surface, preferably fire resistant. If you put it on a small piece of board it should be fine, leaving it sitting on folded up clothes is a bad idea. Air pumps will put off a little heat, but they aren't huge heat producers.
I would refer to manufactuers guildlines on that one, it might be possible to place it in a more suitable spot if you place it on a flat surface like has be mentioned, and if it still hums to much try sticking four small pieces of rubber on the bottom, one in each corner. Good luck :good:
They all run warm in open air... Im afraid I would not be able to sleep with it in a draw :crazy:

How about putting it in an adjacent room ? Or attic ? you would only need a small hole drilled ! :good:
In the drawer it's sitting on the wooden bottom of the drawer. No clothes or anything near it, that would really make me paranoid. :blink:

I'll try to sort out a better solution...or maybe a quieter pump...though this one was supposed to be quiet.

I would refer to manufactuers guildlines on that one, it might be possible to place it in a more suitable spot if you place it on a flat surface like has be mentioned, and if it still hums to much try sticking four small pieces of rubber on the bottom, one in each corner. Good luck :good:

Well, that's the problem....I've tried every flat surface above, below and to the side of the tank, under the dresser.....etc. Even what they recommend, which is a shelf above the tank. It already has four rubber feet and legs, so I can't improve on that much. Thanks for the help!
If the empty drawer makes you nervous try suspending it with a string, very little vibration is transferred.
Not be able to? Why? I have to tell you, can't hear a thing with it in there! :nod:

I suppose I could knock a hole in the wall and put it through to the bathroom! :lol:

Thanks for the reply!

They all run warm in open air... Im afraid I would not be able to sleep with it in a draw :crazy:
How about putting it in an adjacent room ? Or attic ? you would only need a small hole drilled ! :good:
Would it make sense to pick up an old metal "cash box" type of thing, then drill some holes in the side for airflow? That would minimize the risk of any kind of flame out, as well as be a potential heat sink. You would probably have to silicone some feet on, as well as a blob or two where the lid met the box, but it might work... Thinking about it, if you just had the lid propped up with something combustible, and no holes drilled, it might work as a fire stop type of device. If the lid props burn away, then the lid will fall shut and snuff the airflow. That should drastically slow any fire, or I might be way off base on this one. You guys might know better than I.
Don't forget, bubbles are just decorative, they don't perform any vital function, so you can just unplug them at night or put them on a timer as another help to the problem. We got one for our fishless cycle but I was more than ready to turn it off basically forever once we got fish in there, it was definately too loud for my son's bedroom and none of the tricks helped enough.

Don't forget, bubbles are just decorative, they don't perform any vital function, so you can just unplug them at night or put them on a timer as another help to the problem. We got one for our fishless cycle but I was more than ready to turn it off basically forever once we got fish in there, it was definately too loud for my son's bedroom and none of the tricks helped enough.


Permissible ONLY if the air is NOT being used for filtration....
If the air drives a filter, it MUST be on 24/7

Otherwise... feel free to turn it off ! :good:
If the empty drawer makes you nervous try suspending it with a string, very little vibration is transferred.

That's a good idea, and one I could try....but I won't....because I would also have my four cats hanging off that string as well!
Forgot to mention the cats, they make things more.....challenging :lol:

Would it make sense to pick up an old metal "cash box" type of thing, then drill some holes in the side for airflow? That would minimize the risk of any kind of flame out, as well as be a potential heat sink. You would probably have to silicone some feet on, as well as a blob or two where the lid met the box, but it might work... Thinking about it, if you just had the lid propped up with something combustible, and no holes drilled, it might work as a fire stop type of device. If the lid props burn away, then the lid will fall shut and snuff the airflow. That should drastically slow any fire, or I might be way off base on this one. You guys might know better than I.

That's a good idea. I'll keep an eye out for a suitable box.
Don't forget, bubbles are just decorative, they don't perform any vital function, so you can just unplug them at night or put them on a timer as another help to the problem. We got one for our fishless cycle but I was more than ready to turn it off basically forever once we got fish in there, it was definately too loud for my son's bedroom and none of the tricks helped enough.


I guess if you guys don't think I am crazy enough already....the whole reason I got the pump and the airstone is because I want to be able to hear the water when I am going to sleep. I have difficulty sleeping at times and water is a nice relaxing sound that helps. So far all I have managed to to hear is motor noise.

I have a Marineland Bio Wheel (Penguin 150) on the tank which is dead silent, love that thing, but it doesn't really make any noise when putting the water back into the tank. So I got the airstone and pump to try and have water noise....and it doesn't really create much for all aggravation. :crazy:

Maybe I am approaching this from the wrong angle? Is there some better way to get a little water noise than how I am doing it?

Thanks again!
I have that exact same pump and mine is dead silent. Are you sure you dont have a hole in your hose or anything? Its a sleek shaped blue guy with black rubber feet right? Just make sure its sitting level and not sliding around and it should be quiet. Try putting it on a mousepad.
I have that exact same pump and mine is dead silent. Are you sure you dont have a hole in your hose or anything? Its a sleek shaped blue guy with black rubber feet right? Just make sure its sitting level and not sliding around and it should be quiet. Try putting it on a mousepad.

Yep, that's the one. I've checked the line several times, no holes and I have it running where there is no danger of the cats chewing on it. It's it's just humming away....yours doesn't hum? Very weird. :crazy:

Yes, it's level and I have tried it on many different a towel and just now the mouse pad. Still hums.

Where do you have yours positioned? Maybe I am more sensitive to the humming than most people, I dunno. And it's not like you would walk into the room and say 'my lord, what is that NOISE?!' but when I lay down, I can hear the hum of it and it drives me nuts.
yea i have that one too, no problems with it, its under my stand and i can't hear it, the splash from my filter is louder that it...good luck finding solution

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