Siamese Algae Eater With Broken Back?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 13, 2008
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No Va, US of A
Hi there all, trying to figure out what happened to my SAE. nitrate nitrite ammonia all good, but did have a spike in ph. It had dropped to about 6.2 before I caught it. ( have added seachem neutral regulator to balance until system rights itself.) I think my plants have been slowly dying, contributing to the decaying matter. The tank is a 77 gal, running a magnum 350 with a 25 watt sterilizer. There is also a mag5 pushing water through a second 350 canister as well as a 7 gal bioball chamber. So, there is serious overfiltration at work. Current fishload is 2 sae, 3 bloodfin, 2 corys, yoyo, rubberlip (small) 4 hatchets, and about 8 neons and 8 platys. What is so strange is that I cant think of what mighthave happened. He is laying on the bottom, not moving around much, but when he attempts to swim, it is as thought his tail is fused from about mid dorsal back. any ideas?
Can you load a pic up of him.
Could he of got stuck in an ornament.
Not really, he is hanging too close to the front wall for me to get a good shot at him. As to the getting stuck, I dont think so. The only things in the tank are two clay pots with veg, a piece of Mopani, and a jar ornament, cut in half to lay flat. There is a koralia 4 in there as well, but he is about 5-6 inches long, and no way would he fit in the vents. There were no visible signs of injury, such as broken scale line or bent body. I'm confused.

the tank is the one in my sig, hence the inability to get a good shot.
So his tail bending up towards his back and dorsal fin is this correct.
Does he look bloated or thin.
What does his anus look like.
So his tail bending up towards his back and dorsal fin is this correct.
Does he look bloated or thin.
What does his anus look like.

His body posture is as it should be with nothing irregular, until he tries to move. Thats when the problem occurs. The lack of strength / movement ability in the tail is preventing him from swimming. He can slide along the floor of the tank with difficulty, but until he tries to move there are no outward indicators of the injury.

He is starting to thin. He has been like this for 2 days now. I was hoping it was a temporary thing due to the ph spike, but he not showing signs of recovery. He was trying to eat food that was flowing toward him, but he seem unable to make large movements on his own. Anus looks normal, from what I remember. He is currently on gravel, so I cant see in through the bottom.
Has he gone thin due to not eating. Or did he go thin before he went into a bent shape.
How old is he.
Has he gone thin due to not eating. Or did he go thin before he went into a bent shape.
How old is he.

first of all, sorry that the last few explanations have not been clear. He is NOT bent, the problem is that he CANNOT BEND. And I believe the going thin has been since the lack of movement. As to his age, I purchased him and a second about 16 months ago. The second SAE is prefectly fine and normal.
Its me sorry. If he looks like he's suffering it might be kinder to put him out of his misery.
Asked colin t to take a look at your thread.
it might be kinder to put him out of his misery.

Thats what I have been afraid of. I am not familiar enough with treating injuries to up and give up. If he seems to be trying to get food, I am inclined to keep trying myself. Thanks for trying,
Colin should reply.
Bless him. If he has broken his back there nothing to be done.
If he goes downhill any further I would end it for him.

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