Aquaclear Hob Filter -- Water By-pass?


New Member
Jun 26, 2007
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I recently set up my 38 gallon tank with an AquaClear 50 HOB filter. I'm a little bit concerned that the water isn't flowing correctly through the filter media, and is instead by-passing over top of the media and back into the tank. Can someone explain to me (maybe who has had experience with AquaClear filters) whether this is normal?

Perhaps I haven't properly attached the intake tube or something, but as far as I can tell, I think I've put everything together properly.

My understanding is that water should be directed/forced through the 3 media items, bottom to top, and back into the tank -- but I don't quite see how water is forced to the bottom of the media in the first place. It seems to enter the media compartment either through a few perforations on the side of the 'intake/impeller' compartment (as I'll call it), or just right over the top. Even if it takes the former route, it is still entering the media compartment from the side and seems able to just flow straight up and over the media, rather than be forced from through all 3 pieces of media from bottom to top. I would've thought water should be forced through all 3 media compartments from the bottom to the top with no other pathways, as I've read on many websites that sell these filters, which all suggest water is unable to by-pass media on AquaClear filters.

Any feedback would be really really appreciated! I want to know if other people observed water flowing over their media as well. I want to make sure this is working properly before I start cycling.
It could be that the media is full. At least with the marineland filters, when the filter media needs changing, the water will be going through a bypass after it is sucked up. How old are the current cartidges?
It a brand new filter with new mechanical media (sponge), chemical (carbon) and biological media... anyway i think i've kinda figured it out, it seems like a bit of bypass is pretty much unavoidable with these filters.

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