New Led Lighting System


Livebearer Specilest
Nov 12, 2006
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I've just ordered a new lighting system this will be good fun it to test basically it's a can be programmed to any colour from around 2 million colours and can be programmed to colour phase to music as well.

Not sure what the fish will think, but it should look cool.

If it's all good i should be able to order more.

To watch the video click the link below

New video added

Also to read more on these light's goto
lol no Ikea in the south yet so nope :)

I've ordered a unique computer controlled system, in therory this will control a lighting system of 30feet in length the idea is i could have, say a white light with a red beam travelling around if the (knight rider style) but can be done in any colour or pulsing to music.

ok ott but just want to test as i do lot's oh shop displays.
I love stuff like that (and things that go "beep") but not in aquaria ! :lol:

Looking forward to pics - need a new "toy" !
Well i got the new lighting system but they for got an important starter unit.

Tested all the LED's and they work so half way there.
are you trying to put on a rave for your fish or something lol?

##ya put ya left fin in, ya lift fin out, in out in out and flail it about###
Well wish I could say it was my tank, but it was one of the tanks I service.

But i think it look's good ;)
any effect on the fishies?

None from what i say but it dose bring some nice colour out on the fish that you don't normally see with the colour fade.

How ever it dose have a strobe effect as well, which i would not use on a tank!!!!

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