Search results

  1. C

    Cherry Shrimp Forsale

    Id be interested in about 15, how much would you do that for?
  2. C

    Big Characters

    I quite like the red torpedo barbs. Have not heard of the snakeheads before but googled and they look mean as hell! Are they not as aggressive as they look? Because they look like they would tear everything apart!
  3. C

    Big Characters

    Thanx for the reply. I was thinking of a golden nugget pleco, would this be compatible? Possibly a small shoal of tinfoil barbs or silver dollars, but would prefer something a bit more colourful, any ideas?
  4. C

    Big Characters

    Hi all, could people recommend some large friendly fish please. Something like oscars, fish that have character. I will be buying a new tank but as yet dont know what size Id need as I dont know what fish to go for. Would maybe like a large pleco in there too, and some smaller fish just so it...
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    Attention Rock Experts!

    Agreed! Cheers everyone :good: G
  6. C

    Attention Rock Experts!

    Thanx for the replies everyone! So is calcite unsafe?
  7. C

    Attention Rock Experts!

    Ah thats great, thank you :thanks: :D
  8. C

    Search Not Working?

    Thanx for clearing that up rdd :good:
  9. C

    Search Not Working?

    can anyone shed any light on why it isnt working? Thanx, G
  10. C

    Attention Rock Experts!

    Well it is the white stone that is raising the pH so much. Any rock experts out there?! :unsure:
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    Attention Rock Experts!

    I cant get the pic in so heres a link!
  12. C

    Attention Rock Experts!

    The search isnt working! which is annoying ???? Do you have any suggestions about the pH shooting up so much? I have put the rocks in seperate buckets to see if it is one rock in particular that is raising the pH so much. Here is an image of the rocks, not the best I know, but if anyone has...
  13. C

    Attention Rock Experts!

    yeah I have an idea of how I want the tank to look, and it involves quite a bit of rockscape! I have looked at ocean rock but wanted a bit of colour to the stone in there, and the white and orange stone provides a nice contrast. But obviously the welfare of the fish comes 1st. I suppose I could...
  14. C

    Attention Rock Experts!

    Hi, currently setting up my tank for tangs and bought a few pieces on stone. Im not sure what type of stone this is (I'll try and upload a pic soon) but I have two different types - one is an orangey colour and the other is white (the white stone is literally solid as a rock! couldnt break it...
  15. C

    Suggestions For 4ft Tank

    Thats what I wanted to hear! :D Cheers, G
  16. C

    Suggestions For 4ft Tank

    any ideas anyone?
  17. C

    7gal Shrimp Only - "forgotten Glade"

    I think that riccia looks cool, in those pics it looks like the leaves on the tree! :lol:
  18. C

    Search Not Working?

    hmm wots goin on!
  19. C

    Search Not Working?

    Is the search function not working for anyone or is it just me? when I try to search I just get an error msg ???? Thanx, G
  20. C

    Suggestions For 4ft Tank

    Hi all, just a question about the pair of Calvus. I have asked my lfs if they could get hold of a black male and female but they warned me that the male would harrass the female quite a bit. Just how aggressive would the male get? Thanx, G
  21. C

    Adding Crushed Coral

    ok great, thanx for your help
  22. C

    Adding Crushed Coral

    what sort of bag should be used for the coral? thanx, G
  23. C

    Suggestions For 4ft Tank

    I hope so! Thank you for all your advice, hopefully wont be too long until its all set up and then I'l try and post some pics. Thanx again, G
  24. C

    Suggestions For 4ft Tank

    Ok thanx for clearing that up! So I think I will go for a pair (m/f) of Alto calvus black, 6 Neo Multis and some Paracyprichromis Nigripinnis. I have read that the Paracyprichromis Nigripinnis can grow to 4" so would there be enough space for 10-12 or would I be better off with around 6-8 as I...
  25. C

    Suggestions For 4ft Tank

    so is it only the juvenilles that would be prey or would the adults be at risk also?
  26. C

    Suggestions For 4ft Tank

    KJ thank you for taking the time to research for me, it is greatly appreciated. Jumpman I like the sound of what you have suggested but would the Alto calvus not eat the shelldwellers like KJ says? If not then this is probably the stocking I will go for. How many Neolamp Multifacitus would you...
  27. C

    Suggestions For 4ft Tank

    Thank you for your responses, I have searches for 'tangs' and Altolamprologus calvus (black?) and Neoamprologus tretocephalus appeal to me. Are these suitable for my tank? Can you suggest any suitable tankmates? I also like the look of frontosas but guess they can get too large for my tank...
  28. C

    Suggestions For 4ft Tank Please

    Thanx for your help, based on whats been said i'l look at 'tangs'. I have posted the same thread in the african section so will continue on that thread. Thanx again, G
  29. C

    Suggestions For 4ft Tank Please

    Thanx for your responses. So I gather that most SA/CA cichlids prefer planted tanks then?
  30. C

    Suggestions For 4ft Tank Please

    Hi, I have a tank 48"x15"x12" (LxHxD) and was wondering what to do with it. I would really like cichlids but I am only new to the hobby and my knowledge is limited at present. Could anyone offer suggestions on suitable fish? I would like to have a rockscape in this tank as I have a 2ft planted...
  31. C

    Suggestions For 4ft Tank

    Hi, I have a tank 48"x15"x12" (LxHxD) and was wondering what to do with it. I would really like cichlids but I am only new to the hobby and my knowledge is limited at present. Could anyone offer suggestions on suitable fish? I would like to have a rockscape in this tank as I have a 2ft planted...
  32. C

    Suggestions For 4ft Tank

    I would listen to you but you're a makem therefore my sworn enemy :lol: Bring on 12.45pm! Haha (if you hadn't guessed I'm black n white!) Only playin, but back on topic; just a tank of rummy nose? Does anyone have any suggestions of which cichlids would b best suited to a tank this size? I'd...
  33. C

    Suggestions For 4ft Tank

    Hi, I have a tank 48"x15"x12" (LxHxD) and was wondering what to do with it. I would really like cichlids but I am only new to the hobby and my knowledge is limited at present. Could anyone offer suggestions on suitable fish? I would like to have a rockscape in this tank as I have a 2ft planted...
  34. C

    My Shrimp Only Tank - Cherry And Crs

    Hey, do you have any of the weeping moss available to post? Or can you recommend an online retailer? Thanx
  35. C

    Plants Not Doing Too Well!

    ok thanx. would you recommend adding any other supplements, such as a source of iron or anything else? or does TPN+ contain all thats needed?
  36. C

    Plants Not Doing Too Well!

    thanx aaron, i'll look into those when I need to renew my bulb. how much tpn+ do you think would be best to dose, considering its low tech?
  37. C

    Plants Not Doing Too Well!

    Thanx, sorry its poor quality its just from my phone, plus it will only allow me to upload files of 100k, is this because I am a newbie or something? The swords are in the corners at the back, thats why I need them to grow so you can actually see them! I also need to get a black background to...
  38. C

    Plants Not Doing Too Well!

    10ml a day? That must cost a fortune! :hyper: Do you know any good sites for T6 bulbs, just I cant seem to find the size that I'd need? I've attached a pic of my tank, its a work in progress - I am new to this remember! But any comments or suggestions are welcome
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