Suggestions For 4ft Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jun 19, 2008
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Co. Durham
Hi, I have a tank 48"x15"x12" (LxHxD) and was wondering what to do with it.

I would really like cichlids but I am only new to the hobby and my knowledge is limited at present. Could anyone offer suggestions on suitable fish?

I would like to have a rockscape in this tank as I have a 2ft planted and dont think I could cope with more plants to care for! So this tanks just for the fish. I have a tetratec ex700 filter but need lighting and a new heater, recommendations?

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

Thanx, G
mbuna maybe? tangs? There are a lot of options out there so a lot is personnal preference.
That is a fairly small tank for a 4ft @ 40 gallons
Your tetratec 700 won't provide enough filtration you should have about
8-10 times turnover per hour.
Assuming you go with mbuna they don't like excessive lighting.
Hi, I have a tank 48"x15"x12" (LxHxD) and was wondering what to do with it.

I would really like cichlids but I am only new to the hobby and my knowledge is limited at present. Could anyone offer suggestions on suitable fish?

I would like to have a rockscape in this tank as I have a 2ft planted and dont think I could cope with more plants to care for! So this tanks just for the fish. I have a tetratec ex700 filter but need lighting and a new heater, recommendations?

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

Thanx, G

I would suggest mbuna aka rock dwelling cichlids. I would do a search and pick out 4 species that you like from different families ie avoid putting Pseudotropheus socolofi with species pseudotropheus saulosi. You will need at least a 2 female to every one male. There is a exception to that rule. Pseudotropheus demasoni needs 11 females to one male.
It really depends on what you want.

Do some searches for Lake Tanganyika fish and Lake Malawi Mbuna fish. Read a little, look at pictures and let us know what you like the look of. We can go from there :good:
I would forget about most Mbuna, such as Metriaclima, Lebeotropheus and certain Pseudotropheus species. Labidochromis may be OK but in my opinion Tanganyikans would be most suitable for your tank.
Thank you for your responses, I have searches for 'tangs' and Altolamprologus calvus (black?) and Neoamprologus tretocephalus appeal to me.
Are these suitable for my tank?
Can you suggest any suitable tankmates?

I also like the look of frontosas but guess they can get too large for my tank :sad:

Thanx, G
You could keep a pair of the Altolamprologus calvus. Well, I did some research for you and it seems they can be kept with almost any Tang. fish except shell dwellers. The Calvus are predatory and may eat the shellies.

It doesn't sound like the 2nd pick is to promising with it being aggressive.
Thank you for your responses, I have searches for 'tangs' and Altolamprologus calvus (black?) and Neoamprologus tretocephalus appeal to me.
Are these suitable for my tank?
Can you suggest any suitable tankmates?

I also like the look of frontosas but guess they can get too large for my tank :sad:

Thanx, G

I'll chip in with some Tang advice. As you suggest Fronts get too big for this tank. Tretocephalus get very aggressive with each other and only a single one would be advisable. A nice suggestion for this tank would be a pair of Alto calvus black (m/f) for the rock work, a school of either 10-12 Cyprichromis Leptosoma or Paracyprichromis Nigrippinis, and then if you want something interesting for the sand perhaps a shell bed with a colony of shelldwellers such as Neolamp Multifacitus. Their colony protection will keep the Calvus from eating some of theier young, and the interaction is fascinating.
KJ thank you for taking the time to research for me, it is greatly appreciated.

Jumpman I like the sound of what you have suggested but would the Alto calvus not eat the shelldwellers like KJ says? If not then this is probably the stocking I will go for. How many Neolamp Multifacitus would you suggest?
Would it be possible to include one Tretocephalus or would it be best to leave it out of this set up altogether?

Thanx again, G
so is it only the juvenilles that would be prey or would the adults be at risk also?
so is it only the juvenilles that would be prey or would the adults be at risk also?

IME its only the very young juvies they go for.....I have kept Multies with Calvus and Comps (up to 3-4 inches in size) and while they occasionally look at the young most of the time they don't bother as the adults all harrass them together. They know its just easier to wait for you to feed them!

You could try a single Tret but I wouldnt will have plenty of activity with the other fish and it may dispute rockwork territory with the Calvus.

I would say start with a colony of around 6 or 7 adult Multies.
Ok thanx for clearing that up!

So I think I will go for a pair (m/f) of Alto calvus black, 6 Neo Multis and some Paracyprichromis Nigripinnis.

I have read that the Paracyprichromis Nigripinnis can grow to 4" so would there be enough space for 10-12 or would I be better off with around 6-8 as I dont want the tank to look overcrowded?

Also would I need to increase my filtration (EX700) for this stocking, possibly by adding an internal (short on funds for another external!)?

Thanx, G
Ok thanx for clearing that up!

So I think I will go for a pair (m/f) of Alto calvus black, 6 Neo Multis and some Paracyprichromis Nigripinnis.

I have read that the Paracyprichromis Nigripinnis can grow to 4" so would there be enough space for 10-12 or would I be better off with around 6-8 as I dont want the tank to look overcrowded?

Also would I need to increase my filtration (EX700) for this stocking, possibly by adding an internal (short on funds for another external!)?

Thanx, G

Well you could start with 6 and see what you think, I used to have 5 fully grown in a three foot tank and thought about getting a few more. (but then changed to Tropheus :rolleyes: ) Try to get two males max if you can. One thing to note with the Paracyps is that they like hanging around rockwork, so if you can have a couple of piles that stack quite high up the back they will appreciate the cover.

Another internal as a minimum, and a second external asap.

Best of luck with the tank, should make a nice community :good:
I hope so!

Thank you for all your advice, hopefully wont be too long until its all set up and then I'l try and post some pics.

Thanx again, G

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