Search results

  1. CrashingWaves

    Crazy Clown Loaches

    Your question has pretty much been answered already, but I'd just like to say I concur with what has been said. Clown loaches are prone to doing these kind of things. Actually if I look behind me right now at my tank, they loaches are zipping all over the place, and are all excited because I...
  2. CrashingWaves

    Male Loach Or Female Loach

    Well exactly how large are they? They really only becomes sexually mature when they're around 7 inches long. There really is no good way to sex clown loaches...except I have heard that the males male fin looks a little different sometimes...the tips curve inward a little more or something...
  3. CrashingWaves

    Algae Eaters?

    Otos are probably your best bet. There are a few smaller species of pleco that are a maybe...but first you have to find them...and from my experience they weren't as good at eating algae as the larger species. God Bless, Joshua
  4. CrashingWaves

    Who"s Scared Of Snails

    I've never had a problem with snails because I almost always have loaches in my tanks. Snails are just another thing to feed my fish :P God Bless, Joshua
  5. CrashingWaves

    Hello All

    Welcome to the forum :) God Bless, Joshua
  6. CrashingWaves

    Squirrel Photographs

    This first squirrel has been hanging around our house awhile, and he kind of has a golden coloration on his underside. Then the following photos are pictures of some of the grey squirrels around :) God Bless, Joshua
  7. CrashingWaves

    New Downy Woodpecker Pictures!

    I'm pretty happy with how several of these pictures came out. The first picture is by far my favorite though. Let me know what you guys think :). It probably won't surprise you to know that the males have the red patch on the back of their heads, while the females don't. See, now you learned...
  8. CrashingWaves

    How Older Siblings Stunt Growth

    I have three cousins from the same mother and father, they're all around 6'4 or 6'5. God Bless, Joshua
  9. CrashingWaves

    Developing An Appreciation For Nature

    When was the last time you were at the beach? Did you inhale deeply, and notice the smell of the ocean air, or the taste of the salt on your tongue? Did you look down at the sand that surrounded you, like a thick blanket covering the earth, and notice all the different colors that were in it...
  10. CrashingWaves

    Gravel Change? :/

    Remove most of the water into a large, clean, cooler or something of the sort. Place the fish in the cooler with a bubble stone running to keep oxygen going. You may need to put some kind of heating in there, something as simple as a light over it will help. Then, clean out the tank and the...
  11. CrashingWaves

    I Have Just Become A Fish Keeper!

    Welcome to the forum, there are a lot of friendly people who would be more than happy to assist you with your new aquarium :) God Bless, Joshua
  12. CrashingWaves

    Algae Eater

    My girlfriend has a 20 gallon saltwater fish tank. I keep freshwater myself so I know next to nothing about what I'm doing. I know in freshwater tanks the common choices for fish to take care of algae are plecos, or otos. What is the best choices to help take care of algae in a saltwater tank...
  13. CrashingWaves

    New Leopard Gecko, With Pics!

    I'm not really sure how old he/she is. I decided on the name Sooraj, which means Sun in a language in Pakistan. God Bless, Joshua
  14. CrashingWaves

    Clown Loaches

    Going off what Tokis-Phoenix said. I have found clown loaches to be very avid snail eaters. They are the best loach I've found for taking care of snails, so I don't really know what he's talking about with that. You could probably do it safely, though it may be a little stressful. In which...
  15. CrashingWaves

    How Many For A 55 Gallon

    He looks like a common pleco, which tend to get pretty large. God Bless, Joshua
  16. CrashingWaves

    Best Medium For Plant Growth?

    I'd just like to point out that you'd actually be better off with gravel than sand for plant growth. Plants don't tend to do very well in sand. God Bless, Joshua
  17. CrashingWaves


    Well I had a couple skunk loaches at one point, and they were absolutely horrible to the other fish in my tank. At the time I didn't know much about them, and if I had I probably would've have gotten them in the first place, but, live and learn right? :lol: God Bless, Joshua
  18. CrashingWaves

    Un-stunting Clown Loaches

    Another thing I would like to mention is, they very possibly are stunted, however clown loaches tend to grow fairly quickly to about that size and then their growth rate tends to decrease greatly after that. As stated above they will go in growth spurts from time to time though. God Bless, Joshua
  19. CrashingWaves

    Feeder Snails

    Most fish stores will give you those tiny snails for free, but it's easiest to just breed them yourself. With a nice little tank of their own with a little bit of heating they'll usually breed like rabbits. God Bless, Joshua
  20. CrashingWaves

    Botia Guilinen?

    Really once you get past the basic loach species (Clown, Yoyo, Kuhli) thinks start to get more confusing and complex. There's quite a few species that look pretty similar to eachother, and yes...scientific names are changing all the time it seems. But I suppose that's true for all fish...
  21. CrashingWaves

    Yoyo Loaches

    A good rule of thumb is to never just buy a fish, just to get rid of snails. You have to remember the fish is still going to be around well after the snail population has been completely eaten...which usually could take from a day to a eat to do, depending on the loach. Regardless, yoyo...
  22. CrashingWaves

    Clown Loaches

    They're more than likely just not used to getting pellets. After awhile they will start to discover them and enjoy them. My clown loaches always loved shrimp pellets. God Bless, Joshua
  23. CrashingWaves

    Ahhh Help Me Please!

    Another question I have for you is, do you only have one of them? They really should be in groups of at least four. Being on your own can sometimes lead to lazy behaviors ;). God Bless, Joshua
  24. CrashingWaves

    Golden Loaches (chinese Algae Eater) Need Opinions?

    Is a Chinese Algae Eater a type of loach? I feel kind of stupid asking this question since loaches are my favorite type of fish, I just never really thought about it. I've never had any experience with them by the way. God Bless, Joshua
  25. CrashingWaves


    From my experience, skunk loaches are kind of the devil of the loach species. I've only kept them once, and I've heard similar reports from other people. As for which loaches I've had no problem keeping together in a community tank, I had these all in a tank together at one point. Clown...
  26. CrashingWaves

    My Clown Loach

    Well the biggest reason he doesn't come out much is because he doesn't have other clown loaches with him. Obviously he should be in a larger tank, but that being said they should be in at least a group of four. I would suggest getting loaches of the same size as well, or he'll just eat all the...
  27. CrashingWaves

    Ordering Loaches

    I had good experience with them before when I ordered some fish from them. The only problem is shipping costs so much, it's a question of if it's worth it or not. God Bless, Joshua
  28. CrashingWaves

    Un-stunting Clown Loaches

    First of all, not to question how credible you are, but how do you know they're 9 years old? Obviously it's possible for them to be that old, it just isn't likely, and I'm really not sure how you would know. But anyway, I really don't know if it's possible to unstunt a fish if they're that...
  29. CrashingWaves

    Greetings All!

    Merry Christmas!....EVE! :lol: Welcome to the forum :) God Bless, Joshua
  30. CrashingWaves

    Beginner... My Gourami Looks Bad

    Sorry you lost your fish, but I think your tank just needed to be cycled more. But, welcome to the forum :) God Bless, Joshua
  31. CrashingWaves

    Feeder Snails

    Feeding them snails is important to their diet, as well as taking care of their teeth. It's not that much of a problem either from my experience. Oh, and welcome to the forum :) God Bless, Joshua
  32. CrashingWaves

    New Tank Set-up

    Nice looking tank, and welcome to the forum :) God Bless, Joshua
  33. CrashingWaves

    Four New Corydoras (with Pictures)

    That's too bad, I'm sorry about your peppered corydoras. Glad you like them though, I love these guys :) God Bless, Joshua
  34. CrashingWaves

    What Kind Of Loaches Have You Kept?

    I've never run into red tailed blue loaches, though I've always wanted to. Nice fish you have though :good: . God Bless, Joshua
  35. CrashingWaves

    Ordering Loaches

    Alright, thank you very much for the help. The only one I've found in the past was God Bless, Joshua
  36. CrashingWaves

    Four New Corydoras (with Pictures)

    Now mind you, I'm horrible at taking pictures of my fish, unfortunately. I think I just have a bad camera that is always changing the shade of the colors and always blurring, which mind you, is very annoying. But anyway, I was at Petco the other day looking at fish, and noticed they had Juli...
  37. CrashingWaves

    Scratches On Glass

    What is the tank made out of? Glass? God Bless, Joshua
  38. CrashingWaves

    Oh Yeah!

    Congrats :). Keep poking around on this forum and you'll be an expert in no time. Keep it up :) God Bless, Joshua
  39. CrashingWaves

    Juwel Vision 450 Ltr Setup (inc Photos)

    That's a pretty nice looking tank, I enjoyed watching it all come together with your pictures too :). God Bless, Joshua
  40. CrashingWaves

    My 90 Gal Tank

    The tank does look too small to be a 90 gallon, but with an oscar that size I guess it just messes with your mind. Nice looking Oscar though. Even though if I had that few of fish in a 90 gallon tank, it would drive me absolutely nuts :lol: God Bless, Joshua