Search results

  1. Erikson45

    African Dwarf Frog

    Just be sure to feed them in mediums, and also be sure to feed very close to them, since they hunt by smell rather than sight. :) I heard some people use turkey basters to shoot food right in front of them to get them to notice it. What I do is wait until my ADF goes into Zen mode and floats...
  2. Erikson45

    How Many Cherries Should I Have?

    :crazy: Yeh... See, the problem these days are that some people have too little RCS, and some have too many. If you want, I'll take some off your hands :lol: I would say probably 50 for a 20 gal normally, but most people keep em in the hundreds. You'll know when it gets overpopulated, because...
  3. Erikson45

    Ghost Shrimp

    O_o... wait... Did you kill the ghost shrimp? :crazy: Anyways, you didn't have to :unsure: All you had to do was quarantine it and wait for the worm to pass. It's extremely unlikely that the other fish/inverts have contracted anything unless they ate something which had those worm eggs...
  4. Erikson45

    Cherry Shrimp Growth?

    lol It's the Hobbyist Dream for such quick growth. Cherry Shrimp breed like rabbits under the right conditions as well as grow! How many did you get?
  5. Erikson45

    How Old Are You, And How Long Have You Been Fish Keeping?

    I'm 15. Been keeping fish on and off for around 9 years. Started with a single female guppy in a unfiltered fish bowl for around 4 years and then upgraded to a ten gallon and am now very into Aquascaping picotopes and nanos ^^
  6. Erikson45

    Dwarf Platy Poo

    Well for the past couple days, my dwarf platy has been having long brown stringy poo constantly. I've heard this might be the result of internal parasites. Any suggestions? Comments?
  7. Erikson45


    Very cool :good: And lovely photos!
  8. Erikson45

    New Bettas :d

    Thanks! Yikes! :crazy: It seems that he's got some sort of fungus on the left side of his head. It's a sort of an opague fiber. I isolated him into my quarentine tank and am treating him as I type. I hope he stays with me :unsure:
  9. Erikson45

    New Bettas :d

    Thanks! It just seems as if he's depressed somewhat. Im going to do my very best to see to it that he's happy :rolleyes:
  10. Erikson45

    New Bettas :d

    Not yet, but I will tomorrow. For parameter reasons and so forth, I added a divider in my community tank to allow some space for Mr. Betta ;) I did this because the community is much for stable, has plants, is filtered well, and hasn't had a death in over 3 years so I trust it's water...
  11. Erikson45

    New Bettas :d

    He won't touch the blood worms and keeps spitting out the food :unsure: I don't know what to do Live food?
  12. Erikson45

    New Cherries, How Long....

    I'd say half an hour. If you wanna be paranoid, an hour :shifty:
  13. Erikson45

    New Bettas :d

    Well today, since I was off of school, I decided to pay my local Petco a visit. They're absolutly REPULSIVE in keeping fish. When I asked to buy some Wisteria, the person on duty at the time stuck her hand in a bag of Doritos, ate a few chips, and then without wiping her hands, she stuck it in...
  14. Erikson45

    Would Like To Know About Cherry Shrimp

    Java moss is quite easy to grow and is hardy in most conditions. I'd suggest a planted tank rather than a non planted tank simply because it provides them algae (a part of their diet) as well as hiding places and natural homes. I think a moss carpet is a good idea, but limit it and be sure to...
  15. Erikson45

    I'm Not A Fan Of Dthm But

    Anyways, very nice from my perspective :hey: :kewlpics:
  16. Erikson45

    I'm Not A Fan Of Dthm But

    How'd you manage getting that beauty for free? :drool:
  17. Erikson45

    Need Help With African Drawf Frog

    Females are generally larger. Males are the ones who usually hum or sing and have these two small pimples in front of their legs. Females are usually pear shaped I guess.
  18. Erikson45

    Algae Eating Fish

    Shrimp are a possibility (eg. amano/cherry) As well as true SAEs, Flying Foxes, and Ottos, however Ottos should be in triplets.
  19. Erikson45

    What To Feed Fish...

    Flake food serves as a staple food mainly, but once in a while, be sure to treat them with bloodworms or brine shrimp. Alive/Frozen/or Freeze-dried.
  20. Erikson45

    Spare 5.5 Gallon...

    You can never go wrong with shrimp and plants! :hooray: With a beautiful betta as a centerpiece, and a riccia/java moss carpet. :shifty:
  21. Erikson45

    I Love Petsmart!

    What a fascinating debate! :D Well I suppose it's also partly the fault of the employee and the chain itself for hiring such inexperienced workers. In the spirit of the holdiays, many things happen... The poor guy was probably confused anyways. :S My lfs does that to meh all the time. A...
  22. Erikson45

    Right I've Decided What I Want To Put In My Tank..

    Is it a 30 gal long? Bristlenose should be in an environment with a good sized floor littered with hiding places/decor. I'm sure they would fit, except if you're planning to have them breed, be sure to keep in mind that they are large waste producers. For a bristlenose's habitat, I'd suggest...
  23. Erikson45

    How Many Shrimp Can I Keep In A 20l Tank?

    If you do get heatpacks and CRS and packaging material, you can easily make 2.5 british pounds/5 US. Dollars per shrimp. Good way of making money as I'm sure many will be interested in buying homebred CRS.
  24. Erikson45

    Fish Cycling (any Downsides?)

    Check to see what kinds of plants your lfs has and if they aren't labeled neatly with some descriptions, research em or ask on here. I heard the price of Bio Spira ranges, but yes, it has to always be refridgerated. I doubt a local Petco/Petsmart will carry it, because it isn't a very marketable...
  25. Erikson45

    Fish Cycling (any Downsides?)

    30 cents? That's pretty cheap, but still you should be aware of the effects the bacterial imbalance on your fish as well as the possibility of gill damage. :rip: When you begin a hobby as an aquarist, you assume full responsibility for your fish. Like a parent or guardian to his or her's child...
  26. Erikson45


    lol Depends on which sort of snails. If they're pond snails, get rid of em! They dun do any good and have literally taken over my tank in the past as well as clogged the fiter >< If they're Maylaysian Trumpet snails or any other varieties, research them on the web and see if they'll be...
  27. Erikson45

    Any Way To Speed Up Cycling?

    I've heard products like Cycle and Stress-Zyme works as a primer for cycling. They'll help speed up the process. OR Get Bio Spira. Excellent product and prefered over Cycle and other products as such. OR Borrow some mature filter media and use it in your aqurium filter to speed up the...
  28. Erikson45


    I use 15 pounds of sand for my aquarium, however it depends on the surface area of the bottom of your tank. I'd say around 3 inches deep for plants.
  29. Erikson45

    How Many Shrimp Can I Keep In A 20l Tank?

    I'd say it'd take 2-3 months just be able to start sexing em. But if you have alot on your hands, you could sell em you know. Over the internet, in lfs, or even on this very site :D :thumbs: I'm sure alot of ppl would be interested.
  30. Erikson45

    Suggestions For What Kind?

    I've heard :D My friend has some in his tank I belive. He has all sorts of shoals of tetras in his 100 gal... Very cool! Good luck!
  31. Erikson45

    Suggestions For What Kind?

    I absolutely LOVE Black Skirt Tetras. :drool: I bought two along wtih a bunch of serpae tetras when i began and wasn't aware of cycling :crazy: ALL of the Red eye died and only the two black skirts were alive. When I tested the water the next day the ammonia was 2! Nitrates... were...
  32. Erikson45

    Tropical Frogs - Any Good In A Community Tank?

    I wait until my ADF is floating and then drop a couple blood worms. He'll reach em as he floats. Alot of the times when I drop an algae disk for my pleco, my ADF picks at it agressively, nipping playfully at the other fish who try to get at it. My ADF will occasionally snap at my fish too, when...
  33. Erikson45

    Are Shrimps Compatible With.......?

    Thing is you gotta remember to make plenty of hiding places for the shrimp. Especially when it molts, the body is vulnerable and all sorts of fish will nibble of em and might even eat em. I witness that with my black skirts and my ghost shrimp :crazy: But I'm sure the neon and the phantom will...