New Bettas :d


New Member
Nov 12, 2007
Reaction score
Chicago, IL, USA
Well today, since I was off of school, I decided to pay my local Petco a visit. They're absolutly REPULSIVE in keeping fish. When I asked to buy some Wisteria, the person on duty at the time stuck her hand in a bag of Doritos, ate a few chips, and then without wiping her hands, she stuck it in the tank and grabbed my plants. I'm not sure whether or not it's alright to do so, but I didn't think it was sanitary because I could see the bits of chips floating around. :crazy:

Anyways, on my way out of the fish department, I ran into the betta section. All of them didn't look too bad, but most of them had fungus, etc. One of them was in murky water, but I could see that it was one of the last bettas whom were healthy but about to be diseased :sick: I thought the coloration was marvelous as well and it had so much potential, so I couldn't stop myself from saving the poor fishie.

Well I ordered a 5 gal for it online and am waiting for it to arrive, but for the time being my little betta is housed in a plastic gallon mini tank sort of, but alas does not have filter or heat, so I have to do alot of pwcs for the meanwhile until the new tank arrives.
Problem is, he hasn't eaten yet. I tried bloodworms and betta bites, but he doesn't seem interested. Is this normal behavior?

Tips? Comments?

Here's some pics
Just wondering if any of you betta experts see anything wrong with Junior ^^.




Sorry if it's a little blurry.

I added a little Java Moss as a sort of soft bedding for him and to absorb nitrates.

Me thinks it's a crowntail? Anyone know specifics?
yep its a crowntail, ice colours as well, looks a little under fed though a good bloodworm meal will start things going in the right direction
Not yet, but I will tomorrow. For parameter reasons and so forth, I added a divider in my community tank to allow some space for Mr. Betta ;)
I did this because the community is much for stable, has plants, is filtered well, and hasn't had a death in over 3 years so I trust it's water parameters. I will try live brine shrimp tomorrow and see if he takes it.
Thanks! It just seems as if he's depressed somewhat. Im going to do my very best to see to it that he's happy :rolleyes:
He is probably still stressed, just let him get used to his new clean environment and keep tempting him with live food.

They can manage without food for a couple or more days, if he isn't eating you could try popping some vitamin drops to his tank till he does start to realise that the wriggly stuff is food.

Definately a crown tail and lovely colouring, it is a crying shame when LFs buy in stock and then don't bother looking after them.
:drool: he is a fab colour, such a pretty boy. As others have said he probably just needs time to settle in.

Keep us posted with his progress
Thanks! Yikes! :crazy: It seems that he's got some sort of fungus on the left side of his head. It's a sort of an opague fiber. I isolated him into my quarentine tank and am treating him as I type. I hope he stays with me :unsure:

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