Cherry Shrimp Growth?


Fish Crazy
Feb 13, 2007
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hi i got some cherry shrimp delivered last week and when they were in their bag i found it very hard to count them as they were that small and not very red
but in the past week i've found shells all over their tank and all of them are starting to get really big now is it normal for them to grow so fast at first and then slow down?
at the moment i think if they carry on i'll end up with monster shrimps lol
Dunno about cherry shrimp, but I've been told the similar 'zebra shrimp' grow very fast from babies, I once spoke to a guy who got so many of them growing fast he used to feed them to his fish.

How big are they now and how much have they grown? Just out of interest, what are you feeding them?

Sound's like a good thing they are growing so fast :).
lol It's the Hobbyist Dream for such quick growth. Cherry Shrimp breed like rabbits under the right conditions as well as grow! How many did you get?
I managed to find some Crystal Red Shrimp a couple of weeks ago at my LFS. They have settled in quite well and all have shed already and are looking much bigger...

I think its normal for shrimp to shed when they move into a new tank, possibly linked to the change in temp as my other shrimp always seem to shed when i change the water. :good:
Compared to other shrimp, cherry are very small, even the adult. Once mature, the female will become very red.
But they do grow fast, i have many baby shrimps in my tank, just a few weeks, they grow from tiny ones to about 1 cm now.
Dunno about cherry shrimp, but I've been told the similar 'zebra shrimp' grow very fast from babies, I once spoke to a guy who got so many of them growing fast he used to feed them to his fish.

How big are they now and how much have they grown? Just out of interest, what are you feeding them?

Sound's like a good thing they are growing so fast :).
they are are all different sizes smallest been about --- that big and biggest about ----- big but they have gone from -- to ----- in a week lol
im feeding them fish flake at the min until they get a bit bigger i throw in the odd algea wafer now n again to

lol It's the Hobbyist Dream for such quick growth. Cherry Shrimp breed like rabbits under the right conditions as well as grow! How many did you get?
i got 10 of them

I managed to find some Crystal Red Shrimp a couple of weeks ago at my LFS. They have settled in quite well and all have shed already and are looking much bigger...

I think its normal for shrimp to shed when they move into a new tank, possibly linked to the change in temp as my other shrimp always seem to shed when i change the water. :good:
funny you should mention the temp as mine are at about 76f so maybe the warmth helps them grow!!

Compared to other shrimp, cherry are very small, even the adult. Once mature, the female will become very red.
But they do grow fast, i have many baby shrimps in my tank, just a few weeks, they grow from tiny ones to about 1 cm now.
yeah they are getting some really nice colours on them now

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