Are Shrimps Compatible With.......?

Should do without any problems, make sure they are not sucked in by the filter intake.

I have seen some advertised on Ebay but cannot comment on their quality.
Should do without any problems, make sure they are not sucked in by the filter intake.

I have seen some advertised on Ebay but cannot comment on their quality.

I saw them too but I trust AE because lots of people use them. I like shrimp because when I go on holiday I go rock pooling and catch lots. In cornwall I caught a huge one it must've been about 3 inches, my brother then fell over and it escaped and I didn't catch it :(. Of course I always put them back afterwards. I'm not sure if the baby shrimp would fit into a Fluval 2+ but if so I could stick something over the intake.
Should do without any problems, make sure they are not sucked in by the filter intake.

I have seen some advertised on Ebay but cannot comment on their quality.

I saw them too but I trust AE because lots of people use them. I like shrimp because when I go on holiday I go rock pooling and catch lots. In cornwall I caught a huge one it must've been about 3 inches, my brother then fell over and it escaped and I didn't catch it :(. Of course I always put them back afterwards. I'm not sure if the baby shrimp would fit into a Fluval 2+ but if so I could stick something over the intake.

Yeah they should do fine and you should have hundreds in a matter of months. you could stick a pantyhose, sponge, or prefilter (basically a sponge) over the intake.
I know I could stick some of that poly wool I'm using. How would I stick it though.

Oh and would Harlequin Rasboras be compatible, I've never kept them, I might give them a go.
The Rasboras would be okay with the adults, provide lots of hiding places moss is great for them. Tropicalfish4u that sponsor this site are excellent, and cheaper than aquaessentials.
Thing is you gotta remember to make plenty of hiding places for the shrimp. Especially when it molts, the body is vulnerable and all sorts of fish will nibble of em and might even eat em. I witness that with my black skirts and my ghost shrimp :crazy:

But I'm sure the neon and the phantom will get along with the shrimp. Might occasionally try to nip at it, but no real harm.

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