Suggestions For What Kind?


Oct 16, 2007
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Texas, USA
I have a 28 gallon tank set up with one angelfish and 3 dwarf gouramis. I'm going to be adding some cory cats (not sure what kind yet). I'd also like to have a small school or tetras/barbs. I am looking for suggestions as to what kind. I'm looking to keep around 6 or so and I need them to be large enough so they don't become angel food.

Any suggestions?
Hey bordercollie05

well where i work we have pristella tetras in with the dwarf Gouramis and they look really nice in a shoal,

other ideas could be Lemon, Red-eyed and Rummy-nose tetras,
Hey bordercollie05

well where i work we have pristella tetras in with the dwarf Gouramis and they look really nice in a shoal,

other ideas could be Lemon, Red-eyed and Rummy-nose tetras,

I really like the Lemon tetras. I've also been looking at black skirt tetras or diamond tetras. I think these would work?
I have lemon tetra and they are stunning fish! They display to each other doing little dances with their fins spread out. I also adore my rummy noses and they look great in a big group.

In with my dwarf gouramis I have black phantom tetra. Stunning when they display and they never bother the gouramis at all. Make sure if you get them that you get more females than males, else the males will keep chasing each other in competition for the females. :good:

Red eye tetra are stunning as well but can be fin nippers which could be a problem for your angelfish.
I absolutely LOVE Black Skirt Tetras. :drool: I bought two along wtih a bunch of serpae tetras when i began and wasn't aware of cycling :crazy: ALL of the Red eye died and only the two black skirts were alive. When I tested the water the next day the ammonia was 2! Nitrates... were... unspeakable. After I learned about cycling, I was appauled at how the black skirts were still alive. I cycled the tank with the black skirts inside and they live to this day and it's already been around 2 years :good: I named em Ben and Jerry :shifty:
It's funny how they dart to the top to eat and back like pirrahnas sorta. Funny little critters. Extremely Hardy.

Lemon tetras are fantastic as well. They're very loving fish. Very cool coloring on their fins.
Blackskirts are great but i would get like 5 diamond tetras. if you keep your tank maintained they have some of the best coloring around. they really do glitter like diamonds.
I've heard :D My friend has some in his tank I belive. He has all sorts of shoals of tetras in his 100 gal... Very cool! Good luck!

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