New Cherries, How Long....


Fish Crazy
Feb 13, 2007
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hi all i've been after cherry shrimp for a while now and after doing all my research and getting my tank up and running i finally ordered some off the net and they arrived safe and sound at lunch time they are so so tiny and are floating in their bag now, their water is quite cool after their journey so how long should i leave them to aclimatize (cant spell) for, lol, thanks in advance
Sorry i actually dont know the answer to your question but i would think just like any other fish you get,

I actually wanted to know where you ordered your shrimp from, i'm looking into getting some shrimp and wanted to find a reliable online source (but thats even harder in canada)?

How do they look? How many did you order?
hi thanks for you replies, i left them for 3 hours to warm up as their bag of water was quite chilly so didnt want to shock them too much, and funkycat, i ordered them off ebay i go ten of them and they are diddy about --- that small so so tiny im suprised they survived, they haven't much colour yet as they are so small but you can see the odd one changing colour, they are ace

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