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  1. Ark

    Best Co2 System

    i bought this pressurized dennerle co2 kit for tanks upto 250litres it right on youre budget of £60 its a great piece of kit - i have bought from them aswell -
  2. Ark

    Dennerle Co2 Fertilisation System Profi 250 - Advice Needed

    @Ark - Is this the bottle that you mean? <a href=";productId=21" target="_blank">;productId=21</a> If so, how long would it last on a 125L, not heavily planted aquarium? By the way, this is the...
  3. Ark

    Dennerle Co2 Fertilisation System Profi 250 - Advice Needed

    i have that set you can get refills online from harrogate aquatics for 15.95 its a gr8 set. the canisters are disposable not refillable
  4. Ark

    'under The Forest Canopy' Journal

    where are you going to get ur crypts from
  5. Ark

    Which External For Juwel Vision 260?

    no way go for the tetratec ex1200 best externals ever i got 2 on my large marine
  6. Ark

    What's A Quality Filter For A Planted 10 Gallon?

    Eden 501 from Aquaessentials are gr8 bit costly but you can get a cheaper version from ebay i had one on my 40 litre nano
  7. Ark

    A Little Challenge For You All!

    aquarium substrates for large tanks tend too get very expensive a viable option is the use of Akadama a specialist bonsai substrate. i used it after it was recommended by Jamesc on ukaps. its cheap and is i great for heavy root feeders such as crypts. in a 260ltr you would need 2 maybe 3 bags...
  8. Ark

    Saintlys Iwagumi Journal. Part 2

    pics are the best thing about jornals and you got some pretty good camera skills there mate looking good
  9. Ark

    Saintlys Iwagumi Journal. Part 2

    i was jokin around theres a very very small chance that may happen but it looks better now imo also how long did it take for you to move the tank
  10. Ark

    6x2x2 Planted

    basically uve got it crypts ferns anubiases is wat u want if you have a tall tank crypt balansae or cyperus helferi looks good
  11. Ark

    Saintlys Iwagumi Journal. Part 2

    looks good but if someone fell down the stairs then they would go flying into the standor even headfirst into the the glass
  12. Ark

    Hair Algae

    hey causes of hair algae are that low CO2 levels, low nutrient levels or a large ammonia spike.. its quite hard to deal with but there are a few ways to deal with it such as the use of seachem excel, or to buy some amano shrimp that eat it or make the co2 rate higher. Ark
  13. Ark

    Ways To Prevent Crypt Melt

    Hey I was just reading up about crypt melt and i wanted my new tank to be hassle free and off course if there is crypt melt then ill have to prune all the leaves and clean all the mush.. so i wondered if any of the following ways could be done to prevent crypt melt 1) trim all the leaves off...
  14. Ark

    How To Set Up An Easy Planted Tank

    thanks for the vid George i am in the middle of setting up a juwel rio 125 low - mid tech and this vid has given me some great ideas. just 1 quick question which do you think is a better source of carbon seachem excel or the easylife carbo as i dont know which to opt for as my source of co2...
  15. Ark

    Could I Grow Glossostigma Elatinoides?

    hey you have got 2 wpg so it maybe ok it most probably will grow upwards atfirst but if you keep pushing it back into the substrate it will eventually spread out the co2 and ferts will help a great deal. Ark
  16. Ark

    Reliable Plant Sellers?

    if you want good quality tropica plants aquaessentials and birstall are very good premium price but premium quality. if you dont want to spend that much you can buy good quality ones from greenline and plantsalive.. Ark
  17. Ark

    54 Litre Low Light Livebearer Scape

    Hey, nice tank.. whats the stocking? also where did you get that wood from as thats exactly what im looking for? - Ark
  18. Ark

    The Forgotten Valley - 60l

    i just think its not quite there yet like its missing something the colours are all too light maybe add a windelov fern thats dark green or some red plant.... just a though
  19. Ark

    Cracked Juwel Rekord 70

    i was thinking of just chucking the tank away but i dont want to spend £70 on another rekord i thought about going for a clearseal one for p@h but i have everything for the juwel already.. also i like the juwel build quality over those bespoke glass ones.. ive gone for 3rd option for added...
  20. Ark

    The Forgotten Valley - 60l

    hairgrass looks like it spreading nicely how many pots did you start with... i cant see any fish wats the current stocking?
  21. Ark

    Cracked Juwel Rekord 70

    hi i found an old rekord 70 in my garage last week and i thought i could use it for a planted tank. i was checking to see whether it was still water tight or not and as i was filling it up on the glass there was a stone underneath that i didnt see it i filled the tank to the brim and let it...
  22. Ark

    Metal Halides - Arcadia Mini?

    you dont have reflectors do you think i could fit a reflector above that just drill a hole threw it were the screws would go and attach same way you did? also are the screws metal or plastic because the ones at aquatic warehouse are plastic? you dont have reflectors do you think i could fit a...
  23. Ark

    Metal Halides - Arcadia Mini?

    aaron what clips and screws did you use to attach the pc light the hood do you have any more photos. also do you have any reflectors over them if so how and wat r they.
  24. Ark

    Co2 Solenoid Co2 Regulator

    Hi, thanks for the info regarding the danger i thought that it could explode or something i havent ruled out fe co2 i already have a 2kg fe in my garage i will put the co2 in a locked cabinet so that it cant be touched. can someone provide a list of what else ill need and prices if poss: so far...
  25. Ark

    Co2 Solenoid Co2 Regulator

    i have read themeulous' post on fe co2 and i dont really want to take any risks with it so ive opted for a disposable co2 set. ive got 2 choices the jbl set easy 1 or the d-d complete co2 kit the d-d kit comes with a solenoid but it £33 more then the jbl any one got ny ideas wha to go for.
  26. Ark

    Co2 Solenoid Co2 Regulator

    hi im setting up a juwel rio 125 im gonna have at least 2wpg so i need pressurised co2 i was thinking of going for fire extinguisher co2 i already have an fe, i was looking on ebay for regulators and i came across some difficulties: 1) can someone explain the differences between a CO2 Regulator...
  27. Ark

    'under The Forest Canopy' Journal

    hi you said you grew the blynxia fine in lowlight how low was your wpg? i also thought of planting some blynxia but i didnt think my lighting was moderate enough - 1.7wpg in a 20g nice rams also but imo golden rams are much nicer looking...
  28. Ark

    Diy Co2 Going To Pressurised?

    the cheapest optiomn would be fire extinguisher co2 i remember there was a thread in someones sig about how to set one up
  29. Ark

    Substrate What Type To Go For....befor I Make A Mess!

    tetra complete is a quality subtrate but if any mixes with your water its gonna go all tea oloured i suggest going for 2 or 3 bags of thhe seachem flourite either black or onyx
  30. Ark

    Finally Getting Somewere With Plants At Last!

    can you post some stats for the tank and it look very nice too
  31. Ark

    Ukaps Visit To The Green Machine (lots Of Pics)

    the tanks look abit empty no tall plants btw what is the green machine an lfs?
  32. Ark

    Suggestions On Plants

    if you have any more space on your would i suggest anubias and for the background try some basic plants such as water wysteria
  33. Ark

    The Goldfish Bowl

    Where is the GFB located? and also out of redmoor wood and dragon stone i think redmoor wood is more versatile however it would be intersting to see something different done with the stones becuase people always use it for iwagumi set ups..
  34. Ark

    Help With Tank Appearance

    hi nice start but to make it look more natural i suggest gettin rid of the skull and the small pebbles by it also if your open to suggestions you could change the substrate to a more plant friendly one... the reaosn your plants look unhealthy is because there not getting any nutrients you...
  35. Ark

    Million's Planted Nano

    if you want natural go for some echinodurases but not the common amazon sword go to and look through there plant selection i walways buy from them best quality i have found.
  36. Ark

    Million's Planted Nano

    nice lighting option cheap too. corys need to be kept in groups and they need a soft substrate such as such but otos go everywere they even clean glass.. as for plants if you want a carpet go for echinoduras tenellus or pogostemon helferi midground ide go for some rotala or hygros
  37. Ark

    Million's Planted Nano

    hi max looks much different from when it was sitting in my bedroom i suppose all it needed wa a good good clean. i will follow this see how it turns out. btw if you ask people about the tetra optmat co2 you are gonna get some bad reviews becuase you have to manually add the co2 yourself imho you...
  38. Ark

    Carl's 22gal Journal

    i got a ps3 wats ur online user id ill add u my psn id is : arif93 add me
  39. Ark

    More Carpet Questions

    try hc
  40. Ark


    frozen barbs right disconnect it from the airstone. count how many bubbles there are in 30 seconds then divide the nymber you get by 30 = bps..