Co2 Solenoid Co2 Regulator


Fish Fanatic
Sep 8, 2007
Reaction score
Hanham, Bristol
hi im setting up a juwel rio 125
im gonna have at least 2wpg so i need pressurised co2
i was thinking of going for fire extinguisher co2 i already have an fe, i was looking on ebay for regulators and i came across some difficulties:
1) can someone explain the differences between a CO2 Regulator Single Pressure Manometer and a CO2 Regulator - Electronic Solenoid
obviously one is expensiver and has a solenoid and a bubble counter.

what is the use of a solenoid is it very important because there is about a £40 difference between the 2 regulators.

would be great if someone could help me.

if the solenoid is an important extra then ill probably buy a complete co2 set like the jbl easy 1 co2 set.
A solenoid on a timer allows you have the Co2 go off with lights out and then back on again before lights on, so they are useful as the Co2 lasts longer and the fish wont want extra Co2 on at night when the plants are giving out Co2. I think jbl easy set 1 has disposable bottles so the fire extinguisher is cheaper in the long run.
Have a look at this one:


item# 260230141080

Lots of people use it and it is very good money, if you are not wanting a solenoid and it is possible to run co2 24/7 then have a look at this one:


If you build the 2nd one up with a bubble counter, needle valve and solenoid then it will come to the same price.
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i have read themeulous' post on fe co2 and i dont really want to take any risks with it so ive opted for a disposable co2 set.
ive got 2 choices the jbl set easy 1 or the d-d complete co2 kit the d-d kit comes with a solenoid but it £33 more then the jbl any one got ny ideas wha to go for.
i have read themeulous' post on fe co2 and i dont really want to take any risks with it so ive opted for a disposable co2 set.
ive got 2 choices the jbl set easy 1 or the d-d complete co2 kit the d-d kit comes with a solenoid but it £33 more then the jbl any one got ny ideas wha to go for.

I was talking to him about that, he only put the warning there icase you were stupid, as long as your careful and treat it with respect, seriously, there is nothing to worry about. as long as you leave the safety pin in while you remove the horn and you tighten up the reg properly, then nothing can go wrong. I would definatley reccomend it as it is a lot cheaper, you can get 2Kg co2 bottles of ebay for £22! that will last me a year on my 40gal.
the only real danger with fe's is the same danger as with all pressurized co2 cylinders, if it goes sideways with the reg on then the liquid co2 can get into the reg and blow the seals which will lead to the cylinder emptying all its contents very quickly, if you treat pressurized cylinders right then there is no risk, theres absolutely no risk in putting the reg onto the FE as long as you use common sense and use safety pins while taking off the horn and bolt then fixing the reg, make sure you tighten the reg as tight as you can get it, then it shouldnt hiss when you depress the lever.
Hi, thanks for the info regarding the danger i thought that it could explode or something i havent ruled out fe co2 i already have a 2kg fe in my garage i will put the co2 in a locked cabinet so that it cant be touched.

can someone provide a list of what else ill need and prices if poss:
so far i have the fe, gaffer tape, bubble counter, diffuser, airline

it think all i need it a reg with a needle valve and solenoid.

Thanks for the link Aaron, the solenoid is a 2 pin will it work in uk if i just switch it to a 3 pin plug also will the thread converter thing fit on normal sized 2kg fe?
yes, just buy the 2 pin converter, there may be a little difficulty with the reg but it will fit. you need:

FE/ cannister - solenoid - needle valve - bubble counter - check valve - diffuser

that is also the order you should have it in.

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