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  1. FiSh123FiSh

    What To Feed

    Keep down the protein and fats as their guts can't handle it ie bloodworm and mussel. I feed mine a mix of spirulina and normal flake, occasionally frozen brine shrimp.     EDIT: That seems like quite a lot of fish to be adding at once. You might encounter some problems, especially messy fish...
  2. FiSh123FiSh

    Bolivian Rams

    I happen to keep both BNs with Rams and I haven't encountered any problems. They seem to keep themselves to themselves. I run my tank at 26'c which I think is around 78f.
  3. FiSh123FiSh

    Bolivian Rams

    I don't see a problem for a pair in that size tank, however for them to pair up and breed as mentioned above requires soft acidic water. They tend to not live as long in harder more alkali water. Also unlike similar cichlids the Bolivian rams are actually depression spawners, the male will clean...
  4. FiSh123FiSh

    Hardy Background Plants?

    Some options are: - Hygrophilia corymbosa -hygrophilia polysperma - vallis nana - giant eel grass
  5. FiSh123FiSh

    Wild Plants?

    Yes, you can add wild plants to your aquarium, however: Make sure it's not private property. The plants aren't near a polluted source. You wash them thoroughly. I would quarantine them just in case there are any snails, pests, etc Normally it's a safer option to get your plants from a reliable...
  6. FiSh123FiSh

    Cory, Plecos And Bamboo Shrimp. Feeding Plan?

    I find that the best way to feed foods like blood worm is on a 'treat' basis; maybe a couple times a week. Blood worm is rich in protein and fats which is good for the fish but also good at adding a lot of waste to the tank. Make sure you defrost then strain the blood worm from the block as the...
  7. FiSh123FiSh

    What Fish To Get For My Established Tank

    Judging by your tank size I would like to say that you're fully stocked. I am glad to see that you're keeping your shoaling fish in groups as this will let you see more of their natural behaviour and they will be happier. However, I would also like to say that a pair of dwarf gouramis would be...
  8. FiSh123FiSh

    Fish123Fish's Juwel Rio 125 Marine Reef

    Last weekend I bought a pair of skunk clownfish and they are amazing. The first proper life in my aquarium and they are all over the place unlike what I was expecting when they would just sit in one place the whole time. Anyway well pleased! Should be getting a goby next week :)
  9. FiSh123FiSh

    Tesco Still Water.

    I have 2 25l jerry cans but it doesn't seem to go very far :lol: jerry cans are getting hard to find nowadays too :(
  10. FiSh123FiSh

    Tesco Still Water.

    Sorry Nemo, Tesco is a UK supermarket. They do their own brands like 'Tesco value baked beans' but the water just says 'Tesco value still water'. I'll probably just have to stick with the RO water to be safe. :lol:
  11. FiSh123FiSh

    Algae Help.

    I have algae that looks very similar to that. My emerald crab doesnt seem to touch it but my scarlet reef hermits seem to like it.
  12. FiSh123FiSh

    Decided To Treat Myself

    I'm finding my MCE300 really good :) very impressed!
  13. FiSh123FiSh

    Fish123Fish's Juwel Rio 125 Marine Reef

    Will do Seffie :) and Simon I will try to get some of him! He is a lovely guy I :good: getting one, they are really weird looking creatures. Mines a fighting conch and I have been hit by his foot :lol: which hurt a tad! They are not that expensive mine was £10. My next purchase will be a pair...
  14. FiSh123FiSh

    Tesco Still Water.

    Ok, I was wondering as its easier to buy a 2 litre bottle and just chuck it in rather than lugging the RO water which I reserve for water changes. It would help as my LFS is a bit of a drive and it would save on petrol. Are there any things I should look out for to make sure its okay for my tank?
  15. FiSh123FiSh

    Tesco Still Water.

    Can you? :)
  16. FiSh123FiSh

    Deltec Mce 300

    It is starting to froth up a lot more. But is still really nosiy it does wake me up and I end up un-plugging it most of the time :lol:
  17. FiSh123FiSh

    Fish123Fish's Juwel Rio 125 Marine Reef

    Oh thank you Seffie :) Yeah they are really odd, almost prehistoric with their foot. They're so fun to watch. He is really turning over the sand. I think I will get a pair of clowns this week :)
  18. FiSh123FiSh

    Fish123Fish's Juwel Rio 125 Marine Reef

    First day back from Reading fest and it was amazing! The weather did hold out thanks Seffie :) Just been setting up my skimmer and I have run into a few problems: its making a horrible noise and is not really skimming :/ Anyone have one of these and sort of tell me what to expect? I m...
  19. FiSh123FiSh

    Deltec Mce 300

    Hi everyone, Just started setting up my skimmer and I am unsure about a few things. I am currently 'bleeding' it and its making a horrible noise and not much skimming is happening. I m a bit confused. :( Tom.
  20. FiSh123FiSh

    Fish123Fish's Juwel Rio 125 Marine Reef

    I couldn't find a second hand deletec mce 300 so I had to get one new :) I m at Reading Festival this weekend so I will be installing it the following week :) Lost my emerald crab, just out of the blue :(
  21. FiSh123FiSh

    Fish123Fish's Juwel Rio 125 Marine Reef

    Thanks seffie, will keep an eye out :)
  22. FiSh123FiSh

    The Best Reef Salt Brand

    I use instant ocean I have nothing to compare it too though :lol:
  23. FiSh123FiSh

    Fish123Fish's Juwel Rio 125 Marine Reef

    Oh okay :) would the water be able to keep any shrimp without the protein skimmer hopefully ordering a deltec mce 300 :) I heard they are good :)
  24. FiSh123FiSh

    Fish123Fish's Juwel Rio 125 Marine Reef

    I haven't got my protein skimmer yet but would that make a differnce to the quality of the water?
  25. FiSh123FiSh

    Fish123Fish's Juwel Rio 125 Marine Reef

    Don't worry I have found him now :) managed to lure him out with some prawn :) Will do, I think it is definatly dead now. Shall I leave it for the hermits or take it out? Also my mushrooms have seemed to have shrunk down. I had a lot of surface crap. It had made a film over the water and when...
  26. FiSh123FiSh

    Fish123Fish's Juwel Rio 125 Marine Reef

    Thanks seffie :D Just got in from work and I can't see my emerald crab anywhere :( do they often hide like this, mine was only 1/2" he is a tiny one :) Also one of my tubos hasen't moved from its place from where I put him. I was advised to hold the snails up against the glass so they could...
  27. FiSh123FiSh

    Rock Borer Urchins?

    Oh I see. I'll keep an eye out though :)
  28. FiSh123FiSh

    Fish Of The Week - Blennies

    He looks nice! How easy is he to keep? Any special requirments? Is he grumpy?
  29. FiSh123FiSh

    Fish123Fish's Juwel Rio 125 Marine Reef

    Started my CUC :D I got: 3x scarlet reef hermit crabs, 1 with a lovely shell :lol: 4x Turbo snails 3x Trochus snails 1x Emerald crab (sorry guys I couldn't resist it was £1!!!) Next week I am going to get: Pair of cleaner shrimp 2x Peppermint shrimp 1x Fighting Conch I saw a really cool sea...
  30. FiSh123FiSh

    Today I Went To My Lfs And Bought............

    Today at my LFS I brought 3 scarlet reef hermit crabs, 4 turbo snails, 3 trochus snails and a pot of goldfish food.
  31. FiSh123FiSh

    Fish123Fish's Juwel Rio 125 Marine Reef

    Off to get my CUC tomorrow! I will have to change my options with the availability in Maidenhead aquatics :)
  32. FiSh123FiSh

    Fish123Fish's Juwel Rio 125 Marine Reef

    I have been doing some research on what hitchhikers I have and here are some of the definate: 5+ Asterina Starfish 2+ Banded Micro-Brittlestars 7+ Feather Duster worms ?+ Q-tip sponges ?+ Phylum Porifera- Sponges Various Algae (macro and micro) I just did this out of curoisity :) More seem...
  33. FiSh123FiSh

    Fish Of The Week - Blennies

    Much appreciated seffie :)
  34. FiSh123FiSh

    Fish123Fish's Juwel Rio 125 Marine Reef

    I'll do a google on the urchin :) sounds like a nice addition. The only crabs I've found that are reef safe/sorta reef safe are: Porcalain Crab, Emerald Crab, Decrator crab, Sally Lightfoot crab and a variety of hermits. Edit: Oh and just did my water change- 20% The stats before it were...
  35. FiSh123FiSh

    Adam's 125L Project

    Ah I was going to take Biology, but instead I m taking Geography, Environmental studies and English Language. I dropped Business :lol: I know! :no: meams the holidays are almost over!
  36. FiSh123FiSh

    Fish Of The Week - Blennies

    Thanks Seffie :D
  37. FiSh123FiSh

    Adam's 125L Project

    Hi, Nice tank! I m starting my A2 levels too. Not looking forward to it :( sooo much work! What are you taking? P.s sorry for taking you off topic. :blush:
  38. FiSh123FiSh

    Fish123Fish's Juwel Rio 125 Marine Reef

    Yay! I shall do my WC as soon as I have written this. :) Are there any 'different' possibilities for CUC options? I am a massive fan of crabs. But I have to wait a bit longer don't I? Any thoughts about that snail? Nat Tarbox - Copyright. It does look similar to this ^
  39. FiSh123FiSh

    Fish123Fish's Juwel Rio 125 Marine Reef

    The last test I did it was zero :good:
  40. FiSh123FiSh

    Rock Borer Urchins?

    Ah okay so I can cancel out having an rock boring urchin in my tank :lol: